
9 Reviews
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Sex, Lies & Videotape
23 September 2019
Lies, Lies, Lies. Your better off watching Michael Jackson: Chasing The Truth, then watching this and coming to your own conclusion.
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The Truth At Last
23 September 2019
At last we have a documentary that tells the truth and true reasons behind the disgusting allocations made against Michael Jackson... Money!! 10/10
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Jack and Jill (I) (2011)
Possiblity The Worst Movie Ever
4 September 2019
What can you say about this monstrosity? It's so bad that I fully expect Adam Sandler to reveal one day that this was some sort of prank because this sure as hell does not qualify as a movie on any level.
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Very Entertaining
16 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched a guy called JC ride unbelievable luck to get to the final and he goes and blows $138,000 and goes home with nothing! I was gutted for him but to have to get within (I think) $25 of your count is such a wild shot in the dark its pure greed to co for the Million!
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Ground Breaking
1 July 2019
Ground Breaking mountain movie. It follows five friends who trek from Kathmandu to Everest base camp. Some of views are simply stunning and unlike the Yack Route this trek is doable for anyone who loves climbing. The newly discovered mystical path leads to three different passes, Kongma La Pass, Chola Pass & Renjo La Pass.
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Loved it
30 August 2018
I absolutely love this movie. Mark Duplass is simply amazing and I fell in love with his acting ability when I had the privilege to see this in 2006 at the Belfast Film Festival. The problem now is as I am watching it right now, 30th August, I can't help to see Duplass as Josef from the Creep movies. The Puffy Chair is a gem of a movie but if possible watch it before you see Creep.
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Creep 2 (2017)
24 August 2018
Aaron is back and he's still insane. If you are a fan of the original Creep don't be put off thinking this is a shameless cash-in. It's brilliant and you'll love Aaron''s new look.
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This Week: Belfast - No Way Out (1970)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Fantastic documentary
22 July 2015
Rows of red brick terraced houses, streets filled with children playing, hide lives of hardship in this programme focussing on the poverty and housing conditions in Belfast - often under-reported due to the Troubles.

Typically for This Week, the programme addresses social problems instead of superficial prejudices, and the result is a heartbreaking portrait of people struggling to survive.

This film show's the poverty and neglect that the people of Belfast were living in just at the start of the Troubles.

This documentary is now available to watch for free on the BFI website.
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The Borrower (1991)
Great little horror
9 July 2011
I watched this movie around 1993 on Sky TV here in the UK,it will always have a special place in my heart. Even though the acting and effects are not great, its got a good little story that would not have been out of place in the 1950's horror era.

There are some great line's in the movie, my favorite line has to be "You have been genetically devolved" This is the first movie I ever bought online, and even managed to hunt an official DVD of the film from Thailand.

People that watch the movie today will most likely hammer it for being a cheap, camp horror, but for me it's a classic and I would recommend it to anyone who is a fan of horror and Sci-Fi movies.
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