
12 Reviews
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The Watcher (2022– )
Without purpose.
19 July 2023
It is a series that I really do not see any sense in, it has a good introduction to the characters, they are shown to you 1 by 1 and they let you know who are important and highlight their personalities so that you know what they are like and know how they can react to certain things, which is quite good and it does it very well.

Now, what is the problem that I see, that they present you with a problem without a solution, they give you a mystery which not only is not answered or leaves any kind of indication, but is not resolved, some other character makes decisions that do not make sense and do not go according to what was previously presented and they give you the odd turn that tends to be surprising but this does not make any kind of sense and does not contribute but it is given importance

Is it a good series? Probably not, does it have a good plot? Yes, but the problem is that the plot only leads you to a dead end and does not turn back to help you, you are stamping yourself against the wall wanting to go down a path that doesn't exist. It could have been so much better.
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Banshee (2013–2016)
9 June 2023
Very undervalued, I find it incredible how not much is said about this series, the construction and development of each character is masterful, and he is not afraid to kill characters no matter how important they are when when he touches he touches a very good mundk and nothing is wasted and it has a somewhat different theme than usual that gives it a somewhat unique touch and its moments of comedy are well used, nothing feels out of place and an antagonist who comes to have a very good rivalry with the protagonist. I promise you that if you have time and want to see a good series, it is without a doubt for you, you will not regret it.
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Ginny & Georgia (2021– )
a simple no
8 December 2022
It is the true phrase of "colors for tastes" I can understand that it has its certain charm but I do not love any of them, the plot seems very bland and boring and I am not interested in any of the characters, they are supposed to be pleasant to you and hate some so that the plot is better for you and you enjoy it but for me it is impossible when absolutely all of them and each one are unbearable and you like each one worse than the other, at least for me the character that I like the most is one that I don't even like I don't even like it, I repeat, I know why people can like it and enjoy it because it has its respective charms but for me it's very predictable and it simply isn't.
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I Am Georgina (2022–2024)
nonstop suffering
6 November 2022
It is something quite difficult to see, with things that do not catch your attention all the time, the conversations are absolutely absurd and meaningless, in ridiculous and unnatural situations with forced talks to be able to make Georgina "look good" at ridiculous moments people around her only support her without contradicting anything almost as if it were an obligation and everything in general is a mess, very poorly done bad transitions you are in one thing and from one scene to another you are already in something totally different, many of the things they're not even that important. It seems that he is wanting to show who he is and not whose wife he is and the idea is quite good, to make himself known with a name and a reputation but it is that everything is poorly done he does not almost succeed that it almost seems like a documentary on how he spends his money Cristiano Ronaldo's money and every time Cristiano comes out, Georgina gets lost, she no longer occupies the cameras, she no longer attracts attention.

Good idea, bad execution.
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Baby (2018–2020)
4 November 2022
It is a series that does not attract attention at all, the plot is not good, it is slow, boring and lazy to follow it, the performances are bad and the situations are totally ironic to call it in some way, the plot gets lost in itself during a moment and nothing goes, and practically all the problems of the series were solved by talking but for some strange reason every time they watched they did not clarify the situation to lengthen it or simply repeated the dialogues to the point of seeming like a children's series when choosing the way of telling and not showing when having to tell what was happening and that they were going enough to want to turn off the television and not turn it on again.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013–2020)
a victim of circumstance
3 November 2022
The sports series had great potential, at first it was quite good with a good plot and good characters that enlarged its universe a little more, the problem with the series was not even the series, it was the circumstance, being a marvel series and having very little budget for it and its plots having to align with what was going on in the marvel movies as they came out complicated things with its own plot, and it still made for an acceptable series.

But when the series began to have its own problems, it was when it died little by little because by achieving emotional moments that amounted to nothing since none of the characters were capable of dying and returning in so many different ways that it seemed like a joke and it damaged the series, each time the chapters became more and more boring and some repetitive was what killed the series

Without a doubt a good series despite everything that if I had had freedom I would have done quite well.
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Who Killed Sara? (2021–2022)
a great decline
2 November 2022
The series at first becomes quite good for me, the first season can easily become an 8, very good characters, good performances and the plot advances in a good way and the subplots become something interesting.

For me the problem begins in the second season and continues in the third when they begin to put many characters in the story which at certain times will disappear, and especially in the past that in a short period of time they were filled with events not mentioned before making it seem ridiculous and leaving the principal as stupid because he never realized anything when everyone lived a double life behind his back and then it turns out that part of his life so that things could happen was planned,

Very good series with a very big decline.
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1 November 2022
A perfect show to watch in the afternoon quickly, a series with good animation, good comedy and fast-moving chapters. We see traditional situations told from one of the characters in a comical way with good animation while they travel to a place we don't know where or to do what.

It is quite enjoyable and entertaining and I can bet you that it will get you more than one laugh and you will probably see it more than once.

One of the most important things is that each of the characters is something different and they contribute to the comedy in a certain way.

It is not a series that you have to see yes or yes but without a doubt you would not lose nama to give it a chance and see it.
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29 October 2022
It is nothing to write home about, there is nothing that differentiates it from any other series of its kind nor does it have anything special, but nevertheless it holds up, maybe it is not original at all but the good thing about it is that even if it is a story already counted thousands of times you get an entertain.

The series has a mission that is to attract your attention and entertain you and it does, the series seems very good to me since it achieves what it sets out to do and each character has their own characteristics and they stick to it and mold themselves to the situation, they don't have a lot of comedy, but the one that it has at least is good and gives you a casual laugh, I repeat it is not original at all, but if you want to see something and be entertained watching something in an afternoon this is your.
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The Neighbor (2019–2021)
22 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ignoring the fact that the idea is the same as that of green lanter but instead of a ring it is a medallion, the plot calls you for a moment but when you realize the mistakes there is nowhere to see it, taking the fact that that important characters in the plot disappear from one chapter to another and don't reappear in the plot, a lot of the characters that you are supposed to love and support are unbearable.

Everything gets worse in the second season when the decision of who will be the hero is decided in a competition between 2 characters in which one is a hero who does things wrong but has some successes and the other character has done nothing but kidnap people , tearing down historic sites and still being considered, but the entire plot of season two seems to be going nowhere by the season finale, in which the competition is ignored and they focus on a surprise villain who came out of the woodwork. Any.

Despite everything, the end of the season was somewhat good and the comedy moments that the series has in some cases are very good and despite everything, it does not fall into the boring.
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All of Us Are Dead (2022– )
4 September 2022
I don't think it's bad, it's entertaining, the plot is nothing to write home about, it's really quite common, zombie infection at school with teenagers? Very common, but even so it does it well, it is entertaining, inside if it is well built you can see how it is at the beginning, why, how it spreads little by little and the obstacles they face.

It has a good development, and it looks like it is going to affect the entire city and its surroundings little by little, it does not suffer from having many cliches and it really is entertaining that at the end of everything it is what it is looking for, to entertain you, it will not be the series of the year, not much more, but it falls within the range of entertaining, it is quite good and if you are looking for a series for an afternoon to entertain yourself, this is one of those, it is highly recommended.
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The Sopranos (1999–2007)
4 September 2022
It's one of the best series in history for a reason, it's a well-constructed plot, good character development and each chapter has its own story, being different and unique, contributing to the story in general, each character has a purpose and destiny, no detail It is left to chance, everything contributes, every form can serve you for later or help in certain cases.

The plots of each character to see how they grow and act in certain cases ends up being consistent with said person and to see how each one grows and molds to each situation and reacts as they are supposed to react is something wonderful, it is a great universe where everything ends up being useful.
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