
13 Reviews
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Inside Out 2 (2024)
Bring 2 things: YOUR emotions and tissues
14 June 2024
In all my time on IMDb, I've only given 44 tens, and I've rated 500 movies... well now this makes 45. I know I'm not a certified critic, but for me there is something about Disney, ESPECIALLY Pixar. This movie evoked all of my emotions (Pixar tends to do that), but in such a clever and relatable way. Ever since the first Inside Out, I fell in love with this movie franchise and was so happy when they announced the second one... this one did not disappoint. It was in all honesty just slightly better than the first one, and I'm trying to wrap my head around how. This one is slightly better to me because of anxiety, envy, embarrassment, and ennui being added to the team and being of importance to the storyline. I don't want to give any spoilers, but all I will say is - anxiety and joy have to find a way to work together and being someone with severe anxiety this REALLY hit home.
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I was not a fan of part one, BUT
6 April 2024
Dune Part Two was one of the best movies I've seen that has come out in my lifetime (the 2000's). I see what all the hype was about. Genuinely have nothing to critique and this movie answered all my questions that arose from the first movie. I definitely now appreciate the franchise as a whole. Dune Part Two is GREAT and a huge improvement from Dune, which I just give a 7.5/10. It wasn't bad by any means, but the beginning is just too slow! The action is good but my goodness, the first hour was just too slow paced.

This movie had perfect pacing from the get-go and the action was exciting. I am looking forward to the next installment!
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A story for me - that I can believe in forever
29 December 2023
This movie-musical was beyond beautiful. It stirred emotions that I thought were long gone within my soul. The music was flawless (that's coming from someone with a degree in voice performance), the acting was phenomenal, the story was moving, and the plot was well-driven. This film made me laugh, cry (sob, really), and even scream-out once or twice! I only write reviews for movies that change my life (in good or sadly bad ways), and this one has definitely been for the better. This movie will be one that I will watch again & again, as it captivating deep emotions and made me realize that it is important to be thankful for one's journey to loving their self. The main character, Celie, goes through so much but never lets it define her or her actions, and I find that to be beautiful and something to strive after in life. If you are debating seeing this film, this is your sign - watch it - you won't regret it. All the negative reviews probably just don't understand great music ;)
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
Exhilarating, electrifying, and filled with intensity
18 November 2023
I anticipated "Thanksgiving" to be a mediocre slasher film. Midway through, I realized it was definitely more than that. There are many jumps. Lots of gore. A major twist and several minor ones. The story is original enough to the point that I haven't seen another horror movie with a theme just like it, although it does feel similar to "Final Destination", "Truth or Dare", & "Smile" at sometimes. The acting in this movie is surprisingly good. Patrick Dempsey never disappoints, but the female lead, Neil Verlaque, was very strong also. The ending was even strong in this movie. It was, well - abrupt...
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Tired of all the hate for Rachel - Really Solid Movie
18 November 2023
I saw this movie on opening night. I have not been able to stop thinking about it since... I read the original trilogy but never got around to reading the prequel but decided to just see the movie. Rachel Zegler receives hate because of a comment she made about a completely different movie (Snow White), and it's completely irrelevant to this movie. She performed more than beautifully in this role. She is a classically trained soprano, and was singing beautifully in her chest voice and with a really good twangy accent (which is more of a mezzo/alto type of singing in this case). From one classically-trained singer with a degree in music who performs for a living to everyone out there afraid to give this movie a chance because of all of this biases against this young woman- SHE IS GOOD! This girl is talented, and the hate is stupid.

This movie was by no means perfect, but it was really good. I would have thought it was a perfect 10 if the action was better paced. It was nothing on her part. Definitely not as good as Catching Fire (the peak of the series to me), but better than both of the Mockingjays! Give it a shot without a bias of this young women in your mind and you just might find yourself enjoying it ;)
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Taylor Swift - Phenomenal Performer, Businesswoman, & Human Being
14 October 2023
I got the luxury of seeing this beautifully produced film of Taylor's Eras Tour on opening night at the Big Mo Drive-In Theater (Monetta, South Carolina). Taylor did not fly in on a helicopter, but emotionally, I felt like she did! It was packed with Swifties & other people from all walks of life. It started out and people were screaming and clapping as if it were the actual concert. The movie itself had effortless transitions and preserved the beauty throughout the concert. I am a trained opera singer with a degree in Vocal Performance (I even have perfect pitch) , and I am here to say that Taylor sang with marvelous pitch, technique, resonance, and stage presence throughout the concert film. Her entire team of singers & dancers were great, as well, and I mean phenomenally great! The actors featured in her story songs in Folklore and Evermore were amazing, as well! In my opinion, there weren't any weak points in the entire movie. Her mini-speeches beautifully connected the songs when she chose to add them in, her outfits were gorgeous, & her live performances of HER music was unmatched. Is it too early to say it was timeless? ;)
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Elemental (2023)
Getting Many Mediocre Ratings for a BEAUTIFUL Story
10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Pixar did it... again. Shocker, right? Nope! Not to me. Not to anyone, unless they are really trying hard and looking for a reason to slap a 7 on this movie. I genuinely thought this movie was the 10 that I gave it. The story told was beautiful. Although in a sense familiar, it wasn't too familiar... some things weren't predictable. Some events that I predicted would happen didn't! I cried, 3 TIMES. I giggled many times. There were many mature yet tamed jokes that would pass over children's heads that hit me like a train. I am a grown man. Pixar has a way of making me an emotional mess. It has a way of doing this to so many people. This story brought immigration and the injustices that immigrants deal with everyday into a beautiful cartoon film filled with lively colors and adorable animated characters. I am a white person, but I am gay, so I definitely personally understand how it feels being a minority and being told loving who you love is wrong. This film nailed its main points on the head. You can't deny true love and your purpose in life. It will find you, whether or not you try to run from it! Everyone deserves to be treated with love, kindness, and equality, regardless of the different elements they bring to our society. Thank you Pixar for making this beautiful film! I will definitely be adding it to my rewatch collection (which includes many other Pixar films).
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Oracle (2023)
Surprisingly Really Good & Scary
8 October 2023
In reality, I'd give this movie an 8.5/10, but since that's in between an 8 and 9, I rounded up! I watched this movie with little expectations. I did not know any of the actors/actresses in the cast, however, all held up really well on their end. The leading actress carried throughout... she was just the right amount of drama, not over the top, and not too little. The child actors and actresses did great as well. The plot was good with a nice unexpected twist. There were some great jump scares. There was one part that I thought was a little corny, but not nearly as cringe as most horror movies made nowadays. The jokes were definitely aimed towards Gen-Z audiences and a few made me giggle and some made me do a little nose snort. Definitely a great horror film for movie night!
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Laughter, Tears, & Sometimes Both at the Same Time!
3 October 2023
It is hard to come across a show nowadays that is genuine & doesn't have a forced political message; however, I genuinely believe this show has an overall message of love, kindness, & hope for a better world. In my opinion, there isn't a dull moment. I'm no sports person, in fact, I'm a musician who knows little to none about most sports... but this show is SO MUCH more than that. Each and every character has development. Every small side story that you think is dropped gets brought back into light and is developed beautifully into a perfect ending. This show truly may be a perfect show. I applaud Apple TV for developing this masterpiece & the cast & crew for putting their heart & soul into this storyline!
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Hilarious, Honest and (Dare I Say?) at Times Heartwarming
3 October 2023
Hilary making her own show was a smart business move. While her and David work extremely well together, the arguing did get old at times, and sometimes I just want to see people fall in love with their original home instead of listing it (being a 40/60 likelyhood in Love It or List It because of how GREAT both her and David are in both of their careers). Hilary is savage in the best ways. My partner and I constantly laugh at her insults of the original home. I often go around our home and say "What would Hilary say?". This woman is quotable. This show is definitely not a 1, the people giving it that clearly are upset about David not being in it; however, I do think this show is equally as good as Love It or List it because Hilary still brings her consistent flare to it. Give it a watch for yourself to decide whether or not you love it. I definitely do!
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Get off your couch and go to Barbie Land!
22 July 2023
Storyline: 8.5- Great story, could've been fleshed out in some areas to have even more overall connection, but it makes overall sense. A little silly at times; but I'm not complaining, I mean it is a story about Barbie. Pacing was good and easy to follow. It is, in my opinion, the perfect movie length, at an hour and 54 minutes.

Cinematography: 8.75- There are some really great cinematic shots throughout the film. Very clear distinction between "Barbie Land" and "The Real World".

Acting- 9.75- The acting was wonderful. Every actor pulled their weight and shined. Many comedic moments that will have you laughing nearly to tears. Also, There are serious moments that are executed well in such a way that may even bring you to tears (as they did to me).

Music Music Soundtrack: 9.5- Overall, extremely strong movie music soundtrack. All of the songs align with the theme of what is happening during the current scenes & the storyline. Great modern day popular artists chosen, including Lizzo, Dua Lippa, Nicki Minaj, Ice Spice, Sam Smith, Tame Impala, and others. The weakest song (and I mean from a vocal standpoint) is the one sung by Ryan Gosling.

Choreography- 9- There is a fair amount of choreography in the film, and there is an all-Ken dancing scene that is phenomenal.

Overall: 9.1/10.
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Matilda: The Musical (II) (2022)
5 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is an exceptional musical film adaptation! Perfect casting choices, incredible storytelling with the musical theatre aspect accentuating the beauty that was already found in the original story, well-directed choreography, and one of the best musical scores written for any musical (and that is coming from an extreme music theory nerd here ;)). Alisha Weir, playing Matilda, was more than excellant starting in this film. She personifies hope, empowerment, and perseverance in such a dignified manner. Lashana Lynch, playing Ms. Honey, radiated positivity throughout her role and sang beautifully... she was the perfect Ms. Honey. This was the best christmas gift this year <3.
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Worst Movie Ever
28 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I usually am an optimist... but this movie is the worst movie i've ever seen. It just makes no sense... a shark isn't going to follow people around the world.
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