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What do you know about animation if you've never seen Akame ga Kill?
5 May 2024
A Great Story with Political Dilemma. Incredible Characters. A Surprising Plot with Unexpected Twists. What More Can You Ask For?

Akame Ga Kill is one of those stories where you can simply do nothing more than contemplate and admire.

This anime is a mix of two great pop culture classics. In the style of Star Wars, it tells the story of a fight between a group of rebels against an oppressive empire. And in the style of Game of Thrones, it has a narrative where anything, anything can happen. Everyone can die, everyone can bring out a side you didn't expect.

The great value of this anime lies then, not only in an interesting story, but also in that simply, each chapter is a separate adventure. Everything is possible, anything can happen, and unexpected twists are the order of the day.

Unlike other works, in Akame Ga Kill, no twist in the story is ridiculous. Here everything is well told and makes sense.

I definitely highly recommend this anime. It is 24 chapters of emotions, making Akame Ga Gill a classic of the 2010s.

THE GOOD. A surprising story where there will not be a single chapter that will not leave you speechless.

THE BAD. It has nothing wrong.

I JUST DON'T LIKE the power of the main villain a little bit. It seems unattainable.
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Ayakashi Triangle (2023– )
A fun and enjoyable anime for ecchi fans
4 May 2024
Ayakashi Triangle is a great adventure disguised as a common anime.

After watching the first chapter, I thought I was facing an anime with a simple plot, that would have the classic clichés and predictable chapters without much depth. I was about to give it a low score.

As the chapters progressed, I realized I was wrong.

First of all, it is an anime without clichés. There are no "classic" characters, but rather original personalities with interesting emotions that are not commonly seen in other stories.

The development of the story, although simple (we are not talking about Attack on Titan), is far above average anime. The mystery of the Ayakashi is very well thought out, and culminates in an ending full of emotions and violence.

In short, if you are a fan of ecchi, here you have a great option to enjoy a weekend. The characters will make you fall in love, the story will keep you intrigued and at the end, you will have a good taste in your mouth.

THE GOOD. An above-average anime with good characters and a plot that develops very well with an exciting ending.

THE BAD. It has nothing wrong with it. It is not an anime for posterity, but is that really bad when that was not its purpose?

AYAKASHI, would be like a fusion between Digimon and Pokémon.
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You've never seen magic like this
4 May 2024
Simply, wow!

The problem when you're someone like me, with a lot of experience watching anime, and especially an expert in the ecchi genre (my favorite), is that it becomes difficult for anything to surprise you. Of course, I still enjoy the genre and immerse myself in each series. However, that sense of wonder starts to fade.

But then there's Gushin Over Magical Girls, which is simply fantastic, original, and unpredictable. Even the most seasoned anime enthusiasts will find themselves saying, "Wow!" To avoid boring you, let me share the reasons for this.

It's an emotionally charged anime. The true value of this show lies in its deep exploration of each character's dark personality. There are no grand villains here; instead, we encounter flawed human beings. These characters have insecurities, virtues, and, above all, perversions. Buckle up because you'll get to know every character-from the superficial side to their darkest depths-all narrated with style, wit, and humor.

No clichés allowed. Gushing Over Magical Girls breaks away from the typical anime tropes. There are no clichéd episodes or overused character archetypes. Instead, it's a unique anime where every situation is completely unpredictable. The author crafts their own story, delving into the dark sides of characters with brilliance, elegance, and originality.

An explosion of emotions. This anime is pure emotion. Each episode will keep you on the edge of your seat because just when you think a character can't go any further in their perversions... well, they surprise you.

If you're observant, you'll notice I haven't commented on the plot's development. That's intentional-I want you to discover it for yourself. All I'll say is: good luck, and enjoy an anime that's simply a masterpiece of eroticism and comedy in animation history.

Obviously, there are always opinions from people who complain about fanservice. But gentlemen, from the genre, it's clear that this is an ecchi story. If even knowing that, fanservice leads you to rate it poorly, the problem isn't the anime-it's you, who were in the wrong place.

THE GOOD: The most entertaining and explosive perverse anime in decades THE BAD: There probably won't be a second season.

IMPOSSIBLE NOT TO FALL IN LOVE with Utena, the great protagonist.
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Spice and Rebellion: Why "The 100 Girlfriends" is More Than Just a Harem
1 April 2024
After reading several reviews of this anime, I have realized that there is a very important confusion about the work.

Most people say that it is a "Harem" anime, even that it is the pinnacle of that genre. Now, although it is true that it technically meets the characteristics to be in that genre (a boy and many girls in love with him), the reality is that this work is different.

The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You is actually an anime that talks about "Polyamory." I don't know if it is the first anime to do it in a serious way (there are so many animes that it is impossible to see them all), but it must be one of the first, and it does it very well.

We are not facing a protagonist who "likes all of them", but one who, in addition to loving them, also all of them, are "the love of his life."

An additional fact, and not easily seen, is that the rest of the girls join this love and all love this polyamorous family. It is true that in other anime like The Testament of Sister New Devil even all the girls marry the protagonist. But it is different.

The key point is that in most harem anime, there is a competition between the girls, because, deep down, they all want to be the only one.

This does not happen here. Here all the girls are comfortable with the protagonist, not only do they like other women, but they also love them as much as they do. In fact, they promote this action by calling it "a family." This great difference is something incredibly original and that gives the plot a spirit of rebellion, morbidity and pleasure rarely seen in any anime of any genre.

Dear reader, when you see this anime (because I recommend it), you will realize that I am right.

Finally, there is another aspect to clarify, and that is the irreverent and spicy comedy. It is an ecchi anime where it is not only about showing fan service (which is not excessive, but very rewarding for those of us who love the genre), but also entering into erotic and spicy situations so sensual and intelligent that you will not know whether to laugh or not.

As a negative point, and even understanding that this work was made to be an eternal manga and a 2-season anime, I must say that 100 girlfriends is too much.

It is simply imperative for any narrative and plot. It is unsustainable. It would be better to dedicate yourself to exploiting polyamory with a more reasonable number (for example, 10). The feeling is that there are so many, that sooner or later the connection between the girls will be lost and the magic that makes this work beautiful will end.

THE GOOD. An original work, really original that talks about polyamory in an intelligent and funny way.

THE BAD. It's okay to want to eat the world, but 100? That's a bad joke.

SPEECHLESS. That's how the spicy moments will leave you. They reach the limit!
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Poor Things (2023)
Like enter into a dream
1 April 2024
An extraordinary madness.

That's the only way to define Poor Things. And it really is madness. Poor Things is like seeing life through a surrealist painting.

Forget about a rational story development. The film will take you through a world, between magical, philosophical, and psychedelic, to tell you about the development of the personality of Bella Baxter, whose existence will cause a lot of confusion from the moment the viewer meets her.

The story, despite being fantastic, is not positive. You will enter the mind of a depressed philosopher who tells his vision of life (full of vices, pleasures, and injustices) in something similar to a dream.

Everything is well done here. The acting, the costumes, the set design. Little or nothing bad can be found in this film, which, although it shines, its plot and messages are sad and gray.

Personally, I do not share the sad vision of the world as it is narrated here. However, I enjoyed this work of art every second.

THE GOOD. It is like entering the dream of a philosopher who tells us how life is.

THE BAD. It is a great work of art, but it does not have that climax that would make this film a 10. It is a good work, but not immortal.

THE EXTRAORDINARY. Emma Stone's performance.
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Ingeligent, Sexy, and Brave!
26 March 2024
The AiKa saga never ceases to amaze me now that I'm taking the time to watch it.

I'm impressed by the amount of stupid analysis you can read online from people who are paralyzed by the fan service and can't make a good story.

AiKa R -16 is a prequel that tells us about the first big adventure of our famous protagonist. Without wasting time, we are introduced to an intelligent, adventurous, but above all, brave AiKa.

Three important concepts can be highlighted during the development of the plot.

The first is the formation of a trio of tough friends, AiKa, Eri and Karen. The author understood that he only had three chapters and thanks to that he does not waste time developing the characters. In a short time you will get to feel their personality and that will hook you with the story.

Second, an engaging and challenging plot. Once again, there are only three chapters. But that is enough for the author to generate interest in the plot, create a plot knot and leave a well-made outcome, which at the same time leaves the promise for a sequel.

Third, a large dose of fs, which fans of the genre will enjoy at every moment. Please, let's not give space to people who say "fan service is not necessary" For your information, fan service is a genre! Saying that fan service is not necessary is like saying that love is not necessary in the development of a romantic story.

The reality is that the AiKa saga is an example of a great story, great characters with a dose of fan serivce and all in perfect balance.

It is a MUST see for lovers of the genre.

THE GOOD. Perfect balance between fan service, Plot and characters.

THE BAD. Only three chapters? Why?

THE SAD. The paladins of good customs who are willing to destroy everything they don't agree with instead of being objective.
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A Madness not suitable for all audiences
19 March 2024
Classroom for Heroes is one of those anime that make a revelation, and after watching them, you can better understand the anime.

Let me explain:

Anime, like other artistic expressions, has genres. One of the main ones is comedy.

However, after watching Classroom for Heroes, I realized that anime actually has two types of comedy. The first is the classic, which can be compared to the same comedy from TV series or movies. Examples? Ranma 1/2, Spy x Family, or One Punch Man.

However, there is another branch of humor in anime. I'll call it "Crazy Japanese Humor." What kind of comedy is this? This comedy is characterized by being crazy, illogical, and irreverent. To help the reader understand, I will give two examples that take the genre to the limit: Excel Saga or Dotto! Koni-chan.

In these anime, logic loses its meaning. The important thing is to be crazy, and there are no considerations to take it to the extreme. Other newer examples would be KonoSuba or Akiba's Trip. I invite the reader to compare the humor of any of these anime with Spy x Family, and you will realize that it is not enough to be funny here. You have to be crazy!

Classroom for Heroes is an example of this "Crazy Japanese Humor" genre, although obviously, it does not take the genre to the limit, definitely, its value lies not in telling a great story, but rather, in being crazy, irreverent, and making people laugh.

I make this introduction, dear reader, so that you know what we are talking about with this anime. There are no great mysteries, no great plot, but the value of this anime is not in that. The author neither tries nor seeks it. The important thing is to laugh, and guys, you will laugh a lot here.

Because this anime touches on a niche genre, it is not for everyone, but without a doubt, if you enjoy anime like Excel Saga or KonoSuba, you will find in Classroom for Heroes a good anime that will make your afternoons pleasant.

THE GOOD. You can forget about logic and just focus on laughing.

THE BAD. You laugh, but not that much. It's an average anime, far from masterpieces of the genre.

THE HIGHLIGHT. This anime has many characters, and I would say that all of them develop well. At first, I thought the author would not achieve it, but in character development, he definitely got a 10.
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It had the potential to be a legend, but it lost its way
18 February 2024
I started watching this anime in 2002, but I only saw the first three episodes. At the time, I was just a teenager without much money, so it was difficult to find the complete series. However, those first three episodes left such an impression on me that I always wanted to see the rest.

Today, 22 years later, I finally had the chance to finish it.

The first thing I want to say is that those first three episodes are definitely even better today than they were 12 years ago. This anime really starts off very well. A mix of great characters, an intriguing story with the promise of getting deeper and deeper, and a great touch of humor whet our appetite for more. There's no doubt that I had a good eye 22 years ago.

However, ironically, the anime starts to fail after the fourth episode. It's as if the author had spent all his intellect at the beginning of the story and then didn't know how to develop it. It's clear that it had great potential. But for some reason, the anime starts to become silly, empty, and hollow. In some episodes, the viewer can't help but wonder, "If you're promising me a good narrative, why does the author end up dedicating two episodes to pure comedy without contributing anything to the real plot?" This anime is only 13 episodes long.

The lack of follow-up to the main plot is so great that in the last episode, even the protagonists are still as confused about the development of events as they were in the first two episodes. What a waste!

In short, Samurai Girl Real Bout High School is one of those stories that could have been great. It had everything going for it, but the author got lazy and ended up making an anime that, while not bad, is an average comedy that you can enjoy but will forget about.

The GOOD. Charming characters. The protagonist, besides being beautiful, has a personality that makes you feel like she's "your friend."

THE BAD. After three episodes, the author gives up on an interesting narrative and dedicates himself to an average comedy.

SEPARATED AT BIRTH: Ryoko Mitsurugi, the protagonist of this story, looks like a twin of Kenshin Himura from Rurouni Kenshin, and of Juubei Yagyuu from Samurai Girls. It seems that 20 years ago in anime, it was a requirement to be red-haired and long-haired to be a samurai.
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A sexy surprise
13 February 2024
Tenpuru was a pleasant surprise for me.

I admit that my expectations were not very high when I started. In recent years, the harem genre has not surprised me much, as it seems that the authors are doing their best to give their least effort (it's ironic, but it is true).

Here, however, I found a very funny anime. I loved the way the author develops the personality of each of the characters. Unlike other anime of the same genre, such as The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses, where the personality of each of the girls does not fully exploit, here everything works well.

Each character has a past, illusions, talents, and insecurities that make them unique, and in a few chapters, you will get hooked on each character.

The story is not a big deal, however, I emphasize that, once again, it was sought to narrate something interesting and not just fill chapters with garbage comedy.

Not to go on too long, Tenpuru is a simple, light, but above all, fun anime. Fans of the genre will not be disappointed.

THE GOOD. Good character development.

THE BAD. The protagonist's "chastity" can be sickening and annoying at times.

NO DOUBT. You will find CUTE girls in this anime.
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A run-of-the-mill anime. Just a passing fad
28 January 2024
My experience with The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses was very strange. I expected a lot from the fan service. I expected very little from the story. Ironically, everything was the opposite.

In terms of ecchi, it is an anime, for experts in the genre, without much merit. Of course, the girls are cute, but nothing remarkable. Average ecchi level, leaning towards low. The strange thing is that, even though these girls don't show much skin, the animation quality makes them look gorgeous. Wow! These girls are beautiful! And the fan service scenes are well-received.

In terms of story, while it is not a new work by Shakespeare, it is above an average ecchi-harem comedy anime of recent years (for example, Renai Flops, or Immoral Guild). What makes it enjoyable is the past of each girl. Understanding why each one acts, thinks, and feels that way.

It is something quite pleasant. There is not a single girl who does not have an interesting past and that challenges the protagonist in some way.

Of course, it is nothing out of this world, but if you decide to watch this anime, and you like simple anime. You will like this story.

Finally, I like the protagonist. He is not a fool or insecure. He is a respectful guy, but when he gets the opportunity, even though he is not a shameless person, he is not afraid to show his desire for the girls. More protagonists like this!

In conclusion, The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses, is one of those average animes, that by whims of the industry have great success (the second season has already been announced when there are a thousand better animes that will never have one). It will not bore you, but it does not leave you with anything relevant.

GOOD. Good development of the female characters with a great focus on their past.

BAD. The fan service had potential and never explodes.

WORST. That there is no uncensored version.
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A gem the ecchi genre has bestowed upon us!
8 January 2024
After finishing watching Najica, the only word I could use to describe what I saw was: Wow!

I remember when Najica appeared and so-called "specialized" media (that had nothing to do with specialization), they called it a copy of Najica. As I was very young back then, and it wasn't as easy for me to access Najica as it is now, I simply let it go.

Now, several years later (many years later), I was able to see this great Najica. What's it about?

Najica takes us to a world of a secret agent whose goal is to unravel the mystery behind some artificial humans called "Humanrritt". These "Humanrritt" are not robots, but neither are they humans. They are humans created from science, with superior physical abilities, but with low reasoning skills (at least that's what they appear to have). On the contrary, Humanrrit always have a human who is their master, and they obey them blindly. To fulfill her mission, Najica must work with a Humanrritt named "Lila".

At first, it seems like an anime where each episode is disconnected. However, that's not the case. The story progresses as the mystery of these strange artificial humans unfolds, and Najica also comes to understand how Humanrritt do have emotions and feelings.

The development of the character Lila is one of the most beautiful I have seen in any Najica. She is a Humanrritt assigned to obey Najica. As the story progresses, not only does her bond of friendship with Najica grow, but we also see how her personality develops. Thanks to the love and trust that Najica gives her, Lila is allowed to ask questions, reason, and feel.

Lila is not the only Humanrritt whose emotions are expressed in a beautiful way. In each episode, we meet more characters with fears, illusions, and sadness. The interesting thing is that it's not that Humanrritt aren't allowed to feel. It's more than okay that they don't know how to do it. They don't know how to have feelings, and they have an internal struggle to let emotions be born.

As I don't want to spoil anything, I'll summarize that Najica Blitz is an action Najica with high doses of psychology that will leave you more than satisfied. Each episode is good, but from episode 4 on, you'll see that the story goes from good to excellent and improves more in each episode.

If you're observant, you'll notice that I didn't put much emphasis on the great dose of fan service that is here. But it's because Najica Blitz is an example of how an ecchi Najica should be made.

An ecchi Najica must have a great story. Excellent character development, and a plot that will leave you waiting for the next episode. Najica Blitz does it perfectly. And if we add to that the great and exquisite dose of good fan service, what do we have? Without a doubt, an extraordinary Najica. A true work of art that should not go unnoticed.

It's a shame that current ecchi doesn't make an effort to create good stories, and that's why in the last 5 or 7 years this genre has gained a bad reputation.

I hope the creators will take a look at this great Najica. All I have to say is one thing:

Don't wait any longer and enjoy Najica!
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Wonka (2023)
A Delicious Surprise
2 January 2024
If you decide to go see this movie expecting to see a good, but ultimately, a simple movie, let me warn you that Wonka will not meet your expectations.

Be careful. It will not meet your expectations of a simple movie, because you will realize that Wonka is a very, very good movie.

I was really surprised by this very intelligent family movie. Very insightful and funny.

The story of Willy Wonka and how he created his famous Chocolate Factory is a "lite" version of Breaking Bad. The entire plot revolves around the genius Willy Wonka, and just like Walter White, this master chocolatier, while he has the support of the public, will face many enemies who will do anything to take advantage of the master chocolatier's great creation.

It is a movie so intelligent that in one scene you will be left thinking "is this really for kids?", but when you see the joke and the absurdity of the next scene, you will smile and realize that it was the best decision to go with your whole family.

Wonka will transport you to a magical, irrational world where anything can happen. However, even while retaining the madness and magic, the development of the plot is so intelligent and so engaging that it will captivate you, even though it is not at the level of Breaking Bad, it will make you feel like it is the same series, in its children's version.

A great movie that I really recommend seeing. Wonka teaches us that you can be crazy and be a genius at the same time. And I don't just mean the character, but also the development of the plot.
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It was only created thinking about the video game fans
7 December 2023
If you live on this planet, you have probably heard of Nier Automata, the legendary video game created by Yoko Taro and released in 2017.

I am a big fan of the video game and I really waited for the premiere of this anime with great excitement and expectations. Nier Automata has an extraordinary story, incredible characters, and truly impressive plot twists that made me fantasize to the fullest of what could be achieved by turning this game into an anime series.

However, there is an absolute reality that clearly escaped Yoko Taro and that I did not count on: the narrative of a video game is completely different from the narrative of an anime.

In a video game, you are the protagonist. The player delves into the adventure and discovers, thanks to their own effort, every corner of it. The player forms "bonds" with other characters, and, thanks to the decisions they make, despite being a linear story, there are never two video game adventures alike. Nier Automata is an impressive video game that in a few minutes manages to transport the player to an impressive futuristic world, and little by little you become one with the adventure.

The big mistake of the Nier Automata anime is that it seeks to reproduce the same narrative. Especially the first chapters, it really feels like the game. Unfortunately, that is a fatal mistake. In a video game, there are players. In an anime, there are spectators.

The way the Nier Automata anime carries its narrative is like inviting the viewer to ask questions, or to delve deeper into what is happening. While this works in a video game, it is a fatal mistake in an anime. The reason is that the viewer simply does not have enough reasons to continue with the narrative. Nier Automata is an anime that does not manage to tell a solid story because it always wants to keep "a mystery of exploration," which is not compatible with an anime.

Personally, as the chapters progressed, I wanted to see how they told a story, because I already know how it ends. However, if someone does not have the same motivation, they will find Nier Automata a boring, gray, depressing anime that gives no incentive to continue watching it.

If you are a fan of the video game, it is a recommended anime. If you are not, the truth is, I bet you will get bored by the third chapter for having a plot that tries to "make itself interesting" and never succeeds.
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A great project that will never cease to be just a promise
6 November 2023
It is difficult to understand what Koei Tecmo's goal was when they funded this anime. I would like to assume that the idea was to promote and boost the extraordinary Atelier Ryza franchise.

If that was the idea, then we have to ask ourselves: what was going through their heads when they were developing the story?

Koei Tecmo had the opportunity to create a great story, to take advantage of their incredible characters, and thus captivate the world with the extraordinary world of Atelier Ryza.

However, instead, we are faced with an incredibly bland story with no depth. Simply put, there is no story. Atelier Ryza can be summed up as the life experiences of 4 teenagers living on an island in a video game universe. The worst part is that those experiences are not great experiences. They have no more excitement than following the lives of 4 teenagers living in the real world and looking for excitement beyond their school.

Honestly, my friends, don't fall for the trap of video game fame. Atelier Ryza is a boring, hollow anime that doesn't contribute anything. I repeat, I don't understand what Koei Tecmo was thinking when they created this story. Today, we live in a world where the anime industry is very competitive, with hundreds of stories that aspire to a second season and die instantly due to lack of audience. Here, with Atelier Ryza, it seemed that Koei Tecmo simply had a few extra dollars and wanted to spend them on something that didn't require much effort.

Finally, I can't help but laugh at those who said that this anime would be worth it for Ryza's thighs. Again, I have bad news, my friends: Koei Tecmo, in a treacherous move against their fans, eliminates virtually any fanservice of the protagonist. There are a few interesting scenes here and there, but they are few and far between. Nothing worth highlighting.
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A Huge Surprise!
4 November 2023
I was pleasantly surprised by The Legendary Hero is Dead.

When I started watching The Legendary Hero is Dead, I didn't have high expectations. Honestly, I thought it would be a good "snack" while I waited for a new season of a better anime.

Fortunately, I was wrong. While The Legendary Hero is Dead is not a masterpiece, it is definitely a pleasant story that will make you have a much better time than you expected.

This anime has a well-made, well-constructed, and well-narrated story. You will not find any clichés. Instead, you will have interesting people with great personalities who will have something unexpected to tell you until the last chapter.

One aspect that I personally enjoyed a lot is that, unlike most anime, which always have stories about alchemists, here we are presented with an adventure with "necromancers."

Necromancy is a branch of magic about which there are very few stories. It made me do more research and learn new things about witches and magic.

In conclusion, The Legendary Hero is Dead is not a run-of-the-mill anime. While it is not a masterpiece, it is a great story that will give you excellent moments. Don't be afraid to give it a chance!
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Edens Zero (2021–2023)
An anime that born to be a clasic
4 November 2023
Eden Zero is arguably the most underrated anime of the decade. It is a work of art that has all the hallmarks of a classic.

First, it has an intriguing and captivating story. Second, Eden Zero boasts top-notch storytelling. I can't recall a single episode that felt filler or unnecessary; the author didn't waste time with empty fluff.

Third, all of the characters are well-developed. There are no clichés here, only great stories and development.

The defining feature of Eden Zero is that every episode has something interesting, intriguing, and exciting to offer. Additionally, the show masterfully manipulates the audience's emotions. In each chapter, you'll feel the tension of the antagonist's immense power, the intrigue of unexpected events, and the anticipation of what's to come.

I highly recommend this exceptional adventure that will make your summer unforgettable.
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I am sure that you have better things to do instead watching this anime
18 July 2023
I must admit that I cannot understand why someone could enjoy an anime like this one.

This anime doesn't work for any audience. For example, if you are a fan of the Sex Shift genre or a fan of CGDCT stories, I can assume that you are part of a female audience that will hate the dose of fan service of this anime.

On the other hand, if you enjoy the fan service, I assume you are a male audience that won't enjoy the homo reference of the Sex Shift genre and that you don't enjoy the CGDCT anime.

Additionally, this anime won't contribute to anything in your life. It is simply a boring story of people doing everyday things. I cannot understand why someone should dedicate his free time to watching a cartoon without exciting emotions. There are only fictional characters doing ordinary things in everyday life. What is the sense of that?

In a nutshell, Onimai: I'm Now Your Sister! Is a boring anime that won't give you any emotion. It is only a waste of time for a story that never decides who its audience is.
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The Qwaser of Stigmata (2010–2011)
An excellent example of balancing a good story and fan service.
4 June 2023
This anime was one of the first victims of the persecution versus ecchi anime (it was released more than ten years ago when ecchi anime were considered "rebel" animes). I say this because The Qwaser of Stigmata is an anime that works on many levels, but sadly, it has been a victim of low ranking.s

Firstly, It has a solid story and an excellent development of the characters' personalities. Suppose you have enough intelligence to follow a story without feeling offended by boos. In that case, you will find an incredible story with a deep background of the characters' personality and a fantastic construction of the universe in which all the stories happened.

Second, this story has a strong dose of elegant eroticism. It is the anime that touches the border anime ecchi and hentai anime in the best way. I don't understand why some people score the erotism with bad ratings. It is like under-rating a romantic story because "it has a lot of romantic moments that don't help in the story's development."

The Qwaser of Stigmata is an erotic story, and I see it as a quality of its massive doses of erotism and fan service because it is a genre!

In a nutshell, The Qwaser of Stigmata is an excellent example of balancing a good story and fan service. Therefore, I strongly recommend this anime to the fans of the genre. Although, when it comes to me personally, I have other favorite erotic animes with a good story, I see The Qwaser of Stigmata as an excellent anime.
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Don't miss this one!
21 April 2023
My Life as Inukai-san's Dog is the type of anime that the ecchi industry needs with urgency.

Recently It has been unfortunate that only because anime is genre ecchi, the creators need to put more effort into developing the story (ex., Immoral Guild or Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World).

My Life as Inukai-san's Dog will introduce you to a well-developed story. The story starts with an exciting mystery, and each chapter will take you by the hand the solve the mystery.

I want to highlight my last statement: "Each chapter will take you by the hand the solve the mystery." It is incredible how you, as a spectator, will understand and resolve the puzzle of what occurs to our protagonist in each chapter.

Because an anime has fan service, many jerks lose their ability to follow a good story and only can focus on the boobs. The kind of people who didn't understand the story is the ones that understate this great anime.

Now, talking about the fan service, I want to highlight the good scenes here. Due to the original story, you will find ecchi scenes you have yet to see in other anime. An extraordinary, but overall, original erotism that the fans of the ecchi genre have been asking for during the last seasons.

If you enjoy ecchi or good short stories, you won't regret watching My Life as Inukai-san's Dog. Don't let the jerks that, due to fanservice, can't concentrate on understanding a story discourage you from enjoying this excellent anime.

Finally, please don't misunderstand me. I am not saying that the story of this anime deserves an Oscar. However, it is an anime with a well-developed narrative you will enjoy.
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Immoral Guild (2022)
Please, dont waste your time watching this
4 February 2023
Immoral Guidl is the type of anime that I strongly recommend avoiding.

The reason is simple: Immoral Guidl doesn't have a story. So nothing happens during its 12 chapters. In the end, in the last chapter, nothing is different from the first chapter.

Considering that there are thousands of good stories, I must warn you that watching Immoral guilds is a complete waste of time.

The real value of Immoral Guild is based on the erotic situations in which you will see all the female characters being attacked by monsters. The classic "tentacles scenes" of hentai animes.

But, even if you are a fan of these types of scenes, the problem is that you will see the same scene, chapter after chapter. Finally, the tentacles scenes, without creativity, finished very dully.

At least, but not less importantly: The girls' personalities are empty and full of cliches. You will never feel any emotion for these boring and fooled girls.

Please, don't support this type of animation. We must be more demanding with the quality of the productions we watch.
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A complete waste of time
1 January 2023
Life is a precious gift!

You must value life, mainly because it is short. That's why I must warn you that this anime is a complete waste of time.

You will be in front of a boring story that will never take you to any place. We must be honest with ourselves. Thousands of animes, movies, series and other life experiences exist. I recommend you do anything else that enriches your life instead of wasting time watching this empty story.

I won't continue expanding my review because I have better things to do than dedicate more time that I have devoted to this anime.

In a nutshell: this is a straightforward story. The story will never take you to any place. Therefore, it is a complete waste of time.
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The couple of the Year
9 November 2022
Love is in the air.

Love makes the world go round.

Every year needs a new love story because love explains everything we see and feel daily. During 2022, without a doubt, the title of "Couple of the year" must be for Desumi Magahara / Reaper Princess and Fudo Aikawa / Red Gelato of the anime Love After World Domination.

This love story is about a forbidden love using the same dilemma as Romeo and Juliet.

The most relevant quality of this story is that even though Love After World Domination is 100% romantic, it is also 100% comedy. That combination is tough to obtain. Traditionally, romantic comedies are mainly comedies, and due to that, the romantic side is presented ridiculously.

Love After World Domination is different. Even though you will always laugh, the romantic relationship between Desumi and Fudo is extraordinarily well-developed.

The secret behind that was the excellent development f the personality of the characters. I enjoy understanding the feelings and the nature of all of them. Desumi and Fudo are in love, but they have different lives and friends, and they don't sacrifice anything for love but build a great love behind their lives.

In summary, you will not regret watching this anime. It s funny, it is romantic, and it is cool!
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Here Nothing Ever Happens.
20 October 2022
It isn't easy to understand the objective of this story.

Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World is about a guy who enters a video game land, but instead of fighting against a terrible enemy, the story limits to show how this guy adapts to his new life. The problem is that this new life is everyday life, not an epic life.

When I finished episode 5, I believed that the author was planning to the left the story unfinished to continue it in a second season.

But that didn't happen. The story finished without any significant unresolved issues. That's not necessarily bad in a traditional tale. But here, the problem is that in this story, anything never occurs.

When watching episode 8, I thought: "why am I watching this? What am I expected to occur here?"

Yes, it is like it sounds. In Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World, never happened anything. There are not any problems. There isn't any mystery.

I feel disappointed because I expected a remarkable story considering other very good and recent Isekai animes. (For example: How not to summon a Demon Lord 2, Jobless Reincarnation 2).

In a nutshell, I don't understand the purpose of this story. I don't think this story is terrible (because I don't hate it, and it did not bother me), but I can't recommend it, considering that there are a lot of other extraordinary good stories to watch.
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A lot of laugher and otaku pride!
20 August 2022
Akiba's Trip is a comedy created for anyone proud of their inheritance of otaku/geek culture.

This anime is about a group of heroes responsible for protecting Akihabara, the cathedral of otaku/geek culture, from the attacks of mysterious aliens that want to destroy it.

In each one of the chapters, you will experience the different passions of the otaku culture, namely: a) Mangas b) Idols c) Magic Cards d) videogames e) Technology f) Japanese Food etc...

If you frequent or have frequented any of the passions mentioned below in some moments of your life events, you will find hundreds of intelligent references and funny moments that make you laugh without control.

Something significant to mention is that Akiba's Trip never makes mock the otaku culture; on the contrary, all the comedy occurs, putting the otaku culture as something to feel proud of, and that is what I acknowledge more for this anime: the ability to create a comedy about otakus but putting the otaku world as something to be proud of.

I have never been a very hard otaku or geek guy, but in my adolescence, I visited manga and technology stores and have a lot of otakus friends. I must admit that I enjoyed all the references.

Additionally, if you had the opportunity to visit Akihabara (I was in Akiharaba some years ago), you will find a lot of references to places that exist.

In a nutshell, if you feel proud of being an otaku, of our otaku heritage (like me), you will enjoy this great comedy.
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An extraordinary comeback for this franchise
28 June 2022
Today's world is a victim of a detestable sickness: The sickness of the airhead people who cannot understand a good story only because they see fan service. They are probably scared about boobs, and that's why their brain cannot follow the story of ecchi animes.

Please don't misunderstand me. There are a lot of simple and boring ecchi animes (as well as in all the other genres). But Ikki Tousen is an example of an old-school ecchi anime with a great story.

Not all the chapters of Ikki Tousen have been good (Western Wolves was a complete disaster). But after waiting for three years, we finally have a story that really works. Intriguing twists in the story and great new characters make justice to the legendary Ikki Tousen. Anything to complain about this new chapter.

I recommend Shin Ikki Tousen if you are already a franchise fan. If that is not the case, now you will have an excellent pretext to introduce yourself to this incredible universe.

Shin Ikki Tousen is an extraordinary comeback for this franchise. I am sure that the fanbase will love it.

Finally, I want to clarify that not enjoying fanservice is entirely valid. But what is not reasonable is to underscore a great anime, only because ecchi is not your favorite anime genre. For example, I don't enjoy the genre of Slice of Life, but I am not dedicating myself to underscoring those animes.
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