
2 Reviews
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Ricky Gervais: SuperNature (2022 TV Special)
Finally we can make jokes again
30 May 2022
We are finally allowed to make jokes again! Hooray for Ricky! This is not just about comedy, it's about free speech and saying the things that get you cancelled. Hopefully this marks the end of cancel culture because it's become very very boring.
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Hullraisers (2022–2023)
The writer clearly hates Hull
23 April 2022
I live in Hull and this cringefest seems to sneer at the people of this city. The only authentic accents are the actors from Hull. Some of the acting is good to be fair but the script is weak relying on tired cliches. Some of the acting is pantomime-ish with a couple of characters realliny hamming it up and over-acting. I thought this was going to show our city as the rough but friendly city that it is but it just made us look like thick, sex crazed alcoholics. If you're not from Hull, this might be a reasonabley entertaining watch, although I did a very small laugh approximately 3 times in 6 episodes. It's a shame as the writer had a really good opportunity to write something brilliant, but this just feels like they hold working class people in contempt.
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