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The Leftovers: International Assassin (2015)
Season 2, Episode 8
Definitely the most "LOST"ish episode so far
16 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Having watched "LOST" twice and enjoyed it immensely, I was intrigued to watch this episode just now. In many ways it reminded me of stuff in LOST that didn't seem to make much sense upon first viewing, especially the first time I watched LOST during its original once-a-week, 6 season release schedule. Then, when I bingewatched LOST with my teen son a few years back, it flowed much better and made more sense.

I feel that way about this episode of "The Leftovers," as I'm bingewatching it, for the first time, on MAX.

As to similarities Kevin reminds me in dress and looks of Jack (of LOST) in tonight's episode especially, and the well reminds me somewhat of the pivotal "water feature" of the last season of LOST. And tonight's unique setting may also bring to mind one, or more, such settinhs in LOST too.

Overall, I was happy to reexperience that "LOST feeling" again.
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Nefarious (2023)
Not an "EXORCIST" type movie. Better than one!
11 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It stands heads-above the crop of other such movies, as it's not sensational or "scary" in an "EXORCIST" type of way, it takes shots at true human issues we face today culturally in a very thoughtful manner, and it gets the viewer to reconsider what demonic "activity" may look like.

The movie is being praised by both believers and atheists, as a chilling portrayal of demonic evil & mankind's manipulated complicity in it and/or a great psychological thriller. It could easily be a play, with 99% of the action being a "calm" discussion between the two main characters, which actually makes it even more chilling.

This is a great movie to illustrate how demonic forces likely work most often today in our western culture, under the radar and behind the scenes.

Nothing like The Exorcist. More like a serious "Screwtape Letters."

Highly recommend, whether or not you are a Christian.
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Monster (2022– )
Surprisingly well-made, insightful, and thoughtful docu-drama on America's most notorious serial killer of my lifetime.
24 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I believe Netflix did an excellent job with this mini-series, and I've watched many about other American serial killers over the years. I've actually purposely avoided watching documentaries about Dahmer, exactly because what I remembered about his particular crimes seemed more "humanly unimaginable" than those of most other notorious serial killers. But Netflix, IMO, is becoming a pretty good maker of mini-series like this, from the ones I've seen and then researched the truth of--so, I decided to give it a shot.


. .

. First, they started with his last crime and capture, which was the first that we, the public, heard about him. The rest of the movie was spent offering explanations for how and why he did what he did. Most people watching likely already knew about the cannibalism and that he preyed on a particular type of person. So, nothing was "given away" much in the way they began the series.

But, then the rest of the episodes began to unfold the stories of other key people in his life, including the neighbor who tried to get the police's attention, repeatedly, and what she was experiencing emotionally because of that. And, little, by little, the series unfolds things about Dahmer's life that make us wonder if it was nature, nurture, opportunistic circumstances, pure evil, or a combination of all of them, that formed Dahmer into the killer he became.

After finishing the series last night, I felt the most frightening thing of all is what we see the dad going through--what, if anything, could the dad have done differently, as a parent, so that Dahmer would have become a different person? And thinking about how any of us would react if we'd been in his shoes, once he found out about Dahmer's crimes, during the trial, and then once his son was dead.

Personally, I've thought that a lot, over the years of watching these documentaries and seeing news about crimes as they happened. HOW could the families of the Amish kids killed in that schoolhouse years ago, be forgiving toward the mom of their children's killer? That too seems humanly impossible, but they were, as the nation watched. How DOES a parent feel, when their child does something so, so horrendous? What kind of guilt does that parent carry? I pray none of us reading this ever find out....

Anyway, IMO, Netflix did a great job of letting us see Dahmer himself as the totally unfathomable monster he was, but it also did a great job of showing us what some of the victims, the parents of the victims, the parents of Dahmer, and the neighbor who kept telling the police, over and over, that something was wrong, felt and experienced, especially in the aftermath.

From what I've read on IMDB so far, the series seems to have been pretty factual about most of the details, and I didn't see it as coming from any kind of particular "angle" because it, IMO, portrayed the victims and their families & friends, the witness and her family, and Dahmer's family in similar ways--letting us see and feel the HURT all these people went through.

It also was not nearly as gory or descriptive as it could have been, and which many other actual documentaries (not dramatized mini-series) usually are. So, I came away with far LESS visuals in my head than I feared I would--and that is a very good thing. I believe they kept the visuals and details down to a minimum, again IMO, compared to what they COULD have shown and described, and I'm very thankful for that.

They also intentionally determined NOT to show the situation from Dahmer's own point of view (according to IMDB), because they did not want the audience to have sympathy for him. And, they left some of the issues regarding his spiritual situation "open" during the last episode. I had no clue that Dahmer got baptized in prison, before he was killed. I checked online, and this was true--it happened in May, 1994 and an article (or more) was written about it at the time. There was a LOT of Christianity displayed, and actually in a fairly good light, in this documentary--again, surprising given the bent of stuff these days.

I saw a review on IMDB where the writer calls this series "part Civil Rights movie" and I actually disagree. I had no clue that Jesse Jackson got involved early on, when the story broke, so when he appeared on the scene I was set for the series to take some sort of angle about that, not to mention the LGBT angle it could have taken. But, it did neither, IMO--it pretty much simply showed us what happened and who was preyed upon, and Jeff's sexual orientation, but I didn't detect any big "statement" about any of that, that didn't seem appropriate for the time and situation.

So, what I'm trying to say is, this was absolutely one of the worst serial killer cases we know of, in American history, but I have to give Netflix a lot of credit for, IMO, presenting & adapting the story as a bio-drama in a way that showed wise restraint, regarding WHAT they could have shown, HOW they could have visually presented it, and HOW they treated some pretty currently-hot topics, in a way that was respectful of the time in which this story takes place. Dahmer himself wasn't used to drive our emotions, his killings certainly drove our emotions, but so did the way the victims, their families, the witness and her family, and even Dahmer's own family, were portrayed.

And it gave me, for one, a lot to ponder after watching the last episode, that I never imagined I would be pondering, regarding this particular serial killer situation. It made me walk away with empathy, not just sympathy, for every major character, except for Dahmer himself, and the 2 cops who did not, IMO, get the "reward" they deserved....
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Surprisingly good movie!
17 September 2022
I grew up watching Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and reading Stephen King novels (his son wrote the story this movie is based upon), and this movie is one that will stick with me too.

It is sort of a cross between Stand By Me and It. Again, 2 Stephen King stories turned into movies that center around kids in their mid-teens, who face down bullies at school as well as a truly bad villain, out there snatching their classmates, with a little bit of Saw and Stranger Things thrown in.

Overall, if you want to introduce someone to the genre of horror movies, this might be a good movie to start with, as there is no nudity, no sexual situations, very little actual violence or blood, but there are plenty of times you want to yell at the main character to DO or NOT DO something, as the movie does easily get you, the viewer, to get invested in the outcome.

Overall, a darn good suspenseful horror movie with not much gore.

Great job!
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Julia (2022–2023)
Absolutely Delightful Show!
23 August 2022
This is not a show that should be rated "MA" at all. Maybe PG-13.

The acting is superb, the storyline is wonderful, and it's a HUGE blessing to see a show that manages to address many hot button topics of the 1960s, and still today, without being anachronistically "woke!" Love, love, love this show!!
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A Million Little Things: 60 Minutes (2022)
Season 4, Episode 17
This show's lost me too.
3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It has jumped the "woke shark." I cared about the show during the first season, but less each season since. Now, with Rome in the classroom, and already dealing with a trans student on day one, it's just a matter of time before CRT in the classroom officially comes into play too, I'm sure.

I hope TV shows will begin to take lessons on why movies like Top Gun: Maverick and series like The Terminal List are topping the charts of public approval these days! At least they give millions of viewers hope.
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The Terminal List: Consolidation (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Disappointed they felt the need to put nudity in the series.
11 July 2022
The scenario in which the nudity occurs is totally unnecessary. The goal accomplished in that scene could have VERY easily, and believably, been achieved in a different situation/location.

I realize I may not speak for most, but I do speak for many, who consider gratuitous nudity just as harmful as gratuitous violence in today's media. Especially when displayed in scenarios such as seen in this episode.
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Killing Eve: Hello, Losers (2022)
Season 4, Episode 8
Watch seasons 1&2, skip 3&4, read synopsis instead
13 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
LOVED this show the first and second seasons, couldn't wait for season 3, but then the story began to get too convoluted.

Wished they'd finished it off like Thelma & Louis or Butch & Sundance. Or had Konstantin's daughter show up and at least be the one who committed the final act, especially since they had her call Konstantin out of the blue in this episode.

The last two seasons were a huge waste of the original actors and their superbly drawn out characters.
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Big Sky (2020–2023)
Started out promising, but now too "woke" and girl-power focused.
13 April 2022
I watch murder mysteries for the intrigue and twists, and for character development that is unexpected yet believable given the circumstances. I began to lose interest when the focus moved last year to the farm of that rich family. Still, wanted to give it a shot. Now I've totally lost interest in it. Too many different storylines. And I'm still wondering if the FBI guy knows Jerri's a guy too, because I find it really hard to believe he's attracted to both Jerri and Cassie, if he knows Jerri is really a male. Realy a huge stretch.
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