
21 Reviews
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You People (2023)
What title works for this?
28 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I put this on thinking it's going to be bad, but I could never have believed how bad a film can be. I remember many years ago watching quantum leap and in the episode they had to sign a disclaimer for salt, it sounds crazy right.

This film was that scene it tried to push everyone into a stereotypical stereotype situation. It wasn't funny it didn't have a message. It was a jumbled up piece of words thrown up in the air and where they landed they built a film around it.

The way they met in the film was crazy I think this film should never have been made.

It's all wrong I damn well hated it. Why does everything have to be so political that comes out of netflix studios some people just want a comedy not a diatribe shoved down their throats.
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Dashcam (I) (2021)
Shame this only goes to ten stars
16 January 2023
Man I absolutely loved this film, one of the craziest outthere films I've watched for a while.

It was brilliant from the first second of starting to singing out the credits at the end, which again are the funniest credits I've seen.

I watched this late at night and if it was earlier I'd have just started it again, the plotline was completely bonkers but you forget that as there's so much to keep your sorry ass glued to the screen.

In between jumping and laughing whilst reading all the comments on the live feed you have some crazy old lady, flying, climbing up trees disappearing through closed doors.

Love the twist at the end talk about a nice twist to the tale, I could tell you the film but really you must, and I repeat watch this yourself

I absolutely loved it so for me it's 11 out of ten.
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Am I alive or am I dead
4 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Kind of how I felt about this film. It was a ridiculous plotline completely full of London gangster cliché. You have the loudmouth. The new lad. The angry fella and the emotional type of bloke.

Then of course the tiny bit of obligatory violence but nowhere near enough for a gangster movie. The movie reminisces for 90 minutes it tells you nothing, you think the new guy is a cop is he, is he not?

Just because I watched this I think the ending is worthy of keeping under wraps as it is slightly different to what normally happens with a gangster movie.

If you really want to watch a proper ganster film do yourself a favour and put on rise of the footsoldier. Now that's a decent set of films.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Scared beyond reason
17 November 2022
I've been wanting to watch this film for a long time, it's rare a trailer makes me passionately want to watch a movie.

Was I disappointed, did it let me down?.. hell no it frightened the bejeesus out of me, it was brilliant it was scary, the storyline was fantastic, the ending could have been better. Even so that didn't ruin this film.

A film that makes you jump, leave you panting and scared to go to sleep, yeah it did all that and more.

Great acting, great storyline, and of course just enough scary stuff to make you jump so high you need to be peeled off the ceiling.

I was so glad the ending was left open already waiting for smile 2

I loved this and would highly recommend this movie if you do, sleep with the light on.

Thanks for reading my review.
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Spiderhead (2022)
Ever watched a film and wondered why
13 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So where do we start, possibly like the film there is no start. No middle and definitely no end.

Why Hemsworth took on this film is either he has no morals or his really short of money.

The film starts in a prison where if you sign up to mind altering drugs. There's no locks. No real rules. But the experimental drugs. Cause you to become a love demon. Laugh at anything oh and other things.

I watched it all and still don't understand what happened, why things happened or more to the point I didn't care. It's a shocking film and another turkey by Netflix.

It used to be Netflix studios produced great material, now it's just dire terrible rubbish

Not one for the majority of people I feel .
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Elvis (2022)
Rockin all the way to the bank
13 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Loved it. Loved it. Loved it

Such a brilliant film really enjoyable the story telling the backstory of Elvis Presley. Tom Hanks played Colonial Tom Parker perfectly.

The film starts off with Elvis living in a black area with his alcoholic Mum and his criminal Dad, when he visits a church he feels the music, this is where the wondrous leg shaking originated from.

He records his first record and this is where he gets picked up by the evil self loving Tom Parker. He promises him and his family Cadillacs and houses, Graceland was one of the purchases. He married Cilla when she's young they have a baby.

That's where the relationship goes down hill. He starts on a very flirtatious route, both with women and drugs, his in a bad way but still forced to sing via the evil Tom Parker

Parker sells Elvis down the river. It's a great story with a sad ending it covers lots of different stories through his lifetime. Such a shame a truly talented star was taken from us at age 42.

Parker was an evil gambling addict, and I feel if Elvis had started with someone else, things might have been different.

I hope you enjoy this film the way I did.
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Samaritan (I) (2022)
Entertaining with a twist
11 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sylvester Stallone stars in this movie, which is not all that bad nice little twist towards the end.

The rioting is kind of what's happening in America today, violence murder and gangbanging.

The film opens up with a kid being bullied, single parent household and his convinced his neighbours is a superhero from the past. His suspicions are correct and he ends up his friend.

There's a villain who doesn't really pull off the villain feel, he seems too nice. The film is ok worth a watch just to see the Samaritan fix himself after being deliberately ran over.

The end scene is all action, lots of killings weapons and it was none woke, so none of the usual diatribe we've begun to hate in a movie.

For an old man he performed the part of action hero well. Not one I'd watch again but that said I did like the film.
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Terrible woke tripe
8 September 2022
Marvel yet again managed to destroy another superhero movie, complete lack of substance very contrived humour, which sadly fails over and over.

It seems to me the studio says ok what's woke today, put that in the movie and double it. Two dad's, two mums.

We want action, we want intrigue we want to be wowed, we do not want to be preached too, there are such a difference between marvel of today and marvel of yesterday. I gave this a try and really wished I'd just painted the walls to watch them dry.

Movies are supposed to be about escapism this is like spending three hours at a Biden talk about how great his son hunter is.

Truly dreadful rubbish -avoid like the plague.
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The Gray Man (2022)
One Man Vs the World
25 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Netflix trailer for this film looks great, you're really drawn in but then it's downhill. Crazily far fetched people from all over the world that are all military trained can't take out one single man.

We have a plane disintegrating but still flying. We have top class shooters missing him with what seemed a million bullets.

Throw in the schoolgirl hostage and we now have a reason for doing stuff. It's terrible and should never have been made.

John Wick three is better than this and I think that's poor compared to 1&2.
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Hot Seat (2022)
It's finished oh good
2 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A hacker that can crack all passwords in seconds. Mel Gibson the ex vet. The bomb disposal expert and a chief cop.

We start in an office with the super hacker who has a bomb under his chair which will go bang unless he hacks into the bank, he does and the police turn up. Anyway 90 minutes of hell later, it's his colleague and mate who's responsible for the bombs etc.

Really you wonder why some top actors sign up for such rubbish, but guess it's the money.
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The cure for insomnia has now been found
24 June 2022
Boring rehashed terrible storyline. A very bad film. A few dinosaurs that are all blind apparently; I spent the whole film wishing it to finish.

This film I believe is now the last of the franchise, Goodbye Jurassic Park. You gave me some fond memories.
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Stupid but fun
23 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When it starts you think it's going to be a fame hungry kid wanting his break on X factor. No ladies and gentlemen let's meet Paul Dood a forty something loser of the highest order, but his got a mother who loves him.

Paul wants to be the top on social media. His live feeds gain about two followers if lucky, his an all singing all dancing nutter, but friendly enough with it.

He works in a charity shop with a wanna be head doctor and an arrogant idiot.

His late for his audition. He gets stopped by a train worker. A Japanese tea cafe. Couple of very ungodly vicars, then he gets told in no uncertain terms. His crap of the highest order, sadly mummy died during the audition.

Now our anti-hero goes on a killing none killing spree after those that ruined his audition. First the train guy goes, then the tea guy, who has just killed his assistant. The priests get crushed by a steamroller, at this point you have to admire the imagination.

Next back to kill his arrogant shop colleague holding and dancing with a grenade he gets to be the number one on social media.

His shot with a tazer makes it famous and lives happily ever after.

The end.
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Did Butler even read the script
12 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well that's 90 minutes I'm never getting back. Gerard butler is having issues with his wife, but he still loves her like crazy. Pulls over to get fuel she disappears and that's probably the only part of the whole film that is credible.

He reports her missing and I know a missing person is not allowed until 24 hours has passed, but oh no we get the super friendly helpful cop, this sets the scene for what could have been incredibly tense scenes, but it would appear that part was lost.

The gas station attendant says the CCTV is broken, only for our super hero, top rated weapon wielding guy, he finds a guy takes him hostage, then whilst speeding gets pulled over, only to end up amazingly near the back of a nowhere meth factory, where even though there's many more baddies than him, he takes them on and wins. Big cheers er maybe not

First though he walks through a meth factory and I've seen more masks worn in the local supermarket than was on show, he kills one, then the main baddy and stooge get shot, now back to gas station attendant who sells the meth, seriously by this time I was stabbing myself with knitting needles to stay awake, ok now back to film, if we must.

He sets light to the meth house, which takes a millennium to catch alight killing the gas attendant. Now the cops and fire brigade turn up.

Wife is found alive, as everyone should jump up and start crying at the wonderful scene, ok the only crying was putting myself through the pain of watching this rubbish.

They go home and live happily ever after.

So many plotholes, no real storyline, no belief in the characters.

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Hustle (2022)
A real story of inspiration
8 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all love Adam Sandler. Second of all love Adam Sandler. Ok I'm a Sandler fan. This film was not like his normal run of films.

It was great it had the sad aspect. Zero to hero. The sadness, the laughter and the success.

Loads of ball players in this movie and definitely worth a watch. If you're a basketball fan you'll love it, if not then you'll enjoy it.
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Rumble (2021)
Great fun
20 May 2022
Monsters wrestling great cast. Really fun film both me and my boy were clapping and cheering away. Brilliant film for adults and kid alike.

Monsters at the top of the game monsters in the pits kind of like a David and Goliath with giant 20 tonne 40 foot high monsters.
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Butter (2022)
Fat kid gets bullied!!!!
11 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We all know the story a fat kid gets picked on the end.

This looks at the story from a different angle, one which shows the effect of bullying and the consequences that bullying takes.

Butter Alex is having a torrid really tough time at school so decided build a website where on NYE will eat himself to death in front of a live audience on the internet.

As soon as he announced the site people befriend him, he now begins to realise life is worth living, he catfishes the pretty girl and gets closer to the in crowd.

Life is now worth living and he loses weight, oh did I not mention this kid is 30 stone 424 pounds.

So he is also an amazing saxophone player and writes a song for his love, then it goes wrong when he reveals himself, she slaps him.

He goes home to eat himself to death using foods that his allergic to the screen goes blank.

Watch this film with your kids

Bullying is not clever.
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The Bad Guys (2022)
This is not a kids film
4 May 2022
Starts off with a pretty serene scene just your local wolf and snake having a spot of lunch, this is your introduction to the main characters.

Next the ever important car chase but with a nice bit of humour thrown in, this is by DreamWorks but I think it's probably suitable aged 15 or above the younger kids won't get the very adult orientated jokes.

Couple of nice plot twists thrown in, definitely well worth a watch, and unlike a lot of DW production's keeps your eyes fixated on the film, wondering what will happen next.

If you like animation or like a little laugh then go watch this film.
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Weird but good
2 May 2022
First thing about this film that I would consider top class is the soundtrack. It's really well put together and the music fits the scenes perfectly.

I liked the way it started with action and Pretty much fighting throughout.

It's a film that had so much potential but too little back story to explain what really happened in the first place, but if you look over that fact, it should be an enjoyable movie for you.
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Powerful True Story
28 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens up with four terrorists to the state about to blow up an oil refinery, the leader is a very clever clear thinking person and quickly realised that it was a trap, they had been sold out but by who?

Next follows a van chase where we lose the first of the four he died after crashing the van into a wall, the other three run into a bank whereby they encounter a bank clerk that isn't the nicest person on the planet, they also meet a woman who is kind and appears helpful.

After realising there's no way out they shout free Nelson Mandela ask for an helicopter but the pilot is special forces and it all goes badly wrong, they then take the pilot back to.the bank and he ends up dead as it's revealed the snitch is one of the team.

Next they have conversations with the police and a few backstorrirs of the hotages.

When it's realised that they will never escape the police captain radios to say the special forces are going in, they then release all of the hostages and die in a firefight.

The film then says Nelson Mandela was freed in 1990.

The film is well directed you feel for the terrorists and believe the police are trying to help, but there was only ever going to be one ending.

I have left out the character names on purpose so when you watch it you will get the full effect.

Well recommended hope you enjoy the movie.
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Terrible just terrible
11 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert. Don't even bother watching this movie. Shockingly bad does not come close.

Digs at trump obviously because his the fault for everything wrong in this world - crazy leftists should not really be allowed near a camera.

Ok so the movie one fat man being bullied and eventually ended up dead ran over by a truck, now he had been seeing clowns before he died, not your normally cuddly run round and laugh clowns, oh no these are the meanest clowns ever or so we are made to think.

The acting is shocking. The murder scenes are ridiculous over the top CGI. The storyline sadly lacking in any substance. The police are profiled as being thick and none believing.

Throw in the lesbianism and that makes a great film, sadly it doesn't I watched this in the hope of something good happening, it never the clowns were killed by burning a magic book, only to magically reappear. I guess it proves you can't keep a bad film down.

Avoid avoid avoid.
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Metal Lords (2022)
Really great fun
11 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie. It was a good nod to rock music, the storyline was about teenage angst and how it's hard to fit in.

The touch with the Cello absolutely brilliant, covering teenage virginity in a positive way.

I loved the dad (Brett Gelman) scenes being what would be considered a boomer Can relate to him, the son (Adrian Green Smith) hates everything you do but depends on everything you do yeah that's about right.

I think the film itself will appeal to those of us that like rock I can't see it appealing to everyone though

If you get the time watch the film.
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