
5 Reviews
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Undercover Holiday (2022 TV Movie)
Charming, Joyful, and Family Christmas
4 June 2023
If I'd just read the previous reviews, I never would have watched this movie. But, the premise sounded interesting and the colorfulness of a Mexican-American Christmas sounded fun. I like how the circumstances brought the two lead characters together and isn't that just how so many love stories begin? They reminded me of a real-life couple I know that have been married for over 40 years and no one would have stereotypically matched them since they were from different heritages and completely different body types. LIfe and love are much more interesting when you let love find you. One criticism is the singing at one of the piano scenes was really flat. I blame that on the director. If the singing is flat in a scene... cut it.
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Zombies 2 (2020 TV Movie)
A Talented Bunch of Teens
21 November 2022
We need Milo in more movies. Milo and Meg make a great pair in every movie they've done so far. It has acts of kindness, some adventure, great dancing and singing, and yes, a little morality lesson showing how everyone has a part in prejudging (as opposed to making one group more guilty than the other). I admit that I don't like that the entertainment industry thinks of itself as morally superior and tries to "enlighten" the masses, but this movie just stuck with teens being teens with a positive spin.

If you want a movie with great dancing and singing a la the teen version, I recommend this movie.
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Zombies (2018 TV Movie)
Great songs, great dancing, colorful and fun
21 November 2022
I can watch this movie and it's sequels more than once a year because the dancing and singing is so good. It's a fun movie that's safe for the younger set but I enjoy watching it even when my grandson isn't around.

I see people calling it a preachy, "messagey" movie which I normally don't care for coming from Hollywood, but this one was sweet. Every message about not judging a book by its cover, and accepting people even if they're different, isn't always symbolic of racism. There are lots of ways that people are different from each other besides skin tone. So for all those differences, seen and not seen, this is a great franchise of movies.
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Snowed-Inn Christmas (2017 TV Movie)
Delightful Christmas Ingredients
13 November 2022
Add Andrew Walker to anything and you've improved every recipe (I mean movie). And Bethany Joy Lenz has made me a true fan of hers even though I didn't think I'd be one at first. Her talent and unique ability to show a vulnerability and sweetness hiding behind a protective cover of skepticism and sarcasm is truly engaging. Andrew is not only unquestionably handsome, he has a gift of playing the the most romantic and kindest men hiding behind his own protective layer of cool and detached but vulnerable to true love and heartbreak. Bethany and Andrew always have a well-blended chemistry that works with any movie. Beautiful scenery, magical story, gifted actors.

Romantic comedy Christmas fans need to add this to their yearly Christmas movie watchlist.
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Growing Fangs (2021)
Adult supervision required: They ruined a potentially good story
10 September 2022
This could have been a great lesson on how to deal with your own issues of uniqueness and how to be kind and open-minded to people that are different than you by using the vampire story as the analogy. Instead, the adults responsible for the content chose to add a secondary story-line that deals with teenager hormones that most children don't even care about yet, that is best left to parents or responsible caretakers to address with love and their own family values, not adult movie-makers who think they know better and want to mold children in their own fashion. Movie-makers and story-tellers need to be upfront about what their objectives are and not disguise their motives with "Disney" and "children" as a Trojan horse. Watch it yourself, and if you want this movie to talk about something you don't want to talk about yourself, then have at it.
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