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6 January 2005
It's been said before, but John Safran is seriously an acquired taste, as he does have a habit of irritating people in various ways.Still, this series is hilarious. (Being from the South Coast, I found his attempts to "incite violence" in Wollongong to be even more hysterical).

The most entertaining segments would have to be The Music Mole, which are the highlight of each episode, revealing little tidbits that show just how insane the music industry really is anyway.The only parts I find that drag a little are The World Of Instruments, but even those are still pretty amusing.

There are so many classic parts here that you simply must own the DVD (the extras are very good as well).Jew'Town, Ozzy,Metal vs Spiritualism, how to get into any nightclub, and many more, are all standout moments.

Also check out his latest series, "John Safran vs God", which will certainly unsettle a few people anyway.
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Chopper (2000)
Great depiction of an Aussie cult figure
29 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I just wanted to quote this review,as there are several things I wanted to comment about-

""Chopper" is a simple-minded flick which tells a tall tale about an Aussie man who not only is a self professed murderer but also a best selling pulp author who penned a series of "Chopper" novels. Regardless, the film is mostly fiction and very simple-minded in its approach with the Dominik obviously getting off on having people get hurt without the expected reaction. EXAMPLE: "Chopper" gets stabbed several times and the hugs and consoles his attacker. EXAMPLE: A guy gets shot in the head point blank with a 4-10 gauge shotgun and wanders around with a hand over the wound before keeling over. EXAMPLE: "Chopper" has part of his ears cut off while he sits calmly bleeding like a stuck pig giving instructions since he apparently can't do it himself. Etc. In the final analysis, "Chopper" is a dumb movie with poor production value and little going for it as it flounders near the bottom of the B-flick barrel in that vast wasteland called broadcast. Recommended only for Aussie crime junkies or fans of the players. (D+) "

The whole idea of Chopper consoling his victims,or suffering ridiculous pain is part of the mystery and many contradictions within the man-and is likely embellished, something that is made clear throughout the film."Never let the truth get in the way of a good yarn".This is a man with little if any consideration for human life-do you expect his recollections to be exactly as they happened? It heightens the drama of a good story,so that's what he does when recalling his life.And that's what Mark "Chopper" Read enjoys doing.The contradictions displayed within Read's character make an incredible performance even better,in that they could have merely portrayed him as a mindless,one-dimensional thug.However,Read is not that and this film clearly illustrates this notion.Simple-minded? Hardly.

Poor production values? Mate,this is an Australian film we're talking about.There's hardly the Hollywood $$$$ available,and it's gritty style perfectly fits its themes and characters.The film's sets and characters appearances are right on the money.It captures the Australian underworld better than any other film I've seen.

Only for crime junkies? Obviously you could tell that you are American merely through reading that comment.Chopper is a cult figure who continues to fascinate people in this country.He puts such a unique spin on the idea of an "anti hero" and makes us question why we are interested in media-driven and self-promoting "celebrities" in the first place.If you were Australia you would understand the context of the film and the pure fascination with him better.If you know anything about the character you would realise that Bana ABSOLUTELY NAILS every aspect of Read.

Every Aussie adult should see this film.You don't have to be Australian to enjoy this film,though.The film has themes that are relevant to all societies.
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8 Simple Rules (2002–2005)
Laughably awful US sitcom
5 August 2003
This show is quite frankly awful,one of the worst shows on TV.Brain-dead "comedy" with incredibly predictable storylines and "jokes".And the characters grate terribly.I feel sorry for Katey Sagel,she was great in MWC but this is just pathetic.
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I Spy (2002)
Watchable action comedy,some mindless entertainment
28 July 2003
If you are in the right mood,this is a watchable action comedy.The two stars show moments of chemistry but not enough,and some of the dialogue (and scenes for that matter) feel somewhat pointless.

There are some laughs but not as many as you would expect,and I must agree with others that all the best jokes are in the trailer.The action sequences are pretty odrinary and the beatiful,talented Famke Janssen is largely wasted,unfortunately.This is far from the worst film I've seen but many viewers will find Eddie Murphy irritating to say the least.
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Entertaining,well-constructed effort
3 May 2003
"Minority Report" is a very entertaining sci-fi action thriller.Cruise as always has an immense stage presence and the support cast including Farrell is pretty strong.

There are some great action sequences and some well-constructed ideas evident in the film.Many of the chase sequences are thrilling and the film maintains an exceptional amount of suspense throughout.

There may be a few plot holes but overall this is well worth watching.It's far from Cruise's best effort and isn't probably utilising him to his full potential but he is always watchable.

As far as action thrillers go,this is well worth the effort.
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Reign of Fire (2002)
An entertaining fantasy action adventure
12 October 2002
While being nothing remotely ground-breaking, this film is entertaining enough. The characters are pretty cliched, but Christian Bale is likeable, and Matthew McConagheuy is always interesting to watch. The special effects are great, and the acting is competent. Enjoyable action sequences also don't hurt. Nothing exceptional,but if you like this type of film, you'll probably love it. 6/10.
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Original Sin (2001)
Angelina is steaming hot
12 October 2002
I absolutely adore Angelina Jolie, so you can guess which parts of the film males such as myself will enjoy. Angie is steaming hot and plays a sex siren-style role very well, and the nude scenes really fit into the plot while being pleasing to the eye. The plot feels contrived, though, and in terms of erotic thrillers, this isn't a patch on "Basic Instinct". The thrills are oddly placed and ultimately this film lacks a lot of direction. 5/10, if only for Angelina's easily believable performance (and very killer body).
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Naked Souls (1996)
If you're a fan of Pam, go for it
12 October 2002
The acting and plotting of this film is just plain boring and pretty terrible. If, however, you like to see Pamela Anderson's fantastic body (I do, but it doesn't make a film), then you'll get something out of this. The T&A is highly enjoyable, but ultimately this film feels pointless and uninteresting. 2/10.
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A fantastic war film
12 January 2002
THE GUNS OF NAVARONE is action/war film entertainment at its best. A great story, good acting, thrills and genuinely exciting action sequences add up to make this a great movie. Well worth seeing by anyone- Gregory Peck and David Niven are great.
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