
11 Reviews
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Not worth Watching
10 October 2023
Just finished watching this drama a couple days ago. It was dreadful. The main two leads never should have been cast. If your going to do a mob drama after HIStory3:Trapped and especially Kinn/Porsche then you had better bring it with a strong story/incredible acting/strong fight scenes. This drama had none of these. The main leads had no chemistry. Whoever cast the actor as the mobster needs to be fired. He was not credible at all throughout the whole series. I thought it was a joke when he got out of the car in the first scene. The sole reason I kept watching was for Sammy from UWMA.

Highly recommend Trapped or Kinn/Porsche if you want to watch a mob drama.
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Tomorrow (2022)
25 June 2022
Each mini story is like a movie. This show is a must see.

Episode 6: Incredible casting and masterful storytelling. Everyone should watch this episode. Thank you to all the veterans around the world.
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Tomorrow: Tree 2 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Couple in Episode 4 and 5
16 June 2022
Everyone should watch this show just for the story told about the couple in episodes 4 & 5. The actors portraying them are phenomenal and you become so invested in their story.
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How Not to Parent
3 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The seven is for the strong acting done by the younger cast(the Five Musketeers-my nickname for them). They are the only reason I continued to watch the drama. We have five kids who are essentially the parents and the parents act like spoiled brats.

Parents should wAtch this show to learn what NOT to do when raising a child. We have one single mother who quit her teaching job and acts like a spoiled petulant child. She takes her child's gifts from her, makes her study study study, controls her diet, controls her kids entire life. She does not have her own life and yells that at her her own kid. The kid did. It tell her motherWho us the adult to this.

The next set of parents have been out of their child's life for six years. He has grown up with his grandparents and uncle. They make him move in with them and expect him to automatically just open up. The dad is a government official and worried more about reputation than kid. Lots of arguments and snacks kid at school in front of teacher and principal when kid tells truth in apology letter.

Third parents are just as bad. The mother is smart and can't get over the fact that her kid does not do as well as her in school. She hits him a lot, berates him, compares him to his cousin who moves in who is super smart, and also compares him other kids permances around them. Yells at him in Front of lots of people at restaurants and academy school. This does nothing for the kids self esteem.

The adults do wake up around episode 40 by tgg hg at time though you get fed up with them. I fast forwarded their scenes and just watched the Musketeers scenes:0)
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Great chemistry
2 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Loved the chemistry between the two main leads and also between the brother and the owner of the bar. The story kept my attention without me fast forwarding thru any parts. Knocked off three stars for the hated ending.
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26 May 2020
Did not care for the live triangle part of the story. Not how it took until episode seven for the two of the leads to reconnect. Especially as they are the couple that had the CHEMISTRY. Also took off points for the stupid ending.
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The Effect (2019)
Stellar cast and acting
4 May 2020
Story has phenomenal acting done by stellar cast. It touches on topics that are normally taboo(suicide, social media, same-sex rape) I would have rated it a ten except I knocked off three stars for the poor damn cliff hanger ending.
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A Very Nutty Christmas (2018 TV Movie)
16 December 2019
Didn't like this film at all. Gave it four stars for the great acting done by the entire cast.
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Bing-ui (2019)
Not Worth Watching
25 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
1. This should be rated TV-MA no Tv-14. 2. Would rate it zero stars but gave it one star because I love the acting done by the Police Chief. 3. What was the point of this show? The Evil character made the cops look incompetent at every turn and then killed all of them. 4. They killed both the leading lady and man 5. Leading man was written so weak I wished for him to die early in but they saved him to die last. Why? 6. Leading lady at least was interesting and a good actress. Do NOT recommend
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Could Have Been Good
4 April 2019
The storyline is interesting. However, the show needs to be re-cast. The dad and the oils eat daughter are not quite right for the roles.

Also, I know it's 2019, but what kind of parent would let their child go out into the world wearing practically nothing. The oldest girl looks like a hooker! Was there no Wardrobe assistant?

They didn't do any rescues that much either which surprised me as Resuc is in the title.
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Oh My Ghost (2018)
Netflix Please Stick Orginal Dramas
12 February 2019
I gave two stars for the acting alone done by the dad of the deceased daughter.

Korean version: The Korean version which is amazing and rated a ten. The acting done by the Entire Korean cast was astounding. The two leads had sizzling chemistry and surrounded by great secondary cast. Also, the cooking scenes were ten times better in the Korean version.

Network version:Two leads were not strong enough actors to carry a drama. They also did not have chemistry. The secondary cast (restaurant staff) were awful and I fastforwarded all their scenes after four episodes. They did not do any research on cooking which SHOWED. The rain character got in my nerves like JarJar ninja from Star Wars.

Loved the actress that played the deceased daughter and thought she would have played the main lead. Also the dad was a pure joy to watch and is the sole reason I kept watching.

Would recommend you watch Oh my Ghostness the Korean Version
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