
11 Reviews
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A Thousand Tomorrows
23 February 2023
I enjoyed watching the third episode of Karen Kingsbury's A Thousand Tomorrows. I loved the theme of friendship, love, hope, taking chances, faith and redemption. I enjoyed getting to know Ali and Cody and seeing their friendship blossom. I admired Ali's determination and courage to continue to live her life despite of her illness. She definitely wants to live her life to the fullest. I have to watch the next episode to see what happens between the two friends. I am an instant fan of this series.

I am giving Karen Kingsbury's A Thousand Tomorrows a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for families of all ages and for those who enjoy watching sweet Romantic Comedies.

I received an early screen link of Karen Kingsbury's A Thousand Tomorrows from Pure Flix, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.
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Heaven Sent (2023)
Heaven Sent
3 February 2023
I enjoyed watching Heaven Sent. I loved the themes of second chances, letting go, moving forward, the power of forgiveness and leaning on God when troubles arises. I instantly liked the characters. I believe many other viewers will find themselves in at least one of the characters. It had a lot of scenes all throughout that had me laughing out loud. I thought it was a touching, sweet, inspirational and heartwarming story that would be a perfect addition to a family movie night I am giving Heaven Sent a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for families of all ages and for those who enjoy watching sweet Romantic Comedies.

I received an early screen link of Heaven Sent from Pure Flix, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.
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Saved by Grace (2022– )
Saved By Grace
7 November 2022
I was so excited to get the opportunity to watch the new series, Saved By Grace. I was far from being disappointed. I adored meeting Grace and seeing the beauty that she brings into the lives who are struggling and needing it the most. I was inspired watching it. Each episode has a valuable lesson for all to learn from. Which includes: the power of forgiveness, never giving up, and always look to God. I love the idea that we all have that special angel in our lives.

I am giving Saved By Grace a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for viewers of all ages. I can not wait to watch the upcoming episodes to see where else Grace goes and who else she inspires. I have no doubt that this tv series will be a hit.

I received an early screen link of Saved By Grace from Pure Flix, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.
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Nothing is Impossible
8 October 2022
I enjoyed watching Nothing is Impossible. I loved the themes of accepting and believing in yourself, power of forgiveness and leaning on God when troubles arises. I instantly liked Scott in the beginning. I found him to be relatable. He continually was being judged as he struggled with his past. He had to learn about himself, how to use his talents to be good and listen to what God was telling him instead of those around him always doubting him. I thought it was a touching, inspirational and heartwarming story that would be a perfect addition to a family movie night

I am giving Nothing is Impossible a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for families of all ages.

I received an early screen link of Nothing is Impossible from Pure Flix, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.
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Legacy Peak (2022)
Legacy Peak
23 September 2022
I really enjoyed watching Legacy Peak. Not only is it a movie of fighting for survival, it is so much more. It is a beautiful story of learning that everyone has a painful past that they need to overcome and not letting it define you. It, also, shows the power of forgiveness, redemption and faith. I liked taking this adventure through the wilderness with Ben, Sam and Jason. I was on the edge of my seat wanting to find out if and how they would survive. I thought it was great to watch with the element of faith.

I am giving Legacy Peak a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for families of all ages.

I received an early screen link of Legacy Peak from Pure Flix, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.
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Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters
3 August 2022
I thought Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters to be a fun and entertaining movie to watch. It was so quirky at times that made me giggle and laugh out loud. As a parent myself, it is never easy to watch our "babies" grow. It was funny to see some of the antics and lengths the dad would go to protect his daughters. There were some heartwarming moments and some lessons that parents and children could learn together. I found the movie to be a delight to watch that was full of faith, inspiration and the beauty and power of forgiveness.

I am giving Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters a very well deserved ten plus stars. I highly recommend it for families of all ages.

I received an early screen link of Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters from Pure Flix, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.
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Live + Local (2022– )
Quirky and Fun
22 July 2022
I enjoyed watching the fourth episode from Live +Local. I have always loved Dave Coulier and was excited that he was part of this new show. I liked the format on what life is like for a radio show. There were a few times where I was wondering if I was really watching a fictional show or it is an actual one. The ads cracked me up and I found myself giggling at those. The interviews with author Anna Lind Thomas and band Anthem Lights. Those were fun to watch, also. Mixed in the interviews and ads, there were dealings with everyday life that many could relate to: anxiety, doubts, trust, holding on to faith, power of forgiveness and embracing gratitude. An overall quirky, sometimes a little too corny, and entertaining episode to watch. I would love to watch the other episodes of Live + Local to see what else is in store for Tommy and Tina. I am giving this one four stars.

Disclosure: Many thanks to Pure Flix for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.
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Tyson's Run (2022)
Tyson's Run
26 June 2022
I enjoyed watching Tyson's Run. It is one of those feel good type of movies that is based on a true story and will inspire many. I love the message of faith and courage. I loved that Tyson is the unlikely hero of the movie. It was beautiful how a few people who refused to judge him and helped him gain confidence, be accepted and have the determination to not quit. His story is so heartwarming that so many of us can relate to and so many others can learn from.

I am giving Tyson's Run four and a half stars. I recommend it for families who are looking for a way to spend a family movie night. Wonderful story to watch over and over.
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Going Home (2022– )
Going Home
9 June 2022
I was excited to have the opportunity to watch episode 3 from the new Pure Flix series, Going Home. I have to admit I was not sure what to think of it at the beginning. Randall was not a lovable character at first. The nurses and staff obviously had the same thoughts. After a little bit of kindness and understanding, he began to open up. Randall is a perfect example why I should never judge anyone and assume their character. I never know what someone is dealing on the inside, what lead them to the paths they have taken and that kindness does go a long way. I fell in love with Randall. I could see through his gruffness and see his brokenness, heartache and I could relate with his PTSD and the trauma he experienced. His story was extremely heart breaking but yet heartwarming. I cried like a baby the last fifteen minutes of the episode. So, I warn other watchers to keep their tissues handy. Such a beautiful tale of the power of forgiveness, being less judgmental and to show more compassion for one another. I loved it. I am going to give episode three ten plus stars and am looking forward to watching the other episodes in the series. I highly recommend it for other watchers who love inspiring and faith filled shows. They will not regret watching this one. I think I have a new show to look forward to new episodes as they release.

I received a digital link to watch the third episode of Going Home from Pure Flix, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.
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Church People (2021)
Church People
11 February 2022
Church People is a fun and entertaining movie to watch. It had quite a bit of laugh out loud scenes. There are several well known entertainers in it, as well. Joey Fatone, William Baldwin, Stephen Baldwin, Chynna Phillips, and Donald Faison, just to name a few. I loved the message at the end. We all sometimes lose sight of what is important and need to be reminded. This movie is perfect to give us all that reminder. A wonderful way to remember the true meaning of Christ and what He would truly want from us. A good way to renew our passion for Him.

I give Church People five stars. I am looking forward to watching it again and again. I highly recommend it for viewers who are seven and up. It is a perfect addition for a Family Movie Night. My family loved it.
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The Tiger Rising
6 February 2022
I enjoyed watching the movie The Tiger Rising. As a fan of actor Dennis Quaid and actress Queen Latifah, I was excited to see this movie. I thought it was great movie to see with my children. They were instantly able to understand Rob's heartache and what he was experiencing. He is dealing with the grief of losing his mother and meets a little girl, Sistine, who is, also, dealing with her own emotions involving her parents' divorce. It is sad movie that I had to find my tissues throughout, but the story offers hope and coping with traumatic experiences. I do have to warn that the ending could be upsetting for younger audiences.

I am giving The Tiger Rising four stars. I recommend it for families of all ages. It would be a great way for them to bring up much needed conversations.

I received an early screener link of The Tiger Rising, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.
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