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The Chicken Sisters (2024– )
Chicken Drama
19 September 2024
I was so excited when this show was announced. The actresses I genuinely adore, and it hasn't disappointed me. It is not some fluffy Hallmark movie, which, don't get me wrong, I enjoy, but their shows have always pulled me.

The dysfunction between the sisters is fascinating because you see where each one is coming from. Though the husband is loathsome, his mom, played by Lea Thompson, is sweet. I would kick him to the curb.

I love the drama between multiple characters and the secrets, and every time they show the fried chicken, I want to make some. I can't wait to see how it all plays out. I love that Hallmark continues to invest in excellent shows.
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Falling in Love in Niagara (2024 TV Movie)
Maddie the Neurotic Doormat at Niagra
5 September 2024
That should have been the name of the movie. She is probably one of the worst heroines Hallmark ever created. Maddie is next level, and not in a good way. Her fiancé is a piece of work. Their interaction in the beginning screamed red flags. Her personality is quite vexing, and it continues as she takes her sister on her honeymoon because Jason, the jerk, ended their relationship.

The main lead is fine-probably one of the best parts of the movie-but they didn't have an ounce of chemistry.

The icing on the cake was the end when Jason demanded he and Maddie get back together, and she agreed. What?!?! After he treated her poorly and continued to do so, she went back to him and shattered the tour guide love interest. I actually screamed at the television.

It truly was annoying, even when she told Jason to peace out. The scenery was amazing. That's the only plus.
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What Was That?
1 September 2024
If the goal was to entice people to subscribe to Hallmark + with this movie, it's a huge no. I already know I subscribe, but bringing in new people with this one? Oh my. Between the plot holes, poor acting, and horrible script, this one should have never been made. It was painful to watch, and why did Jodie Sweetin have vocal fry?

I don't know why this movie was ever created, but it should go in the vault, never to return. I know Hallmark can do better, and this was just sloppy. I enjoy both of these actors, but this was ridiculous. The lack of chemistry was present, and her overacting was full-on cringe. The quality of this movie was horrendous.
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My Dreams of You (2024 TV Movie)
Dream a little dream
18 August 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed this Hallmark movie. It was different, cute, and quirky. The dream concept was an interesting surprise, and though totally different for the network, it was quite refreshing.

The main characters had chemistry, and I love that they were pursuing their creative dreams; I can relate to that. It's hard to do so when society expects you to do what is considered the life path norm. I was rooting for her to get on that train with him.

The ending was sweet and quite the happily ever after. I enjoyed the different types of stories and just enjoyed them for what they were: pure entertainment.
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It ends with a hard pass
18 August 2024
I've read a few Colleen Hoover books and don't understand all the hype. However, I thought perhaps the movie would be better.


Not at all.

The characters' names are interesting and typical of her books. However, their ages didn't really mesh, and if I compare the book to the movie, there are many missteps.

The domestic violence aspect is played off and not really appropriately depicted. I don't feel it is something that should be downplayed.

Blake Lively's acting is okay, and the entire movie felt disjointed. I wasn't a fan of the book and the movie fell into the same category of subpar.
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Junebug (2024 TV Movie)
Inner Child for the Win
6 August 2024
I absolutely adored this movie! The premise was sweet, and I could relate to the inner child aspect. It was a different angle, which I appreciated.

Juniper was quite uptight initially but loosened up as the movie went along, thanks to her young self, Junebug. The premise really made me think about my young self and those dreams/wishes I had back then.

Autumn's co-star Aaron O'Connell, who I haven't seen in a while, was a lovely match. They had awesome chemistry. The evolution of their relationship was realistic.

The boombox sealed it for me.

It is definitely a rewatch and I am pleased with the news summer movies.
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A Costa Rican Wedding (2024 TV Movie)
Gorgeous Scenery
6 August 2024
I love that new movies are released on Hallmark Movies NOW before the network. I adored these actors and was excited that they were in a film together. Rhiannon Fish's character, Emily, was a bit deshelled and sometimes annoying, especially with Christopher Russell's character. Their chemistry was there, and it improved as the movie went on. On the other hand, the bride's mother, I wanted to tell her to shut up numerous times. I wish the bride had done it, but I understand that type of personality.

The scenery in the movie was breathtaking, and now I know where I want to go on my next vacation. Overall, the movie was great and a definite rewatch.
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A Greek Recipe for Romance (2024 TV Movie)
Greek Tragedy
2 July 2024
I don't know what it is about Hallmark movies set in Greece that always fall short. This one was a fail. The storyline didn't kill it for me, though there were odd spots. The chemistry was off between the main characters. Their snark was too much. The scenery was lovely, but I couldn't handle the horrible acting. Not everyone but her mom and his friend were tough to watch. It felt quite a bit like everyone was reading from cards. It was stiff and not enjoyable to listen to. I will say, though, that the food looked delicious and made me hungry, and the scenery was the only positive for me.

It is not a rewatch.
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Falling Like Snowflakes (2024 TV Movie)
Well, that was...
2 July 2024
Not good.

The previews definitely didn't thrill me, but I've been proven wrong before. However, that didn't happen with this one.

The actress is not a favorite of mine. Every movie she is in I don't enjoy her character or acting. This movie wasn't any different.

The actor, I don't mind, but they had zero chemistry, and the storyline is just ridiculous. Many aspects of this movie were irritating. The so-called villain rival photographer, the lack of snowstorm equipment, and the forgotten camera hurt my head.

This is not a rewatch for me, and it really was tough to get through the first time.
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Savoring Paris (2024 TV Movie)
Cheese Please
10 June 2024
I absolutely adored this film.

Paris. Cheese. Bethany Joy Lenz.

Sign me up.

Oh, and her wardrobe?! I want!

She is one of my favorite actresses; this film didn't disappoint. I understand the desire to start over and figure out who the heck you are; I went through something similar. We should live our lives how we want, with happiness, and that is what her character Ella. And I am all about the cheese too. Fontina and Havarti are my top ones.

I loved the banter between Ella and Surge. Fantastic chemistry.

Her roommate-turned-friend is a hoot, and I want to know her.

My husband even enjoyed the movie.

It's definitely a rewatch.
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Betty's Bad Luck in Love (2024 TV Movie)
Rewatch Worthy
29 May 2024
I adored this movie.

Betty and Alex are the cutest, funniest couple and complete opposites. Their chemistry is solid. Yes, Betty's cautious/neurotic behavior is ever-present, but it was met with humor.

Her best friend is incredible, and I love that she kicks Betty in the butt when she needs it. Betty's mom was irritating in her attempts to set up her daughter every time she spoke with her.

I understand Berty's viewpoint on the curse and safety, she needs some therapy on that front and they will need couple counseling because he will fear her impulse to leave but don't we all need some therapy? I know I do.

Truly, it was a cute movie and a bit different than the others.
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Love Undercover (2024– )
17 May 2024
This show is terrible. I could hardly get through the first episode, but I kept watching, hoping something good would happen. The majority of the women are ridiculous "influencers" and want a man with loads of cash. They were annoying; two of them were actually lovely and down to earth. The concept is flawed, and in no way will any of these people enter into a long-term relationship. Look, I love some trash reality television but this one was too absurd and again the women are cringe. I couldn't stay interested, and I'm sure many will enjoy it, so I'm out. But good luck with that whole messy situation.
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A Whitewater Romance (2024 TV Movie)
What was that?
12 May 2024
Seriously. What did I just watch?

This was one of the worst Hallmark movies I have ever watched. I had low expectations going into it per the previews, but wow, this one was bad.

I typically enjoy Cindy Busby and Ben Hollingsworth, especially when they were in a Godwink movie together but their lack of chemistry in this one was cringeworthy. The plot and acting were horrible. Busby's character was unlikeable, and the storyline was confusing and unrealistic. The ending was incredibly ridiculous. Surprise, I want you two in Paris. Really? Why?

Also, Busby's character came off as foolish; it was difficult to watch. The scenery was the only upside. This is definitely not a rewatch.
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Love to the Rescue (2019 TV Movie)
Cute dog for the win
31 January 2024
Kate and Eric, the main leads, are the epitome of opposites attract. Between the adorable kids and the ever-so-cute dog Bruce, this movie is a total rewatch for me. Their banter is on point, and I adore the storyline of the two families sharing Bruce, which brings them all together. Of course, that brings fear for both Kate and Eric. And it's a bit complicated due to the fact Eric is in a relationship but not a solid one. I didn't dislike his girlfriend, but there definitely wasn't any chemistry, not like there was between him and Kate. At least they realized that and called it quits mutually. I give props to her daughter for being super organized. I can totally relate to that.
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Walking the Dog (2017 TV Movie)
31 January 2024
This is absolutely one of my favorite Hallmark movies. I wish they would play it on the Hallmark Channel more, but I don't think I've seen it in a couple of years; thankfully, Hallmark movies now have it, and I can watch it whenever I want. The two dogs, Gidget and Simon, are so sweet and cute. Christy and Keith, the main leads, have incredible chemistry, and I enjoy their banter. I also enjoy all the other characters within the story. Her mom, the secret admirer, her friend and assistant, and of course, the boyfriend and then ex-boyfriend veterinarian. I always get a kick out of the scene when Christy runs into her ex Jeff at the dance.

I could watch this movie daily.
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Roadhouse Romance (2021 TV Movie)
A Favorite of Mine
26 January 2024
I adore the chemistry between Luke and Callie. Their banter is fantastic. His character is definitely a curmudgeon initially, but after a while, he warms up to Callie and the town.

I loved that two of the three songs she sings are hers. I have them on my Amazon Music. For someone who doesn't act, I felt Lauren did a pretty good job.

Her character doesn't take any crap from Luke, which I appreciated. His girlfriend Jillian is the worst and utterly full of herself.

The Dan and Willa's budding romance was adorable. I also loved Callie's mom. Of course, we can't forget the sweet and mischievous George Jones.

I would love to see these two in another movie together.
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The Marvels (2023)
The Marvels
17 January 2024
I could not love this movie more.

The entire family enjoyed every minute of it. The humor was on point, the reasoning behind the villain's actions was valid, and, of course, we can't forget Goose.

Goose was busy.

I ignored the naysayers; I wanted to watch the movie and form my own opinion, and I am I did so. I enjoyed Ms. Marvel's show; she's an incredible addition. The banter between everyone was great. People need to keep an open mind and just enjoy the movie. It's not that serious. And the beef people have with Captain Marvel is weird. The actress is awesome.

I can't wait to see where this new Marvel Universe goes.
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Holiday Hotline (2023 TV Movie)
Turkey Hotline
29 December 2023
This is one of our favorite new Hallmark movies. It's definitely a rewatch. How they filmed the phone conversation scenes was neat and unique. The leads had great chemistry, and his daughter was hilarious. Though the location wasn't filmed in Chicago, it definitely felt like it was. The apartment building was beautiful.

The banter between the characters was awesome. Her ex-boyfriend was a piece of work, and I'm happy she kicked him to the curb. We thoroughly enjoyed the concept. Her British accent wasn't that horrible; I've heard worse in other Hallmark movies. Niall's characters are usually combative, so it was nice to see him in a more likable role.
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Christmas in Notting Hill (2023 TV Movie)
Cringe Moments
27 November 2023
I went into this movie with low expectations, especially after I saw the previews. Now, there are times when I'm wrong. However, this is not one of those times. I have to say, the lead actress who played Georgia, I found her character to be annoying, and I didn't really care for how she treated her sister. She wasn't supportive at all. The leading actor, I enjoyed him in the show The Royals, but the whole ACL tear and him walking around like it wasn't a big deal was definitely cringe. I didn't feel any chemistry between them. The entire storyline felt off, and it wasn't easy to remain engaged.
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A Biltmore Christmas (2023 TV Movie)
27 November 2023
This one was not what I expected, and I absolutely adore everything about it. My husband even enjoyed it, and he's not always a Hallmark movie fan. Bethany Joy Lenz Never disappoints. Whether a romantic comedy or drama, she is always incredible. Kristoffer Polaha was dashing and debonair. The era was magical, as was the Biltmore. I've visited the Biltmore, and it is an enchanted place. The verbiage and fashion were on point. I don't usually cry watching Hallmark movies, but this ending sent me right to my box of Kleenex in a good way. The surprise appearances toward the end were also a lovely surprise.
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Haul Out the Holly: Lit Up (2023 TV Movie)
Love the original cast but
27 November 2023
The anticipation for this movie kept me giddy for weeks. I adore the cast. In the first movie, I laughed nonstop, and it was a huge rewatch for me. This one was great, but the influencer aspect was awful. The Jolly Johnsons were mean-spirited and vexing. They made it difficult to watch. I get it; they are supposed to be awful, but it was to the point of me turning it off, but I didn't. I wanted to see the end. For me, the new neighbors ruined the movie, and I don't think I can watch it again even though it ended well. To listen to the Jolly Johnsons and others follow their lead is not my idea of fun.
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Love in the Maldives (2023 TV Movie)
The Scenery
14 April 2023
The scenery was the only good thing about this movie. This storyline is overplayed and definitely reminded me of another Hallmark movie about waterfalls. This storyline is overplayed and definitely reminded me of another Hallmark movie about waterfalls. I didn't see a true chemistry between the two leads. The acting was subpar. This movie was hard to get through. The movies this year on Hallmark have not been well done. I think maybe two are repeated watches. It's quite disappointing.

The scenery was the only good thing about this movie. This storyline is overplayed and definitely reminded me of another Hallmark movie about waterfalls. This storyline is overplayed and definitely reminded me of another Hallmark movie about waterfalls. I didn't see a true chemistry between the two leads. The acting was subpar. This movie was hard to get through. The movies this year on Hallmark have not been well done. I think maybe two are repeated watches. It's quite disappointing.
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Kindred Spirits (2016– )
Family Favorite
15 March 2023
My family and I have watched them since back in the day but once Kindred Spirits came along, oh my goodness. The Spirit Box is of our favorite aspects of the show. People are skeptical about the Spirit Box and Chip but here's the thing Metaphysics is an ever-evolving science. I'm spiritually sensitive and people love to tell me I'm not and poo poo my experiences but guess what I don't care. They are my experiences. The same goes for Amy and Adam those are their experiences, it's like telling someone how to feel. You can't. I appreciate paranormal shows like this one and hope they continue. Amy and Adam help people every single day and that's incredible.
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Down Home Fab (2023– )
Why HGTV? Why?
24 February 2023
Can we please bring back shows that have actual designers and not influencers? I'm well aware she was on a ridiculous show on MTV and then turned influencer on Instagram, but really HGTV? You give them a show? This is Insta Deigners and you can tell. I'm a Sioux Falls woman and was excited our city would be the backdrop but oh my goodness. Out of all the incredible interior designers here, this is who you chose? They destroyed a historical Craftsman, black and white are the only colors she knows and why in the world do they speak to one another like that? We have lost touch with what's real with content creators and influencers. I'm disappointed in HGTV.
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Another terrible wedding movie
28 January 2023
How many wedding movies is Jennifer Lopez going to be in? I don't know why I thought this would be any different or good; I was wrong. When was the last time you heard about Josh Duhamel? When he was with Fergie, perhaps. The only redeeming part was Jennifer Coolidge, but otherwise, this movie was a stinker. Jennifer Lopez isn't a good actress; she doesn't work for me, and yet I still watch her movies in hopes there is an improvement. There isn't. The plot wasn't great, the acting was subpar, and it was just awful overall. At least it was free. I definitely wouldn't pay anything for this movie.
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