
1 Review
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Powerful and Delicate
8 April 2007
I can understand some of the negative comments: if you like movies that lead you by the hand -or that always explain things in some tidy, obvious package- then this probably isn't the right movie for you. Others who've rated this movie positively have written eloquently about it. Seek out those reviews. They are a nice (and, for me, welcome) balance to a few rants that seem to have been written by users who may have picked up this film expecting it to be some kind of Stephen Colbert comedy. I imagine that for those same folks the film's inter-splicing of wide shots of lower Manhattan were somewhat meaningless. But for me they were beautiful and, inevitably, achingly hollow. Similarly, the film resonated with me in quiet yet powerful way: That is my New York. Those are the people I walk by or share elevators with, but never know. And those are the feelings that still seep into us all, even as we press through the motions of our separate lives.
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