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By far the weakest of the trilogy
9 September 2024
So the film wasn't objectively all that bad. The casting was fine, scores were fine, acting was on par, but the first two films went far beyond that. This film lost me towards the second act and I'd not for the cat (and the fact that I lost the remote) I likely would have tuned out all together.

The film did little to dive into the who's, how's and why's of just why the aliens got here which I think is what we all wanted and instead told the story of a random terminally ill lady and her cat who link up with an average joe business man as they navigate their way through New York City. We catch brief glimpses of some familiar faces from the previous instalment but aside from that, that's it.

6/10, skippable and watchable depending on how much time you have to kill on a rainy evening.
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The Boys: The Insider (2024)
Season 4, Episode 7
Standard issue "setting things up" episode
11 July 2024
A bit of a slower moving episode with a couple excellent scenes to keep things interesting. We got introduced to a new supe and while it thickens the plot and ups the stakes, it does feel a bit cliche. I prefer to keep my reviews spoiler free so I won't dive into specifics, but I suspect many viewers suspected that we would at some point see this type of character.

I found this episode to be quite character driven and dramatic. While that's certainly a bit of a change of pace, it wasn't really that bad. I get the feeling that they're setting up for a very high emotion finale and while this episode was mostly procedural in setting up for the season finale, it was pretty effective as such.

8/10 eagerly awaiting next weeks finale but still bitter that seasons are only 8 eps long.
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The Boys: Beware the Jabberwock, My Son (2024)
Season 4, Episode 5
Great continuation from last week
27 June 2024
It's safe to say that most are relieved at the swift recovery after a rocky start with 3 questionable at best episodes. This week we had great continuity in pacing from last week in that we're now getting the very best of the show in all its gore and glory. Thankfully there was minimal screen time wasted on useless side characters and sub plots which nobody was interested in seeing aside from those who seek to check DEI boxes at the expense of sensical and proper storytelling.

Every second of this weeks episode thickened the plot, there was non stop intensity and it had a couple touching moments which didn't fall flat despite feeling just a little out of tempo.

There was a great deal of political satire which I thought was very well done. They've reverted back to bashing on both sides equally which was always one of this shows strong points and I for one couldn't be more happy about that.

10/10 - can't wait for the rest of the season and very relieved about it.
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The Boys: Wisdom of the Ages (2024)
Season 4, Episode 4
We really needed that
21 June 2024
So far season 5 has made some headlines for all the wrong reasons and I was becoming rather concerned about the shows future. To be honest I still am a little concerned but not near as much as I was before.

This episode really regrouped and regathered and was certainly a return to form and I'm hoping that it stays on pace. There were several odd pairings that meshed really well and the plot was thickened around every corner and had me really exited to see how the second half of the season plays out.

Thankfully one relationship that nobody seemed interested in seeing, myself included, was also severed. One can only hope they stay as far away as possible from agenda driven themes because their absence was something that made the previous seasons a breath of fresh air.

10/10 - Hope renewed for the second half of the season.
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Halo: Halo (2024)
Season 2, Episode 8
Took a while, but it got there
22 March 2024
So season 1 was a little rough around the edges and season 2 progressively improved to the point we're at now which is definitely at the height of the show. They finally did something somewhat useful with the universally despised new character Kwan Ha and tied in the rest of the new TV show changes and correlated them to the original story in a good enough way to give the show its own unique flavour while preserving the great taste of the source material. Despite taking a bit too long to get to this point, I'm glad it got there and I am anxiously waiting for season 3 unlike passively waiting for season 2 as most of us likely were.

Solid 9/10 for the episode, removing only one point for one drastic change from the video game story which I really didn't want to see and an 8/10 for the whole of season 2.

As a side note, I hate the new trend of shows only having 8 episodes to a season and a massive wait in between seasons combined with the weekly trickle, but that's more of a symptom than a problem with this show specifically.
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Twisted Metal (2023– )
Season 2 now confirmed!
8 December 2023
I finished the first season just a few days ago and wound up watching in two sittings. It's a great combination of gore, action and dark humour and probably one of the most successful within its genre being surpassed only by the likes of The Boys.

For those who really enjoyed shows like Z Nation and find that shows like that are often criminally under rated, this is the new show for you. I love the post apocalyptic setting, wit and dark humour and how it watches like a comedic version of Mad Max. While I did play some of the games many years ago, I can't remember the storylines so I can't comment on how faithful an adaptation the show is, but it was so entertaining, I can't say I could care much.

At first I was scared that the show would be finished after the first season as it currently shows "2023-2023" on the top of the IMDB page but yesterday it was confirmed that season 2 has been ordered, so our prayers have been answered. Can't wait for season 2!!!
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Gen V: Guardians of Godolkin (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
Solid finale to decent first season
6 November 2023
So I have to admit that I think the best parts of this series are it's ties to the main show and the rich universe that it's happening in. On a few occasions I found that this show pandered a bit to Gen Z viewers and grout along some uninteresting teenage drama with that baggage but overall I've enjoyed the ride.

The acting isn't as good as it is in The Boys, but who could expect it to be when the main show has an absolutely star studded cast. Same goes with the writing, while it's not perfect, it certainly gets the job done and entertains with the same gory, shocking and crude style.

I am glad that season 2 is confirmed but I hope they don't intertwine the shows all that much. I like the idea of having the seasons staggered with the main show as 8 episodes never seem like enough and this will serve as something like a solid appetizer while we're waiting for the main course.
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Gen V: Welcome to the Monster Club (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
There's something just a bit off putting here..
13 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So this episode had me thinking back and reflecting on the whole show in general which after 5 episodes is something a lot of viewers do in one way or another. I can't call it a bad show because it simply isn't, but none the less there's definitely something off putting about it that isn't present in the main show. I couldn't quite put my finger on it before but I think it's a combination of the young adult/teenage drama combined with the Gen Z era and the shows representation of it.

Regardless to what your opinions are in respect to Gen Z identity politics or the way they have a strong left lean, there's no denying that it's brought about a rather bad era for entertainment. Everything to do with entertainment, whether it be social media, standup comedy, writing, TV or film seems to have a taint on it nowadays and while the main show handles this quite well, this literal parody of Gen Z can't seem to quite escape the unfavourable shading that comes with the territory they're venturing into.

This episode seems to solidify these points as it's almost entirely a filler episode of teenage drama masquerading as character development and it just doesn't quite land well with the viewer, or at least that's the way it made me feel.

It's not a complete loss though, as mentioned before it's not by any stretch a bad show and still quite recommendable. For those who stuck around to watch the sneak peak at the end of the episode we finally got a glimpse of our most anticipated character, so there's undoubtedly light at the end of the tunnel. I personally cannot wait to see how Soldierboy interacts with this cast of characters. The stark differences between the time periods that the young cast and his character come from will certainly make for some outrageous possibilities and could very well work out nicely.

7/10 would still recommend.
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V/H/S/85 (2023)
Solid entry to a cult classic franchise
9 October 2023
So while it's not exactly perfect it's a very solid entry to the franchise that I think can now safely be categorized as a cult classic. With basically every previous entry there is a trend where some of the stories are abysmally bad and others are excellent, the same formula is followed here but as per usual what is missing from storylines is made up for with blood, gore, violence and nudity.

While this won't garner any praise from critics, for us fans who like it, we like it enough for them to keep churning out a new entry every year or two and that's good for me. One thing that I wish they would do is clean up the video quality a bit. I like how they purposefully ad in all classic VHS screen static but watching what looks like less than 360p for a couple hours does get quite daunting. There are ways they could keep the nostalgic effects from VHS and make it easier on the eyes.

7/10, overall very recommendable for fans of the genre, especially fans of the franchise.
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Gen V: The Whole Truth (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
Did I miss something to do with the ending?
9 October 2023
I'm still in agreement that this is a solid 8 as have been each of the previous episodes and show in general, but the ending left me scratching my head and wondering if I missed something. I'll definitely have to hit up YouTube for a streamers episode breakdown.

I also feel like I've seen way too many penises in this show and it's starting to give of some sexist against men vibes - I hope that gets remedied quickly, as there's no place for modern day identity politics in a universe such as this - one of my favourite aspects of shows that come out of The Boys universe is that they're all a nice light hearted escape from the absurdity of the world today.

Still love the show despite these minor gripes, and I'm eagerly awaiting the next episodes.
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Silo (2023– )
2 August 2023
I'm not going to say that this is a bad show because it simply isn't. The acting is on point, casting is great, edited and produced well, scores are effectively done and there's plenty of mystery that plays out feeding into the overarching story that keeps you coming back to find out more.

The problem is, is that it's a sci-fi show in a sci-fi setting but simply not very much sci-fi content. The only aspect of sci-fi is really the post apocalyptic setting and you're only given droplets of story progression as the main show concentrates on the whodunnit people drama which explains why you see a lot of reviews complaining about the show being too slow moving and boring. I'll go ahead and add another one to this category, albeit give credit where it's due.

If a standard people drama is your thing, then the show is a green light. If you're someone who has a taste for great sci-fi and that's what you're looking for you may as well watch the first couple episodes and then skip to the last. For me pretty much everything in between was half-watched while playing a mobile game.

7/10 - overrated but potentially worth watching.
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Decent follow up, slightly underrated
15 July 2023
So while this film isn't quite as good as the first, its not a bad follow up from Spain to the 2018 original US film by any stretch.

There are some instances of bad CGI and the story progression to the overall universe was quite minimal and these two factors certainly explain some of the lower reviews by critics and viewers alike, but overall I'd award this film a solid 65.

It does drag on a little and the conclusion was a bit predictable but overall I was satisfied by how they deepened the lore and story with the additions they made. I won't get into spoiler territory here but I liked how they told another story which coincided with the events from the first film and told from another part of the world. I'll certainly be in the circle of people interested to see what the next addition to this franchise will be - I think there's a solid cult classic in the making here.

65/100, would recommend.
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Yellowjackets: Storytelling (2023)
Season 2, Episode 9
Huh? That's the season finale?
28 May 2023
So, I'll start out with the good. The acting and soundtrack in this episode were amazing, even more so than usual. We got some interesting scenes and the camera work was on point. Walter's character development was also quite satisfying and this was a long time coming, Elijah Wood is really good in this role.

But that's about all I can say that was good about the episode. Season 1 was a a really good snow burn, cross genre and season 2 has seemingly devolved into more of just a slow, mediocre show that has its moments. So many things just seemed rushed and out of place in this finale - given that it was only 9 episodes as opposed to 10 makes me wonder if two episodes got smooshed into one for some reason?

I'll still be looking forward to season 3 but I honestly hope that's where they end it. After 2 seasons of being mostly interested in the plane crash story line I don't want to endure through another 16-20 episodes of droplets of story progression. While we got a handful of answers we also wound up with even more questions. Even though season 2 had some great high points it also had some pretty low, low points and I'd rather finish the series quick and strong.
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Yellowjackets: Old Wounds (2023)
Season 2, Episode 4
Standard "setting things up" episode
14 April 2023
The biggest problem with the weekly trickle of episodes is that these ones that mainly serve to set things up for the rest of the season get frustrating. I've rated it a 7 when it probably deserves something a little higher but it really felt like a long sequence that happens before a commercial and leaves you eager to see how things play out but leaves you unsatisfied for a week while you wait for the next bit of story.

The current score of 8.8 is definitely over rated but I think that's because the early bird ratings are inflated by those who were long awaiting the last scene - I prefer to keep my reviews spoiler free so I won't reveal what happens here but those who have watched the episode will know right away what I mean. I'd expect the score to drop down somewhere around 7 or 8 eventually.

The episode in general was rather heavy on the slow moving adult storyline and while we got some nice revelations on the crash site teen story, the good parts were short lived and when things were starting to finally ramp up, the episode was over. Really looking forward to the next ones as I've got a feeling things are about to pick up and get very interesting and pacing about to pick up!
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Wintertide (2023)
Low budget allegorical approach - not all bad
4 April 2023
So going into this movie and knowing that it's a Canadian festival film rather than a large budget project you'll probably know or at least have an idea of what to expect. This film is basically an allegory for things like the pandemic, depression, over-medicating and over medicated society, etc.

There isn't much horror but there are some quirky instances of humour that have me a good chuckle and some nice sex scenes with tasteful nudity. The plot, while a bit thin does what it needs to and the story while a tad drawn out is coherent and interesting enough to maintain interest. The acting is actually quite good given the films budget and while a couple scenes felt wooden, it all got the job done.

In terms of film as a whole I'd rate a 4/10 In terms of a festival film, it's a strong 8/10.
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
Good slow burn cross genre
3 April 2023
I'm writing this review 6 episodes into the first season and so far I'm pretty happy with the show overall. Reading though some of the reviews I'm seeing a lot of repeat criticisms - while they're certainly valid, I find a lot of the lower scores are either too harsh or simply exaggerated. If you're considering giving this a watch and you like a cross genre type of show with a bit of sci-fi, horror and mystery, this is definitely worth checking out.

There are a lot of complaints that it's slow moving and as the title states, this is definitely a slow burn (sometimes maybe a little too slow) but my main problem here is the way they're bouncing back and forth between the two storylines. The show simultaneously tells two stories involving the same characters both in present day and in the 90's when they were a high school soccer team. The constant and sometimes poorly timed jumps back and forth definitely get on my nerves more than I'd like. It also creates a little bit of confusion at times so with these two elements combined it represents the shows biggest and only significant drawback, for myself at least.

With that said, there's a little something here for everyone and that's what I'm currently enjoying most about the show. There's a strong mystery element, some elements of suspense, horror, gore and even a little bit of suggestion of the supernatural. While that's all great, there's also some teenage drama which certainly won't be for everybody but I will say that it's done in a very minimal and palatable way that still is effective in playing out the story. So don't let that deter you!

The acting is very very good and while I found that Melanie Lynskey may have been miscast at first, she's really settled into the role and I'm thoroughly happy with the performances of all the cast. Now with this being the 2020's of course identity politics play a role in the writing and casting. As you might assume, the cast is perfectly diverse and comes complete with a black lesbian woman who is strong and in a traditionally male role running for office in the current day. Despite all this, this doesn't fall into the category of Woke Culture Slog like so many other shows have recently. Nothing much feels forced or unfitting so far in the script as far as I can see.

So while there are a couple minor flaws and we don't have the next Lost, x-files, or Fringe we do have a great cross genre show that does a good job of combining drama, mystery, sci-fi and horror that's well worth checking out for a pretty broad audience with a little something for everyone. 8/10 would absolutely recommend.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Great show but criticism is valid too
24 March 2023
So I am guilty of changing my score from 10 to a 9 after finishing the entire first season. I had previously rated the show a 10 after watching the first two episodes as those were quite possibly the best pilot and follow up episodes I've seen since Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead or Ozark. In my mind I always like to think of films as being scored out of 100 rather than 10 and if I had those options I would likely score this between an 85 and 90.

The first couple episodes lived up to the hype and I completely understand why the reviews exploded however after that the show looses some of that momentum which led to people calling it over rated. For a while it was holding steady at a 9.4. And rightfully so, the current score if 8.9 I think suits it much better.

Where things went wrong is that they devoted two full legth episodes to flashbacks which did nothing or very little to progress the story and found themselves playing catch-up in order to tell the whole story in 6 episodes which constituted and entire game. Now, I have not played the game but if you actually add up the runtimes of all the episodes you'll notice that they actually spent a little over 25% - a full quarter of the first season to these two episodes. You don't have to play the game to know that when you waste that much screen time on filler, you're going to be rushing to finish off the story with 75% of a seasons runtime.

Episode 3 has me in a love/hate situation. The episode contained on its own was splendid. The acting could not have been better and it was very interesting to see a preppers take on a post apocalyptic situation. Where things crashed and burned is that it was a complete derailment from the momentum the first two episodes built up and it progressed the story none. I think they should have either kept one of the characters alive to fit them into later parts of the story or added another 15 minutes or so of runtime and released it as a movie sometime between season 1 and 2 in order to fill the very long gap that we're now faced with. This way they would not have left viewers scratching their heads and wondering why they just watched a 76 minute filler episode so early in the season and it would have avoided all the unnecessary debate and flame wars between people who didn't want to see two late-middle aged and hairy men lock beards in a homoerotic love story which takes place in a zombie apocalypse and those who were enthralled in the wokeness of it and praising the show for doing it. I mean the acting and story was good enough for the box offices by far and it it seems like it would have just made so much more sense.

Lastly, I know there was a lot of controversy when Bella Ramsey was cast as Ellie because she has a completely different look about her than the video game version of Ellie. I will say that I can understand people's surprise and hesitance given the totally different demeanours of and types of characters that Bella has played before but also that she did a great job this season. I had no problems with her acting at all and it seems that she has won over more than a few skeptics alike.

Now the first season has Ellie as a young teenager and if the show follows the game, there will be some considerable time that's passed since leaving off in the story and Ellie will have grown into an adult in her 20's and has developed into somewhat of a Lara Croft, Tomb Raider-like character who is as gorgeous as she is lethal and bad ass. Honestly I think I will have a hard time seeing Bella play that type of role as effectively as she played young Ellie. It will certainly be a first for her and legitimate questions about miscasting may come seeping back into the conversation as a result.

So to conclude I would say that it was a little bit over rated and the criticisms of the show were completely valid and skepticism of casting was understandable but overall the season was a great run and has me eagerly awaiting the next. As to what it brings, let's hope that things hold up and we get a good follow up but that the show runners learn from the mistakes made in season 1. Less filler, less rushing and for the love of humanity, MORE ZOMBIES!!!
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Michael Dorn must have owed someone a favour
18 March 2023
So I watched this movie on a streaming service that I rarely use which links review scores from multiple websites to online in the details. The scores on these sites were obviously forged in some way because they were really high - it was a few minutes into the film when I began to notice that virtually all the acting was terrible and then we were introduced to Michael Dorn's character. I actually didn't recognize him at first since he's mostly done voice work for animated projects and video games since playing the iconic Whorf from Star Trek. I thought to myself "why is this guy here, he's actually delivering the only convincing performance"?

So then I picked up my phone and ventured here to IMdB and realized who he was. All I can say is that he must have owed a friend a favour because he's so overqualified for this project I can't imagine what else would have drawn him to it unless he's managed to somehow go broke over the years and is in desperate need of money.

Aside from Dorn, this film offers nothing else. There's no action, no plausible drama, no gore, no horror, no suspense, no nudity, no comedy and it's basically a bunch of people playing alien laser tag with someone who has mild super powers.
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Another Earth (2011)
Total little hidden gem
16 March 2023
This is quite possibly the best little indie sci-fi movie I've ever seen. Admittedly it's much more of a drama than a sci-fi and that usually doesn't bode well with me but in this case Brit Marling's acting drew me in and kept me from turning off the film in search of another film in more of a Prometheus type setting to watch.

I'm glad that I did - one thing that I found astounding is that Brit hadn't done all that much since this film (I'm watching well over a decade after this film was released). Her acting was absolutely phenomenal here and she's absolutely gorgeous and obviously multi-talented in that she co-wrote the script.

While the film won't be for all sci-fi fans where it really is more of a drama that shamelessly ignores scientific accuracies, I think for most it's well worth the time to watch. I'm glad I ventured out of my usual realm and gave it a watch, even in 2023.
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The Last of Us: Look for the Light (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
"Unhook her"
13 March 2023
I have to say, this just might be the most beautifully shot episode I've ever seen from any show based on a post apocalyptic setting. They did an amazing job at capturing the post apocalyptic atmosphere for what it really is: Eerie, dark and oddly beautiful.

The pacing of the show flows very well and I felt like I blinked and the episode was over. The scores accompanied by the actions taking place on screen were effective and satisfying but also I found very unique and fitting that the show is based in a video game. While I haven't played the games to which this show is based on, it did give me the same feeling of playing through a game with a great story like the Half Life series.

Now I do have some gripes though.. I can't bring myself to drop the score down to a 9 but if this was on a scale of 100 I'd probably score it something like a 98. Earlier I mention that I felt like I blinked and the episode was over, making it feel short and well... that's because it was. In fact at 44 mins if runtime, this makes the season finale the shortest episode which doesn't bode well given that a LOT happened in this episode and it kinda felt like it was glossed over. Apparently a Lobito of time has passed since the last episode so there's a bit of a hole there and my mind keeps going back to the two very long flashback episodes which seemed like overkill dating back to episode 3.

All in all this has been a greatly successful first season and this is sessile the best sci-fi show on television and likely will be for a while. It's just a shame we'll likely have to wait a long while before the story picks up and we're treated to another short and sweet season. I really hope they don't pull a Stranger Things and leave too much time between seasons.
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The Last of Us: When We Are in Need (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
Nearly flawless
6 March 2023
As the weeks go by I and I review each passing episode I now find myself re-reviewing the series rather than just the episode itself. This one here was near flawless in every aspect with my one and only complaint being that I could see the twist coming from miles away and didn't have much shock and awe from it. Aside from that small gripe, this episode's quality is why this is currently my favourite show. A highlight here is Bella Ramsey really showing off her acting chops and given the initial reaction to her being cast, good on her!

About the main series, I am starting to feel like with only one episode left in its 9 episode first season that there may have been a bit too much time wasted in its two full length flash back episodes. A LOT happened in this 50 minutes of runtime. So much that it felt short. But at the same time earlier this season we had a 76 minute flashback episode and then a 55 minute one a few episodes later. Neither of which added to a progressed the story much (but despite that I personally liked them both in their own respects).

So I'm anxiously awaiting next weeks season finale but if I had one thing I could change in season 2 I would make it so there was less time spent on flashbacks, perhaps weaving them into longer episodes rather than devoting 22% or more of a season to flashbacks which do little to story progression or deep character development. What I would really love is for them to bump the episode count up to 12 or more but unfortunately that's unlikely given how things are these days.
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Attachment (2022)
Not a bad horror film
27 February 2023
Certainly a must watch film for fans of the genre. The casting, cinematography, acting, scores and writing are all very good. There were only a couple things which held it back from being a true great.

The first is that despite that it's a horror movie with an 18+ rating it isn't very scary at all. There are some good creepy elements here and there and the mood gets rather spooky from time to time but it never comes close to a full follow through and give you any dread or fear that you might come to expect with these types of films. Instead it's replaced with an element of mystery which does do a pretty good job of keeping you interested but very far away from being horrified.

The next thing I took issue with is despite the frequency of sex scenes, you never see any 18+ nudity - now I'm not saying that from the viewpoint of one who seeks out films filled with cheap pornographic material from plastic actresses. The camera work, lighting and makeup takes a very cinematic approach - the actresses are made to look like real people you could encounter in the street - they have laugh lines and blemishes, their makeup isn't always done and their hair doesn't always look perfect but yet they are quite attractive none the less. It all comes together to create a sense of realism that's quite submersible and effective. But watching numerous sex scenes unfold without seeing a bare behind or even a bare breast make an appearance but instead two people making love and staying unnaturally fully covered I found created contrast to the otherwise realistic and raw tone the rest of the film seemed to adhere to. In short it just seemed out of place and offbeat and gave the feeling of something being missing from the experience.

While the twist at the end was predictable and formulaic it didn't conclude the film in the exact way that I was expecting so i'll award half points for its conclusion. All in all I would certainly recommend that genre fans give it a watch - while it's not very scary it also doesn't rely on cheap jump scares and instead gives an honest effort towards creating a good atmospheric mystery with some horror elements and it's certainly worth your time.
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The Last of Us: Left Behind (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
Got the job done despite not being the strongest episode
27 February 2023
So far, the weaker points in this season seem to be coming from flashback episodes. The first flashback episode (s1e3) seemed like it could have been a short spinoff film or a bonus episode in between seasons because of how little it continued, advanced or added to the main story arch. This episode does feel like a proper flashback episode in a sense that it did progress the story a small bit but also added to Ellie's backstory and filled in some blanks but it would be dishonest of me to say that I didn't find this whole episode to be very predictable and a little bit on the lengthy side.

I prefer to keep my reviews spoiler free so without giving away any of the key points, I will say that I was not surprised by anything that happened in the least bit but it did confirm some suspicions that I had leading up to it. It's worth noting that I have not played the games so I do not know if this strayed away or stayed true to the source material, but I have a feeling there may be some more debate about miscasting that comes as a result of it.

I was tempted to score this one a 7/10 but the backstory that was started here left me wanting more of it and for it to be finished so I bumped it up to an 8. I also had to give credit where it was due, that the performances from both leads were exceptionally good, miscasting or not - that's a debate that I've stayed out of and plan to remain that way.
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More of an ASMR video for sci-fi fans
25 February 2023
So somehow this film wound up of Shudder and is labeled as a sci-if horror film. I would need every one of the English languages 172 thousand words to adequately describe just how incredibly inaccurate that classification is. I'll admit, because I was in the mood for something like Prometheus and got something like a YouTube video containing stills of European concrete art I'm probably feeling more disappointed than I would if the film wasn't so horridly mis-classified.

Now that said, the subject matter is pretty good if you're like me and love sci-fi and often put a video on at night to sleep to. Tilda Swinton has a wonderful narrating voice and as boring as the "film" was to someone expecting a sci-fi horror, the story was actually very captivating for someone looking to relax, maybe to fall asleep listening to.

So despite me being absolutely let down and disappointed, I'll definitely be giving it a second watch (or listen) at some point. I can't imagine why this was picked up by Shudder and had "horror" added as one of its genre tags but for the right type of person in the right type of mood, this could be a great option. Just know what you're signing up for before starting.
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The Last of Us: Kin (2023)
Season 1, Episode 6
Really making me hate the weekly trickle
20 February 2023
So we're now 7 episodes in and with only one clunker of an offbeat episode I'm pretty confident in saying that this is the new Walking dead (early seasons), Westworld, Fringe, x-files or however you see fit to compare. There have been very few science fiction shows that have been able to draw in and captivate mainstream audiences like these over the years, myself included. But The Last of Us is consistently giving us beautifully shot action, drama and storytelling mixed in with humour when needed and really living up to past sci-fi smash hits mentioned above.

Unfortunately the high quality storytelling is not the only thing that reminds me of these older classics, but it's also bringing back the feeling of frustration in having to wait a whole week to get another sliver of the story. And to make matters worse it looks like the season is only 10 or so episodes compared to the.older shows having more than double that. After season 1 I cringe to think that it might be another year before things continue.

Despite my gripes with the politics of streaming services these days I won't deduct a single point for this near flawless episode. The special features this week were absolutely beautifully shots of the snow capped mountainous area that our leads mar their way through, some excellent character development from our leads which show that neither of these actors are the least bit one dimensional and we're also treated to a very unique, funny and genuine scene at the start of the episode involving an elderly Inuit couple who I sincerely hope that we see again at some point. This scene felt particularly genuine and did a fantastic job of setting the tone for the episode.

Solid 10/10 for me on this one, I think this is the proper way to change up the pace and tone like they meant to in episode 3 but here they knocked it out of the park by changing up the tone and pacing while also adding much more depth and story progression.

Just wish I had a bunch more to binge watch..
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