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Jeff Buckley: Remembered (1999 TV Movie)
Another reminder of the world's loss of Jeff
12 April 2004
Another depressing reminder of the amazing talent and brilliance we lost when Jeff decided to go swimming in Wolf River. I think almost uniquely this is also an uplifting experience apart from the music, that being Mick Grondahl's spiritual revelation of experiencing Jeff's presence even after his death.

The strange thing about Jeff, of course, is that revered and legendary is not apparently what he wanted to be. However, he was given a gift, expressing love through music and that was probably what made him so unique. Whether you believe in God or not or any kind of spirituality, I think there was a feeling of Jeff channeling something far greater than himself through his music. A quote from System of a Down singer Serj Tankian said that music belongs to the universe rather than the artist and I think the incredible effect of Jeff's music on people help to show that.

I believe Jeff's music can bring us closer together and possibly closer to some greater source. Love to you all
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A Director shall not know anything about anger, nor hate, nor love.
24 June 2002
I'm sorry, but how can over a quarter of IMDb voters give Episode 2 10/10 stars? Obviously it's a prequel to the Star Wars Trilogy, so a few people will give it ten stars regardless, but how can so many people ignore the huge, gaping flaws in the film.

The special effects are of course superb, Yoda appearing far more lifelike than he did in the Phantom Menace, in fact more real than he did in the original trilogy. Yet ironically, as he is not a puppet, he seems far hollower and less human [well obviously not *human* as such] than he did in the original trilogy. The vast sweeping battlegrounds towards the end are very impressive, but again somewhat soulless. The acting as well is totally devoid of any emotion, the actors seeming to feel no empathy for any of the characters they play. Whether this is bad scripting, lack of immersion from too much bluescreen or simply poor acting is uncertain. The rather pathetic love story between the two leads, Anakin and Padme is so fake and wooden that you just want to laugh at it. In fact in places I did. You get the feeling that George Lucas has absolutely no idea what he's writing, and certainly no idea what he's directing.

I know that you can get caught up in the whole dramatic effect of the film, you may be able to suspend your disbelief long enough not to notice my points, but don't be fooled by the film. It does sweep you up into the whole momentum of the thing but do not be fooled. There is no way that this film deserves to be in the top 250 films, and certainly no way it deserves any 10 star ratings, certainly not over 7,000 of them.
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Stagecoach (1939)
Supporting the wrong side
8 May 2002
Unfortunately, this is just another of those John Wayne/John Ford Westerns with no difference to any of the others, or any basis in historical facts. It is just another rewrite of American history, nothing like what actually happened, or what would have happened. The truth is that the Settlers almost completely exterminated the Native American race, yet in this film they portray the Indians as the bad guys, and the happy settlers as the good guys. Again. Has anyone noticed by the way that most of the characters are good upstanding citizens and helpless women? There is a priest, a banker and a blind woman, the first two of which are killed senselessly by the Indians, the directors using every Disney-like sentimental technique in the book. On the other hand, the baddies (or Native Americans, is there a difference?) are portrayed as being brutal, savage, stupid and pretty basically quite evil compared to the Whites.

If you want to see a good, original movie about what really happened, I suggest you see Dances With Wolves. Thank God they don't make films like this anymore.
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