
13 Reviews
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The Dig (2021)
Subtle, intelligent and beautiful
23 October 2021
This is the kind of clever historical film that we Brits make best.

Sutton Hoo is an incredible piece of history It is fitting that such an amazing cast was assembled to do it's story justice

One small niggle - Lilly Collins wears a pair of specs which are massively anachronistic. They have modern frames and multi layer anti-reflection coating. They are also a modern lens form which is 70 years too early.

It seems like a huge shame such an error should have got in.

The goof section describes them as polarised. This is a huge goof in itself. If a film production company ever needs advise on accurate eyewear, I am available :)
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Forget the aspect ratio
20 March 2021
The format is a bold choice. I get ZS's reasoning, just not sure I'm feeling it.

Everything else is pretty perfect. From Snyder's thank you at the start, to Leto's cameo (it's not a spoiler he is in the cast list) this is a magnificent work of cinematic work Cyborg is restored. And the other members of The Seven get a little nod too

Thanks Mr S. It was worth the wait
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Pennyworth (2019–2022)
Excellent show, strange anachronisms throughout.
11 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this is a great show. The writing and acting is absolutely the top of its game. I can't work out if the occasional anachronisms are a plot device to emphasise that this is a parallel world which grows into the Batman-verse. Televised hanging and drawing? GoGo dancing to Paranoid are the two most obvious ones so far. Very watchable throughout
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A very good film, but with a couple of glaring errors
20 June 2019
Everyone reviewing this film had covered all the reasons why it it is a great film. I just wanted to comment on some glaring errors which totally dragged me out of the moment.

The glasses people wore were all kinds of wrong I saw a pair of rimless specs with nylon plugs holding the mounts to the lens. These were not invented until decades later Sam Rockwell was also wearing a pair of aviator shaped rimless specs which looked like someone bought them for £2.99 in Accessories. The props department did a dreadful job here.
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Really? Witches worship the devil?
27 October 2018
I thought we had moved beyond this bizarre idea.

This feels like a huge sticking point to what, in every other respect could be an awesome series.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
As a long-time Star Trek fan I love this show
22 September 2017
Three episodes in and this show is getting better and better.

At first I was concerned that a lack of TV SF was slightly clouding my judgement but now I absolutely love the show.

The characters are starting to flesh out a bit. TV SF has a tendency to have characters defined by one characteristic (logical Vulcans, angry Klingons etc), The Orville seems to be doing a good job of avoiding this.

The humour is used sparingly and to good effect. McFarlane fans will be familiar with it but here it is used more subtly and masterfully.

The cast is doing a fantastic job too.

Fingers crossed that the show continues to grow, and manages to survive in the harsh world of US TV SF.
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Scared Topless (2015 TV Movie)
Don't be taken in by the Comedy/Horror/Thriller tag . . . .
9 December 2016
This film is an odd duck. I wanted a giggle or two. I put this film on and was surprised to find it was a soft porn film.

There were some laughs to be had. The acting was about as good as I have ever seen in an adult film The music was genius - any track with the lyric "hump me - squeeze my boobies" is pretty special.

The Story deals with a group of students who visit a haunted house and have lots of fairly tame and 4th wall breaking bored sex.

Lets talk about these students. I know Students have a reputation for being poor, but these guys can barely afford clothes. They seem to have been struggling to pass their course though because some of them are in their late 30s poor things.

I don't have a lot of experience with this genre of films but the performers did an amazing job of not exposing even a wrinkle of genital. Honestly, it was amazing. Perhaps a nod of recognition to the director of photography, the director and the editor might be appropriate but I suspect they are one and the same person.

compliments are also due to whoever does the performers skincare products because they are all perfect and flawless.
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Mr Crowe - just wow
10 May 2015
Every now and the Russell Crowe likes to remind us all about what a powerhouse of an actor he is. This film has left me feeling like I have been beaten with a cricket bat, but in a good way.

In this stunning directorial debut Crowe tells a story of fatherly love and devotion. Add a dusting of the horror and futility of war and let the emotions simmer.

The acting is of a very high standard throughout, the direction and writing is great, the cinema and production is perfect.

9.9 out of 10.

why the missing 0.1? It might improve on a second viewing.

Many thanks Mr Crowe
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Ultraviolet (2006)
A Film which had mountains of potential
4 December 2006
Now, I get annoyed when people say 'This was the best/worst film ever.' This tells us that they haven't seen enough films.

Ultraviolet had a lot going for it. Milla was simply stunning as the hero. The world was a well rounded dystopia. The action scenes were highly stylised, and artistic.

Throughout the film there is a sense of disjointed action. The plot seems to stutter and leap from point to point. Reading these boards suggests that originally it was meant to be much longer. This makes sense. We can only hope that a Directors cut may, one day, restore the missing footage, and fix the damage.

There are a lot of things wrong with the movie, but it is not the worst movie ever.
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a fantastic film
4 September 2006
This film was a joy to watch.

I am not going to comment on its accuracy, others on this board do this better than I could. What struck me about the film was its feel. It was like watching one of those war movies I remember as a kid. Straight after the war, many movies were made while the events portrayed were fresh and painful. Often they cut actual wartime footage and newsreels. These movies were the stuff of Sunday afternoons watching the TV with your family. The director must have had the same experiences, because the qualities were the same. The soundtrack with its minimalist touches of brass and strings was very 50/60s too. I was also struck by the inspired casting. Not too many Hollywood pretty boys here. In the camp there were people who looked like they have been through hell, not just a strenuous make-up session.

Thanks to all the cast and crew, for a stunning movie.
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Catwoman (2004)
Was it serious, or a parody?
9 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I am still not sure.

As a straight-up, comic book adaptation, it is not great. As a parody of this type of movie it is very funny.

A shy girl gets breathed on by a mystical, ancient Egyptian cat, thereby raising her from the dead. She then battles an evil corporation, marketing killer face-cream.

The Hero is the least observant Police Detective ever. I am sure that anyone, having the major hots for someone, would recognise them leathered-up and masked. Personally this would open up all kinds of fun possibilities :-). Contrast this with the scene in 'Mystery men' where William H Macy's character states that Captain Amazing and Lance Hunt must be different people because Lance Hunt wears Spectacles.

This is the level at which Catwoman must be enjoyed, because the alternative is too horrible to comprehend.
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Dealing with plot holes
17 November 2004
I watched the movie and greatly enjoyed it. I am not 13 :-)

much has been made of the plot holes in the movie, but they are not so big.

The rapid gestation of the 'Chest Burster'

This can be dealt with in two ways: The Predators have been using the Aliens for this purpose for some time. The Aliens get characteristics of the host creature. The Predators originally could have used various host creatures to produce the characteristics of a rapid gestation period Chest Burster. Remember the four Alien movies all had creatures from the same batch, so would have had the same gestation period).

The Predators were very technologically advanced, assume that they would have had genetic engineering technology, and could have engineered rapid gestation into the Aliens. This would have suited the Predators for their rituals, and suited the Aliens because it would make them more virulent.

The Alliance between the Predator and Alexa.

Take this in context. The Predators were used to a set number of hosts being implanted (remember the sacrificial chamber), as well as a set number of Predators. The Humans were more numerous, therefore the aliens were in too great a concentration. The last Predator was alone and outnumbered. The 'My Enemy's Enemy is my friend' comment very much applied to him.

Alexa running around in a T-Shirt in the Antarctic cold.

Now I am pretty sure there was a nearby explosion which was melting the ice. This would have provided enough heat for her, For a while at least.

There are shortfalls in the plot, but I'll have to wait until I see the movie in English. The French version I saw was OK, but any number of small details could have passed me by.
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Truth will out
4 May 2004
Inherit the wind deserves its high regard. Unusually even the remakes have a reflection of originals glory.

This film touched me personally with its eloquent depiction of science vs. Religion. It is a difficult film for persons of faith to watch, but it shows perfectly the 'Closed Mind-Open Mouth' unquestioning faith of all organised religion.

Should be compulsory viewing in all schools, show it to your Kids if you want them to look at the sky with wonder, and not fear. :-)
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