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Big Apple (2001)
Heartily agree with comments of "stonfree"
30 March 2007
"stonfree" said it very well in his comments. Really, Ed O'Neill gives one of the best performances/characters I HAVE EVER SEEN on television, in this show. I wonder if somewhere there are the remaining episodes? They assembled an incredible cast for this show, and some of the best writers. But it was probably because of the need to keep track of characters and plot lines and relationships that made it essential that you not miss an episode. A very intricate show, not inclined to tidy weekly packages. Nowadays, with the networks re-showing episodes on the internet, or on their sister cable channels, maybe this show could have gained a following? It is a sin that this show, and all of those involved (especially Ed O'Neill), didn't get even half the credit they deserved for providing something of such quality. Or what if like HBO had picked it up and run with it...? Wishful thinking. Just the thought of an evening of television consisting of THE SOPRANOS, SIX FEET UNDER, and BIG APPLE would have been amazing. The only reason I didn't give this show a "10" is because I hold that in reserve as a sacred ultimate plaudit. If you perchance see this crop up somewhere, do try to see it - and watch it from the beginning so that you can really appreciate it.
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