
4 Reviews
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What a Ride!
13 November 2004
Hats off to Callie Khouri, the writer of this great story. This is on my top ten list of movies to keep revisiting. What is so wonderful about watching two ordinary women screw up just one time (ok, homicide is a biggie) only to have their lives snowball out of control? Maybe because the way it all happens, one thing leading inexorably to another (picking up a hitchhiker, committing armed robbery, resisting arrest, blowing up a rig, and finally...) makes you wonder: could this kind of thing happen to me and what would I do in their place? The leads are perfect in their roles. The pacing and photography are magnificent. And the dialog! When Thelma tells the cop he better be nice to his wife, because "my husband wasn't nice to me and look how I turned out" -- the whole audience cheered. An inventive and consistently entertaining movie that effectively mixes drama, suspense,action and humor. You have to see it once in your life.
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Charming Film with Unique Story - Great for Dog Lovers
8 November 2004
This is a good movie and it is especially enjoyable if you love dogs as I do. I never read the novel but I first saw this film years ago, and finally bought the video recently. To my surprise, the film now seems a little dated and even a little bit slow in parts. (But to be fair, American movies tend to move so quickly that many British and European films seem slow by contrast.) Alan Bates is terrific in the story of a middle-aged bureaucrat whose male lover betrays him for love of a female. When Bates agrees reluctantly to make sure his lover's dog is cared for while his lover is in prison, he finds himself really starting to care for the dog himself. Some funny visuals and a satisfying ending make for one good movie.
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Romantic comedy is fun for the whole family
6 November 2004
This film is worth every penny of the ticket price if you can get to see it anywhere. I have no idea why it still needs a distributor, unless the Native American setting is a concern to the money men? Shouldn't be. The humor and romance subplots cross all age groups, ethnic groups and class lines. The men I know who saw it at the film festival really liked it, so it's not just a chick or kid flick. It's more charming than You've Got Mail, more interesting than Whale Rider, funnier than Love, Actually, and it has more appeal for a wide audience than Something's Got to Give. Like My Big Fat Greek Wedding, it's the kind of story you'd send everybody you know to see (and this ensemble would make a better, less clichéd basis for a weekly TV sitcom). I'd buy the DVD in a heartbeat, plus buy more for my friends and family if they would just offer it for sale. The world needs more comedies like this!
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A romantic comedy that really is romantic and funny
9 December 2001
I wanted to see this movie again as soon as it ended because it made me feel so good while watching it. Funny, well-paced with great casting and wonderful script. Probably P or PG, with wide appeal to both adults and younger people. Stars a cast of Native Americans including very appealing romantic leads. The entire audience applauded as it concluded.
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