
4 Reviews
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Ignore the clutchers - great documentary
6 December 2015
This is an excellent documentary on a very disturbing topic. How disturbing? Well, read the other reviews. The majority of them are by Men's Rights guys waving the red herring flag of ONE case mentioned in the movie. It's the only thing they've got to try and discredit this film. Pretty sad that a bunch of grown men feel they have to crowd onto this site and post sad little rants, clutching their stones because OMG WOMINZ MITE GET RIGHTZ!!!!! Don't pay any attention to them. This is an important film that should be seen by as many people as possible, ESPECIALLY YOUNG PEOPLE. You're better than those panicked little toddlers.
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A pity we can't award 0 stars (Possible slight spoiler, but really not.)
17 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What a horrible, pointless film. Three characters with absolutely nothing to recommend them, wandering aimlessly around and spouting vapid, self-involved nonsense. Yet another "edgy" film about nothing at all. SPOILER: THREE WHOLE MINUTES of a guy eating a cupcake? Really? (At least he kept his mouth closed most of the time. That's something, I guess.)

This is a clear but pathetic attempt to make a film in the vein of "Two Girls and a Guy", but without any of the relevance, wit, interest, intelligence, or talent. The two girls are alternately shrieky, moronic, and boring by turns (every synopsis I see of this thing mentions the two girls are "beautiful", but it only takes about 60 seconds to see why "beauty" is the cheapest and least important quality a person can have, as that's how long it takes to start longing to push them both off a building). And the less said about Keanu Reeves' complete lack of affect, the better. The guy is nowhere in Robert Downey Jr's league, that's for sure. Don't waste even five minutes of your time on this turkey.

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Road Scholar (1993)
A warm appreciation from an outsider
22 March 2009
This is an excellent film, filled with Andrei's dry, ironic wit and pointed observations. As the synopsis states, Andrei Codrescu, a Romanian poet who has never driven a car, takes lessons in order to get behind the wheel of a big red American car for a cross-country journey to find the soul of America.

Andrei is indeed an immigrant, and he is eager to let the audience know that his birth country was a hard place in which to grow up, but this is not a problem in the film (unless you don't like immigrants, I imagine.) It's his viewpoint AS an immigrant that gives the film its shape; indeed, if he'd been an American by birth, most of his witticisms would come off very different. His dryness and ironic tone are an acquired taste, but really, it's one that's easily acquired. For example, here's one of his bon mots: "Tourists are terrorists with cameras. Terrorists are tourists with guns." If that intrigues you, you'll love the movie.

He interviews hippies, religious communalists, New Age practitioners, Native Americans, inner city artists, famous poets - all kinds of people, all of them connected by the thread of spirituality and the inner drive to grow. The result is funny, sweet, and ultimately a valentine to his adopted land.
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Smart sexy fun
8 December 2001
Sorry, but I have to disagree. I found this film very enjoyable. Clever, quick, smart, sexy. A fun ride - good script, solid performances. Clooney and Pitt make a great team - they both have the same down-to-earth, shrug-and-grin cool vibe about them. Very sexy in an understated way. The cast is excellent - everyone did very well. I'm not usually impressed with Julia Roberts (though I don't begrudge her), but she turns in a solid piece of work here.

Sure, it's not Shakespeare. It's not even Mamet. But then, it doesn't pretend to be. It's just an enjoyable ride, well made and definitely worth the price of admission. I like it!
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