
8 Reviews
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My Favourite Film ever!
18 April 2024
Everytime I watch this film, I feel uplifted and full of joy.

As well as showing the true grit and determination of Mr Edwards, it also showed how normal, working class people are kept suppressed and stunned by the ruling elite class.

Even now, in 2024, it's no different, if anything, much worse.

It was truly amazing that Eddie the Eagle was able to climb above the baracades, and shine for a brief time. It may have been brief but everyone from my generation still remembers the headlines, and the news footage about him, from that time. It was such a momentous, and memorable thing.

Eddie, and this film about him, has gone on to inspire millions of people, across the entire globe.

Such a shame that he got robbed of his earnings after his success, which then prompted him to become qualified as a lawyer.

What a truly amazing man he is!

I'm so pleased this film was made, to keep inspiring future generations, who may themselves feel battered by a system that really doesn't care about them.

Thank you, Eddie Edwards, for entertaining us, in so many ways, beating the establishment, if only briefly, and many congratulations for all the achievements you've had, in your most fascinating life. Thank you for being a hero, to so many.
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Dreadful Attempt at Propaganda
16 December 2023
Don't waste your time. Life is too short to watch this dishonest and poorly researched drivel.

Seems to ignore any real events, facts, and opinions. Goes on and on about how hard things were for H&M and how badly they've been treated, without any useful facts or reflections on actual events.

I can only imagine someone well known to the Harkles, rather like Scobie, has put this together. And we've seen how much he waffles, and tells blatant lies.

There's no balanced reporting, or any decent reporting at all. Just a bunch of people telling a get vague narrative, trying to persuade you that Harry & Meghan are amazing, and the world, has been constantly and unrelentingly mean to them.

In summary, it was highly cringeworthy, and yet another whiney, poor victim version of their 'truth'.

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Dreadful Narration - Intentionally Bad?
24 October 2023
This must be the very worst documentary, or piece of film, I've ever seen. It made me cringe dreadfully.

Why would you make such a poor, shoddy piece of film, on purpose? Though it's too bad to have happened by error.

I only watched 11 minutes of it because I was waiting for the ridiculous voice to stop. Which of course, it didn't.

When I realised it was going to continue for the rest of the time, I had to turn it off.

I seriously had no idea what he was saying, or where the storyline might go, because it grated so much.

I'm not sure if it was meant to be a farce, but either way, it was unwatchable. 😐
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Chasing Shadows (I) (2014)
Shame there were not more episodes
4 October 2023
I loved the 4 episodes, enjoyed the storylines, the characters, and thought it was very well produced.

It was significantly better than many series, that run on for a lot longer.

The characters were all normal, flawed people, not glamorous, posy, and unbelievable.

The relationships were complex, in their own right, as things tend to be, in real life.

Why did they not make any more?

A big mistake, in my view.

(Not sure why you have to write really long reviews. It seems to be a silly stipulation, to be able to post a review. Other than disclosing the plot, there is not any more I wish to say).
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Here Before (2021)
Sound muffled. No subtitles
29 September 2023
Maybe this is a decent movie, I don't know.

What I do know is that I tried watching it on Amazon Prime and the sound was very badly muffled, making it impossible for me to make it what was being said.

On top of that, there were no subtitles, or Captioning available.

I do have a hearing impairment, but there are still many things I can watch, without subtitles. Those where the sound is poorly produced, are still watchable, with subtitles.

For a film made as recently as 2022, I would expect to have Captioning available.

The best solution would be to make clearer sound, for customers watching on TV, or home media - but failing that, provide subtitles.

It doesn't seem like a very high expectation, with modern technology, and film-making.

I would call it the bare minimum.

There must be thousands, if not millions of viewers, like me, who have to switch off. Very foolish of film makers, and media outlets, to ignore the deaf and hard of hearing, in this way.
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Suits (2011–2019)
Ridiculous storyline. Poor acting.
29 September 2023
This seems very poorly acted to me. And poorly produced. Even the storyline is unbelievable.

It very much reminds me of Acorn Antiques (comedy) where the actors stand still, in an action pose, waiting for the camera man, to call out 'action'.

Acorn Antiques were taking the mickey out of an old UK series called 'Crossroads Motel'.

Suits appears to be the same quality of acting and production, just a modern day version.

Many lawyers have said the storyline is so ridiculous, and is totally unbelievable, if you have even the slightest experience of working in a Legal firm.

For all these reasons, I struggle to see how anyone finds it good quality, or engaging.
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27 June 2022
The real life stories might make good telling, but that doesn't happen here.

The stories seem disjointed, and poorly told.

They play music rather loudly over the narration, in a most irritating manner.

I was really hoping to like this series but it reminded me of something made by inexperienced high school students. After a few episodes, I just couldn't make myself watch any more.

So badly put together.
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Excellent film
14 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved it. Sad throughout, it showed the sacrifice family can sometimes make for each other, and also how there isn't always much, if any, separation between victim and perpetrator. That mostly we are all doing the best, with the cards we are dealt with, in life.

It ended with the hope that the future could be better, even after such trauma and pain.

I thought Bullock was great, and was pleased to see her in a different, more challenging role. I hope she does more.

Not everyone seems to have liked this film but I found it far better than many of the films that receive lots of accolades. Loved it!
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