
21 Reviews
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Silent Night (2023)
Who rates on IMDB?? This movie was flawless!
6 January 2024
I can't understand how anybody knowing what they're going into could find this movie anything less than a 10/10. It's exciting, it's emotional, goddamn movie made me cry twice. Maybe you have to be a parent to see this movie to really feel the true rage of the main character.

It lets the action speak for itself without tedious and redundant dialogues you seen every other action movie. To me this is by far the best movie I've seen this year and John Woo is just one unique incredible director that cannot be compared to any other today.

If you like revenge movies, this is really top shelf.

Forget anyone who tries to put this movie down. There are a lot of haters out there for no reason at all. They shouldn't be watching these movies if they're so easily offended or don't get the style of John Woo.

I just watched it last night and I'm already gravitating to watching it another time right now! 10/10.
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Anastasia (1997)
The last true animation movie. A masterpiece
13 November 2022
Before the easy street of computer based animation there was art, true art. Don Bluth was the last great artist. He still is and will always be unrivaled, even by any Disney animator (which he was himself for a long time). The story and music is excellent but it's the visuals that blow me away. How a cartoon can mimic the real movements of human beings, a way computer animation won't ever be able to, is absolutely mesmerizing. Children today need to be exposed to this level of creativity, it's only about money now so I doubt there will ever be a resurgence of this level of talent. This world got so lazy.

Thankfully we still have movies like Anastasia to show the true human potential. 10/10.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
Season 2 is amazing but they HAVE TO get rid of raggedy Anne
1 October 2022
Alan Tudyk is absolutely brilliant as the Alien. He IS the show. He is a comedic genius and constantly steals the show. The sherif is also brilliant, he adds so much. But that redhead is constantly killing the vibe and I understand why people are giving 2's. She brings it down sooo much! I love this show and they have to bring it back for as many seasons as possible but they have to get rid of her. She's insignifiant and unnecessary. Did I mention she's super annoying too?

I just fast forward when she's on. It makes the episodes shorter but it allows me to keep it at a 9/10. PLEASE KEEP THIS SHOW GOING! Alan Tudyk was born for this role. Nobody else can do it as well as he does, he is so funny I have to catch my breathe every time he opens his mouth! I've seen him in many movies and he's always brilliant but now he is my new favorite actor. GET RID OF RAGGEDY ANNE!!
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Perfection. Thank you so much for making this
30 June 2022
Don't bother with anybody giving it bad criticism of any kind. This is the Star Wars we've been forever waiting for! It's simply perfection. The most important gap we've been wondering since 1977 has been filled. There's so much to say but I don't want to spoil anything at all so how about you stop wasting your time reading this and go watch it now if you haven't yet! Enjoy.
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I have no right to criticize but my four year old does
20 March 2022
I saw this in theaters with my four year old daughter.

What I thought of this movie is irrelevant.

My daughter on the hand absolutely loved it. She laughed and howled through. She didn't want it to end.

This movie was intended for her, not me. She gives it a 10... so that's what I will report!
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Awesome Awesome Awesome!!
21 February 2022
Forget all the haters they don't know what they're talking about. If you come into this movie knowing what it's all about you will get it everything you expected and more. It's relentless, updated and gruesome as hell.

Turn the intellectual side of your brain off and enjoy the mayhem. This one will give you nightmares

Side note: To all of you giving good horror movies such low scores; what is wrong with you?! Do you get into these movies just to give them bad reviews? You KNOW what you're getting into, why do you even watch them? Love to hate?
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Beauty and the beast... where's the beauty?
22 January 2022
Such a miscast for beauty... kills the whole prospect of the movie. They should of just called it Beasts, it would have fared better. The movie has such promise but I just can't watch this poor excuse of an actress.
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Finally the REAL Resident Evil movie
22 December 2021
Let me start by saying if you haven't played the original resident evil game all the way until the end this movie is not for you and shouldn't even be rated by you if you watch it.

The biggest flaw from the first Resident Evil movie was that, well... it had practically nothing to do with the game!

FInally after over two decades they finally make the movie respecting the plot, the characters and the most crucial parts of the masterpiece (at the time) that was Resident Evil.

For die hard fans, this is the movie we've been waiting for. The attention to detail is absolutely amazing.

For everyone else crapping on this film please keep your ratings to yourself if you don't know what you're watching. The rest of us want a sequel to this.
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Demon Wind (1990)
So bad it's funny? No, this is just bad
14 September 2021
Not only is it a shameless rip off of Evil dead but it's also the actors... Is it the bad acting or bad directing? I'm not sure. It's just crap. (The main actor isn't that bad though.) It tries to have its own Ash style humour but it fails miserably. I gave it a 4 because of its ambitious makeup and gore effects.
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The Lion King (2019)
Absolute perfection
28 May 2021
This movie is absolute perfection. CGI is, for the first time ever, done is a way that's impossible to tell.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is crazy or has a personal bias that shouldn't in any way apply.

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The Serpent (2021)
Could have been a 10
1 May 2021
This is a great show in every way but the casting of Jenna Coleman was a huge miste She is a great actress, in English.

Her French Canadian accent is so horrible that it takes away from the realism of the show. I literally had to mute her at some point and just read subtitles to keep me interested.
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Did that murderer get payed to be in this documentary??
1 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent docu series. Grade A. But this is a question if anyone can answer please. Did that Cold blooded murderer get payed to be in this documentary??
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Making a Murderer (2015–2018)
Pointless. Way too long
27 November 2020
This whole 20 part documentary could've been done in three episodes. Mostly repetition and a big infomercial for the lawyers. Don't waste your time unless you're really bored
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PLEASE PLEASE Make as many episodes as possible!!
4 June 2020
Gary Busey riffing freely... what could be funnier?! I haven't laughed this much in a long time. Is it ridiculous? Yes. Is it for everyone? No Can I stop watching? No way. It's so horribly ridiculous that the laughter is inevitable. I actually chocked on my coffee a few times from spontaneous hilarity out of Gary's mouth. Finally a perfect niche for Gary Busey. I will support this show till the end
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A masterpiece
24 April 2020
No need to waste words. This is a true masterpiece.
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Christian Propaganda film
4 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Do not be fooled. This is an absurd Christian propaganda mocumentary
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I need to find another place for movie reviews
25 August 2018
I need to find another place for movie reviews. There are way too many uptight people rating movies on IMDb. This movie was fun from the beginning until the end. Schwarzenegger was absolutely hilarious! like another reviewer said, just watch it For that matter make sure you watch any movie before you see the reviews, especially today, because it really can spoil great movies.
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Too many haters
14 May 2018
This movie evokes great memories for me. It's light hearted and different. If anybody hates this movie it's because they themselves have issues and should get some help. It's fun from beginning to end and yes it's cheesy but what's wrong with that?! My daughter and I have a blast every time its on. If you don't like this type of movie why would you watch it in the first place and destroy it for everyone else? STOP HATING!!
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The Love Guru (2008)
I think people who didn't like this movie are on downer drugs!!!
17 July 2010
How could someone not love this movie?! i watched it 4 times to see why people might not like it and honestly i don't get it. and i was in stitches every time. This movie is absolutely hilarious (special thanks to Justin Timberlake). I don't know what people expected but there wasn't a dull moment in this movie. It opens with hilarity and everyone involved did a great job. The concept was already done with Eddie Murphy and even though he is my idol he didn't do a great job like Myers did. It's feel good and 100% Mike Myers. Don't listen to the grumps who didn't like this movie. Watch it with an open mind and enjoy the show!! it's great!!!
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CGI needs to be banned from horror movies
7 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I love the Freddy franchise more than anyone i know and have all the box sets even the two seasons of Freddy's nightmares, but as an unbiased viewer i gave it 7 on 10 because i have mixed feelings about the movie. The new Freddy is good, not Robert Englund good but that would be impossible. You could remake Jason and Mickeal Myers with any actor because they wear masks, Freddy Krueger is Robert Englund, period! even though that is how i feel i still think this new guy did an excellent job. The make-up was absolutely incredible, better than all the other Freddies. Also the way the story unfolds is great, the acting is also very good and there are several scares very well executed. My only gripes are: a few scenes like the wall scene that would look better in an X-Men movie. And to name another of a few the bed scene at the end. In the original, with Johnny Depp, the bed scene was one of the most horrific scenes i had ever seen in my life, even by todays standards. They really screwed it up here with the awful CGI. Those are the key words here. Awful CGI. Didn't Micheal Bay make this? didn't he do Transformers? that was a landmark on perfecting CGI. What happened after? Transformers 2 lacked the polish of the original and now this movie makes it seem comical. It down right sucked!! Horror movies do not need CGI. Take a lesson from young George Romero. They need real materials that cannot be recreated with a computer. Blood should be liquid, not polygons!!! Horror movies are not superhero flicks or video games, they are horror movies. In order to be horrified blood and guts need to look real and gross, not clean and cartooned!! The horror factor here needs to be raised to the highest level because we're talking about the most notorious horror movie of all time with the greatest monster of all time. That damn CGI took a lot away from this. The bedroom scene in the beginning was better than the original though, i must say and if there was any CGI, very well executed.

The other part of the movie that killed it for me was who Freddy Krueger was. We know him as a killer, but an anti-hero. Here he is nothing more than a disgusting paedophile. Even though Freddy was a bad man in all the other movies you couldn't help but love him in some sick way... but now, a paedophile? there is no room to like the character at all!! you just can't root for the bad guy anymore and that's what made him so special in the first place, not knowing why you liked him. Who could like a paedophile?!

Anyways to sum up this is a good movie but please see the original first if you haven't because seeing this first will kill the legacy that was made in the 80's and 90's. Good chills, great make-up, horrible CGI, and no desire for a sequel. I give it a 7 because it is a solid stand alone movie and is worth dishing out the theatre money for, but I hope that they won't continue this with sequels like they did with the original. It was fun to see Freddy again and interesting to see a bigger budget in one of these movies but if they do continue it would be only to make money because the soul of this franchise has been damaged and it would be a shame to give Robert Englund a back seat to what was unquestionably the best horror series of all time. If anything bring back Mr.Englund, it's much more fun with him and I'm not alone in saying this.
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Pointless fake when REAL documentaries show credible information the world needs to know.
2 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When there is so much propaganda happening in the U.S. right now do we really need a fictitious documentary confusing the truths and facts about government vs. people?! It sets such a truthful tone that it feels like most of the effort of this "documentary" is to nullify all credibility to true documentaries on Bushes real agenda for the world. I give it the worst rating not because it wasn't well done, on the contrary it is executed with perfect timing and very possible outcomes... the only problem is if you make a movie make sure that it is a MOVIE, not a mockery of people's intelligence. I watched this with my wife and we didn't know what this was about and what to expect, we were looking to this for knowledge but as soon as we saw the dates and the assassination of the president we looked at each other and said, what the hell is the point of watching an aftermath of B.S. We got to the end of the film just to see what this turd could possibly bring to anyone, and were very disturbed about all the fake tears made out to be documented, what's the point of getting actors telling you their fake stories when you have real people who have the same exact story (taking away the assassination of Bush of course) but have authentic sorrow, not crocodile tears! we couldn't understand how this even got air time, it has good actors but still you could see that they are ACTORS. There are thousands of true facts that film makers could use to create documentaries on the subject to inform the masses, isn't that the purpose of documentaries, to inform?! just when I thought that the U.S. couldn't get more confusing in their actions, someone decides to make a "mockumentary" further confusing people unaware of what is really going on in the U.S. and easily influenced people. The makers of this movie either have a hidden agenda of their own or they were looking to make a quick buck. If you are ready to lose 90 pointless minutes of your lives that you will never get back, and get your intelligence insulted, then watch this! otherwise steer clear of this awful, horrible "documentary" movie. We hated it with a passion.
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