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Great Premise but Amateur Quality
14 May 2024
This film could have been phenomenal, as its premise - one of Christianity's most learned intellectuals (Douglas Wilson) debating one of the most learned agnostic intellectuals (Christopher Hitchens) - is very intriguing. A documentary comparing the two philosophies articulately would be very beneficial to the entire world. Sadly, Collision is not that documentary.

Directed by the future director and co-star of "Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas" (no, I'm not kidding), Collision looks like a movie some high school film students might make showing them following two philosophers around. The cameraman can never seem to figure out where the shot should go, so nearly every moment in the film is filled with jittery handheld camera movement. The music, mostly rock and rap stock music, rarely seems appropriate to the scene it is being played on. Sometimes, it is hard to hear what is being said because the music's volume has been turned up too high. The filmmakers clearly show their bias for Wilson by twice showing him happily eating supper with his family. How many times does Hitchens get shown at home? Zero.

The viewpoints of Hitchens and Wilson are both very intriguing. Interestingly enough, the film never shows Wilson actually answer Hitchens's question of why murder and rape is always wrong, except for when the ancient Israelites supposedly by divine approval committed mass genocide against the Cannanites and took their young women for mistresses. Wilson always deflects the question by asking how murder and rape are wrong by secularism, a valid question but not in any way an actual answer to Hitchens's question.

Collision could have been a great, enlightening documentary, but its impact is sadly dampened by the amateur skills and philosophical biases of its makers.
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Indescribable (2013)
Written with Good Intentions
25 March 2024
I'm almost afraid to criticize this movie, as it clearly was a passion project from a church of devout Christians who were enthusiastic about bringing the origin story of the hymn "The Love of God" to the TV screen. However, this movie is yet another example of amateurish filmmaking, no matter how passionate, still looking amateurish.

Again, the filmmakers had their hearts in the right place, and that very much shows in this film. There are many sets and costumes depicting many different historical time periods, none of which are convincing but you have to give them credit for trying their best. The acting is either overly dramatic or banal, mainly because none of the actors had any training. The only non-white actors in the entire movie - three African-American brothers - pick up orange crates at a factory because the filmmakers couldn't think of anywhere else to put them apparently. The music is just so-so, and so is the cinematography. The plot features several scenes, as well as a vague childhood romance, that don't add anything of relevance to the story and just serve as filler.

All in all, this movie is a classic example of a low-budget travesty paved with good intentions. The filmmakers didn't have nearly enough money to make what they wanted to make, and they did the best with what they had. That, as well as this movie being Garry Nation's film debut, makes me somewhat forgive this movie's flaws, and I encourage you to at least give this movie a chance.
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The Shift (II) (2023)
The best movie Angel Studios has made yet
2 December 2023
Yesterday, I watched a movie in theaters for the first time in nearly four years. That movie was The Shift, and the only regret I have from yesterday is that I did not pay enough.

The Shift is so much better than many of the online reviews admit. It is deep, beautiful, powerful, action packed, suspenseful, and intriguing all at the same time. It is not your typical Christian movie, with all the preachy cheesy acting and low-budget constraints. This is a Hollywood-quality movie, with a cast filled with A-list actors and a crew filled with professionals.

The movie isn't perfect, but its flaws are limited to some of the cuts being awkward and the CGI being better in some scenes than in others. Luckily, for most of the movie, the cinematography and special effects are just as great as the rest of the movie.

Prepare to cry at the ending, as it is extremely powerful - and I've seen a lot of emotional movies, so I should know! You will not regret watching this movie; it is without a doubt the best movie Angel Studios has made yet. Don't listen to the negative Rotten Tomatoes reviews - most of which are written by atheists who hate any movie that please Him; go watch the movie yourself. Trust me; you too will leave the movie wishing you had paid more to see it.
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Why everyone should see this movie
6 December 2022
I know what you're all thinking: "What in the name of Santa are you doing? Saving Christmas a movie EVERYONE should see? SERIOUSLY?!" Please, before you dislike this review, hear me out.

There is no need to me to discuss all the dozens of problems with, well, everything about the film. I'd only be the ten thousandth person to do so if I did. Instead, I will explain why every Christian, every atheist, every Christmas fan, every not-Christmas fan, every film student, every everybody (I'm starting to sound like Kirk, aren't I?) should watch this movie.

We live in an age where logic often takes the back seat. This is an age where choosing the most logical view of an issue can make you, in the words of Kirk, "ruin (the party) for everyone." People will call you all sorts of names and make you sound like some kind of inhumane criminal. Well, if that's you, then I just want to tell you this: you're not.

Christians should watch this movie to learn how not to debate theology. Film students should watch this to learn how not to make a movie. Logic professors should mention this film in their classes as an example of the uses of red herrings, straw men, and other fallacies in popular entertainment.

Kirk Cameron appears to have moved on from this movie. I hope he continues on that path and I wish both him and all of you a Happy Holidays this year.
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Mixed first impression
4 December 2022
I watched this episode a couple days ago at a live premiere event. I think that most people have been waiting so long for this show to finally happen that they are automatically giving it ten star reviews. Personally, though, I had mixed feelings.

The soundtrack is one of the best soundtracks I have heard coming from a children's show. The voice actors do very well, an absolute must for any TV show. The dialogue is very witty and even has a few easter eggs hidden in it if you listen carefully.

The thing I had mixed feelings about, however, was the story. Some scenes and characters, like Armulyn the Bard, the Mayor's speech, and most of the sea dragon scene, are quite thought out, and, while not completely following the book, are very enjoyable to watch. Others, on the other hand, like Sara Cobbler, the ending, and the action scene at the beginning, seem to only make us want to scream, "That wasn't in the book! What are you doing?!"

All in all, I was more pleased than disappointed in the series' first episode. However, I would like for the second episode to follow the book better.
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The Egg and I (I) (1947)
When the hula girls start dancing...
22 November 2022
The Egg and I starts off odd but gets much better in the middle. The actors are great, the sets are good, and the humor is actually pretty funny most of the time, even if some of the jokes embrace then-kosher hillbilly/Native American stereotypes. Every viewer can look forward to seeing Ma and Pa Kettle in their film debut, but the other actors act just as well, I'm glad to say.

The gender roles in the film may make some twitch. The main male character constantly makes life-changing decisions then tells his wife, who of course naively agrees 100%, afterwards. But it's the last half hour that almost ruins the film.

I'm not going to spoil the plot of The Egg and I here, but suffice to say that it will probably feel to you as if you're in a train, moving along at regular speed for several hours, that suddenly derails, speeds down a hill, then goes off the cliff. Thankfully, the credits will roll before you, shall I say, hit the bottom.

Most of the movie is great, but let me warn you: when the hula girls start dancing at the county fair, brace yourselves. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.
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The Birds and the BS: Nice Assault Weapons (2018)
Season 1, Episode 3
Emotional Leftist Bogus
1 November 2022
This video tries to make us hate "assault weapons" by using emotionally charged and illogical, not to mention kitschy, arguments/song lyrics. For example:

"They say a good guy with a gun / Could stop a bad guy with a gun / But neither has to die if neither one has one!"

Cue a badly animated image of a police officer and a crook pointing first guns, then kittens at each other (seriously).

The video misrepresents gun data, claiming that 96 people die from gun violence every day (the real number is 36, by the way). They make no mention of the fact that guns have been estimated to have saved around two million lives per day.

The only thing that's "kind of nice" about the video is how it admits the truth: the left wants our guns, and it wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment. If you want to learn more, watch "Debunkers Vs Gun Control Nonsense FreedomToons," a YouTube video that destroys this junk.
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Alex's War (2022)
Alex Uncensored
11 September 2022
Alex Jones. You may like him or you may hate him, but you can't deny that he's influenced, for better or for worse, millions of people over the years. Do you wish to see him when he's NOT on air? Do you wish to see what REALLY happened on January 6? If so, then this is the movie you need to see.

Alex's War is not the first documentary about InfoWars, but it is the first documentary to do what every documentary should do: simply interview Alex and several of his friends, and trust the audience to make their own opinions about them.

The documentary is built on two storylines that frequently overlap each other: Alex's life, and his activities during the winter of 2020-21. For two hours, it slowly builds up the intrigue, telling us of Alex's connections and his ability to uncannily predict world events like the Oklahoma City bombings, 9/11, and the Covid plandemic. Finally, we get to an intense climax as the film covers Sandy Hook, and, near the very end, January 6.

Whatever your opinions of Sandy Hook are, this film will at least cause you to ask questions and give you information from both sides. The film also shows exclusive footage of January 6, and Alex's real actions on that strange day.

Alex's War does have a few flaws in its production value. Ten or so minutes of the film could've been cut out, and some InfoWars/Alex Jones Show logos are shown too many times.

Regardless, I am proud to announce that Alex's War is one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. That the filmmakers were able to make such an intriguing movie about a person they don't even agree with is amazing to me. If you love Alex Jones, this film will show that he's as fallible as you and me. If you hate Alex Jones, it'll show that he's as human as you and me. And if you're like me, and can't quite make up your mind about him yet, then this is the documentary for you.

CONTENT WARNING: about 20 f-words spoken.
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Seven Alone (1974)
Good but dull
9 September 2022
Seven Alone has a very good concept, being based on a true story about family, death, and the Pioneer trail. Its acting is surprisingly professional for an old TV movie. Its music is composed well, even if a couple tracks are replayed a little too many times. It's mainly the story that causes a problem.

The film could've shaved off five, maybe ten minutes if they'd took away a couple "John Sanger's being mean again!" scenes. There are so many of those scenes (plus a couple action scenes that have no impact on the story) that the first half of the movie is a little monotonous. Also, the main character doesn't seem to learn that much during the film. For a few minutes during the second half, he starts being nicer to his siblings, but then, at the very end... he's mean again.

If you have young children/nieces/nephews/siblings who like old movies, this might be a good movie to show them. Otherwise, don't bother.
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Intriguing. Convincing. Terrifying.
28 August 2022
Selection Code is one of the best films about the 2020 election made yet. The facts it presents are clear, concise, and irrefutable proof that the voting machines used to count our votes are unreliable and in no way, shape, or form secure. This documentary also tells the story of Tina Peters, a county clerk who is being put on trial for simply investigating the voting machines in her county.

It's low budget and only an hour long, but it is sure to at least leave you questioning the security of our elections.

P. S. I know people don't seem to like what I'm saying, but that does not make it less true. If you are a 1-star troll, I challenge you to watch the documentary and "fact check" it in your review.
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So bad it's good.
16 July 2022
I'm rating this movie four stars, but if I could rate it in half stars I'd give it three and a half.

The cinematography and music are professional, and George Hamilton acts very well here. These elements help keep the movie from being completely bad.

The main culprits in Pets to the Rescue are the story and the production value. The plot basically throws logic in the trash bin, from a security unit being defeated via laughing gas to a young boy building a working tank out of scrap metal in minutes. The filmmakers try to be clever to no avail, from having all the gold in the movie have the word "GOLD" branded on them to dressing about twenty mannequins up as soldiers for one scene (seriously). The animatronic animals are quite ugly and fake-looking. The movie tries to get political at one point ("That's what guns do! They hurt people!"), but of course flubs that one too. Et cetera, et cetera...

I gotta say, though, Pets to the Rescue is quite an entertaining movie. Families are sure to hoot and holler with laughter at nearly every scene. However, they'll probably be laughing for the wrong reasons.
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Good, but wanted more.
25 June 2022
Miracle at Midnight is a good movie for families to see. It depicts what Holland was like during World War II in a family friendly way. The acting and production value is professional, and the sets and music are spot on.

This is a TV movie, however, and has the flaws of one as well. In the urge to run under 90 minutes, the film often creates various subplots, then seems to forget about them. A lot of the characters (who are supposed to be Danish) speak with Irish accents, and the editing could've been worked on a bit more.

Despite these flaws, Miracle at Midnight is a great way to introduce your family to World War II.
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Thought provoking, but expected more
30 April 2022
Rigged is a very intriguing documentary, giving loads of facts that will make you question everything you thought you knew about both Mark Zuckerberg and the 2020 U. S. presidential election. It is very well made and features many interviews from concerned conservatives, such as Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.

I did, however, expect it to be a bit longer. The documentary is only 40 minutes long, probably due to its fast pace. My guess is that the filmmakers didn't want to "waste time" with explanations of every fact, but I also think that an issue as important as the 2020 election deserves at least a full length discussion.

If you're asking questions about the 2020 election, this is a good documentary to watch if you don't have much time on your hands. If you want more, however, please watch both The Deep Rig and Selection Code.
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Okay, but not great
23 April 2022
The Over-the-Hill Gang Rides Again is not much better, nor much worse than its predecessor. Rather, it's more of a so-so movie.

The production value, cast, and sets are pretty good. I also like how this movie moved at a faster pace than the original. That being said, it sadly lacks in both humor and runtime (being 75 minutes long, it almost feels like an overly long TV episode).

All in all, The Over-the-Hill Gang Rides Again is a good movie for families and middle-aged Western fans to see. Its second act is a bit disappointing, but its third act makes up for it, I am glad to say. This movie isn't Oscar worthy, but it has a nostalgic appeal that I'm sure many will love.
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Liberty's Kids: One Life to Lose (2002)
Season 1, Episode 16
How far can you stretch history?
12 April 2022
This episode of Liberty's Kids attempts to tell the story of Nathan Hale's death in 20 minutes. Does it succeed? Well...almost.

Like every episode of the show, it will do a great job at entertaining the kids with its jokes and characters. Adults might find the cast interesting, and the animation is fine. The really big problem with this episode is how it contorts history to fit its characters in.

I know this isn't the only episode of Liberty's Kids to do this ("The Boston Tea Party," for example), but at least you could probably make good excuses for the other episodes. This one, however, completely makes up this story of how Nathan Hale was captured when he mistook some British sailors for Americans. This story is not only unsupported by any historical accounts, but it also unnecessarily makes Hale look dumber then he really was. Why do they make up this almost entirely ahistorical story? Oh, they do it for a perfectly good reason: so they can have a joke about the two fictional main characters pretending to be engaged. Seriously.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't think a joke, no matter how funny, is worth rewriting history in a show meant to teach kids about history. Children are too young to figure out when a show is making things up or not. Any kids watching this episode will likely spend at least several years of their lives thinking, "That's how Nathan Hale was captured." I understand that creative license is in about every work of historical fiction, but there is a limit, and I believe this episode crosses it.

My recommendation: if you are a parent or relative of a child watching this, research the real story of Nathan Hale and tell it to him/her. If they can handle this episode, I guarantee they can handle the real story.
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Immensely underrated
30 March 2022
Gods and Generals. Some call it the worst Civil War film in history, while a small minority calls it the best. Personally, I can't go as far as the last claim, but I do believe that the film has been seriously misinterpreted by critics and audiences alike.

The production value, cast, and music are superb and very professional. The movie is much more emotional than many reviews say, not only at the end but also during the "Battle of Fredericksburg" scene. As for its historical viewpoint, I think every person should hear both sides of every story. If you want a fair, balanced perspective of the war, the best thing I think you can do is to watch both this movie and Gettysburg; that way you'll get both the Northern and the Southern perspectives.

I will admit, though: this film's not perfect. The movie could've been better if its dialogue had been more casual and less poetic. The movie also could have showed us more of Stonewall's eccentricities; it seems to focus more on the romantic, legendary side of him instead. I honestly can't help wishing it was a miniseries about Stonewall Jackson; it would have covered much more about his life than the 220-minute movie does.

In conclusion, the movie is much better than you might expect. It might have been better if it had been a miniseries rather than a movie, but hey! Ron Maxwell only had so much money, and he did quite well with what he had. If you want a film about the Confederates' side of the story, this is it!
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The Over-the-Hill Gang (1969 TV Movie)
Funny but forgettable
19 March 2022
The Over-the-Hill Gang was an average movie for its time. Nowadays,'s hard to say, really.

The majority of the film's jokes are funny, the (back in 1969) A-list cast act pretty well, and the Western sets are as realistic as could be done back then. In short, the production value is good, though dated. It's the story, I'm afraid, that suffers.

The concept is intriguing but is played out...slowly and steadily. If this were a drama, it'd probably be okay, but it's a little hard to keep watching a snail-paced comedy. The ending is okay but is quite predictable; 30 minutes into the movie, you can probably predict the ending perfectly in your head.

All in all, The Over-the-Hill Gang is a so-so movie which will likely make you laugh a few times. I will warn you, however, that you might forget most of the plot within a week of seeing it.
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Absolute must for Christians with Lego-loving kids!
17 March 2022
It seems that all the negative reviews here are from people who either don't like the Bible, don't like stop-motion, or don't like either of them. And to that I say, "Come on! The freaking title of this film is 'The BIBLE: a BRICKFILM!!' Why are you WATCHING THIS, THEN?!" Sorry for the caps; just wanted to get the point across.

This movie is probably the most professional attempt yet to make a Christian movie with Legos. Its production value is much better than you'd think from reading the reviews here. The filmmakers try their best to make a serious movie, even to the point of making an actual miniature Noah's ark out of actual wood! The music is surprisingly pretty good, and the pacing is neither too fast nor too slow, which is quite an achievement considering they had to condense five books of the Bible into two hours. The acting/dialogue can only be criticized in a couple places, those places being from minor nameless characters. All in all, it is my firm belief that the filmmakers did the best with what they had, and made a pretty good movie doing so.

The only major thing I can find fault with in this movie is the creative license. For example, the movie has it rain during the "Cain kills Abel" scene, an obvious inaccuracy as Genesis clearly tells us that it never rained before the Flood. This flaw, however, can only lower my rating of this film to seven stars. If you are a Christian parent/grandparent/babysitter, this is a great movie for children who love Legos!
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Red Dawn (1984)
A dire warning of a potential future
5 March 2022
When this movie came out, critics slammed it for the "silliness of its alarmist concept." But now...people see that it is not. As of the date I write this, Russia is invading Ukraine, and many are calling the invasion "a real life Red Dawn."

This movie is a lot better, and a bit more haunting and inspiring, than the critics say. The cast, the effects, the script, the camera work, the sets, the props...everything about this film is professional, to the point, and well made. This movie makes us ask the bitter question, "What if this happened in my town? What would I do?" In all honesty, I'm afraid that most people's answers would be, "I'd give in. I'd surrender. I'd obey my new rulers."

Next time you see or hear something about Red Dawn's "alarmist concept," think of Ukraine. Think of all its civilians are going through. And then you'll realize that this movie is, in reality, a warning of how our futures - talking to everyone here - could go if we're not careful and prepared.
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Overcomer (2019)
Emotional and wonderful story
26 February 2022
Critics have picked on this film way too much. Because it's a Christian movie, they seem to think that it's automatically bad. In fact, it is my firm belief that Overcomer is one of the best Christian movies ever made.

The acting, direction, production value, sets, music, and cinematography are as professional here as in any Hollywood film. Several of the actors are first-timers, but they are coached so well that you could swear they'd acted all their lives. The plot is not nearly as preachy as the critics might tell you, being both realistic and emotional. All in all, this movie is, and I'll say it again, much better than the critics say.

Of everything the film critics say about Overcomer, I only see one complaint about it as legit: the first act's focus. I do agree that the main character should've probably been introduced earlier, and Alex Kendrick may have put a little too much emphasis on his cameo.

Despite this, I guarantee that you will love this movie. It may even touch your life! I am sad that this is likely to be the last Kendrick Brothers film, and I hope they change their minds and make more movies.
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Gus (1976)
Cheesy in a good way
26 February 2022
Gus is yet another of those movies that I feel has been judged too seriously. It's intended to be a football parody, being purposefully made to look goofy and cheesy.

The actors succeed very well at their awkward, funny roles. You may even recognize some of the actors, like Don Knotts and Tim Conway. The jokes are actually funnier than the other reviewers here want to admit, and the theme of the movie - a young man wishing for his parents to be proud of him - is actually quite touching for a comedy. This is a good movie for children to see, with the barest amount of mature content.

People who specialize in nit-picking films, however, will probably not like this movie, however. Two scenes of the film - the second and the last - are filmed almost entirely in slow motion. My guess is that the filmmakers chose to do so just so their film could be 96 minutes long. Also, the effects are admittedly very dated, sometimes purposefully, other times not.

Nevertheless, if all you want is a funny family film, this movie will satisfy all of your wishes. Let your whole family and maybe your mule, if you own one, watch it. Just be sure that no mules are around when a character says, "Oich!"
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Sweet though slow-paced drama
24 February 2022
Long Road Home is better than I expected it to be. I began to watch it expecting a cheesy old family flick, only to find that it's...actually pretty good.

The actors, above all the ones who play Seth and his grandfather, act superbly. The beautiful forests shown set the mood perfectly, and the direction is almost flawless. But the element of the film I love the most is the writing. The emotional struggles the characters face have never come across as forced, and neither, surprisingly, do the brief moments of comic relief. They act in this film as real people would act, something many independent films cannot boast of.

There are only two things in this film which I must criticize: the pace, which a couple times slows down to show around ten establishing shots after the other (obviously a way to make the film's runtime last 90 minutes), and a dream sequence during the film which feels more confusing honestly than anything else.

These two flaws, luckily, do not have enough impact to ruin the movie. I am therefore proud to declare Long Road Home a excellent, sweet but not sugary, movie for the whole family.
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Winners: Quest Beyond Time (1985)
Season 1, Episode 3
What...did I just watch?
12 February 2022
I saw this movie as part of a "Family Movie Collection" DVD, and expected an interesting fantasy time-travel film. Well, I got a few, shall we say...surprises.

First up, this is actually a TV episode, not a movie. Also, the filmmakers of this thing got a pretty cool concept - a kid from 1985 accidentally gets teleported to the year 2457 - and completely destroyed it in this badly written, awfully acted, and hastily thought out excuse for a film.

The story is quite slow (which says a lot given it's 50 minutes long) and illogical. The CGI effects look like they came straight from Peewee's Playhouse. The actors are obviously just in this for a few bucks, and the vague religious messaging near the end is ultimately pointless.

All in all, 2 stars for the competent sets and costumes. Everything else is just...I can't find the right words to describe them. What's worse than horrible? I believe it would have been better if whoever had thought this story up had contacted Steven Spielberg about it instead of the Australian Children's Television Foundation. Just something to ponder...
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Well made, but plot's a bit dull
11 February 2022
For a TV movie from the 90's, this one isn't too bad. You can tell as you watch it that the cast and crew were professionals. The cinematography really impressed me, and the acting was just superb. The other reviewers here seem to find Sam Elliott to be their favorite actor in this movie, and I understand that perfectly. However, I personally think Jerry O'Connell's performance was the best thing in the film. If you're looking for an entertaining family Western, this is a good option.

However, the film lacks on one major thing: the plot. Its first act is very good at drawing you into the characters and situations. Nonetheless, the movie seems to lose speed halfway through, changing from a film about respect and adolescence to a film about...uh...young love and gambling. If you don't know much about playing poker, there are about ten minutes of the film you probably won't get at all. The film returns to its first theme near the end, but you still might get the impression that the filmmakers just wanted their movie to be more than 90 minutes long. Also, don't let the "Hole in the Sky" within the title excite you much; it's just some gambling term.

In conclusion, "The Ranger, the Cook and a Hole in the Sky" is a professional TV movie that will entertain its viewers at least most of the time. Whether you're a Sam Elliott fan, a Western fan, or just a parent who wants a clean film for their kids to watch, this movie is for you!
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Funny and entertaining for the whole family!
29 January 2022
I feel that the other reviewers here have taken this movie too seriously. Treasure State is a hilarious B movie - made by families for families. The filmmakers have purposefully made this movie cheesy for humor's sake - something that the other reviewers never seemed to notice. The opening credits outright tell you this: calling it an "Andrew Wiest flick." (in filmmaking terminology, "flick" means "B movie")

This movie is chock-full of jokes and is ensured to leave you smiling! The amateur effects and numerous cliches - which some have criticized this movie for - are done, once again, on purpose to humor the audience. The characters are realistic and are acted out quite well for a low-budget film. The only important flaw that I can think of is that the film does a little padding to exceed 80 minutes. Despite this, this movie is a great comedy and I look eagerly forward to seeing other movies made by these people. Watch it; you'll like it!
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