
1 Review
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Touching, sweet and majestic
29 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I give Spirit Untamed movie a generous 7/10 because I love horses and this film really shows off the beauty of the horse and it's majestic like qualities. It celebrates friendship between three girls and their horses. It glorifies the lovely father and daughter relationship at the end. The film portrays the wonder of taming a wild horse over time and the bonds people can create with animals. Spirit is named spirit because he has a lot of spirit in him, wild and free. The main character Lucky lives like a princess at the start in a big palace-like house and wears a dress. Lucky is shown to have an interest in animals from the very start of the film when she interacts with a squirrel outside her window. Her fascination with animals is very clear. What I didn't like was that Lucky was shown to be a very disobedient and rebellious character, always going her own way and wanting to do her own thing which got her into much trouble and danger. She causes trouble by letting the squirrel inside by accident which destroys the house and eventually sets it on fire. They had to leave the grandads house to live with her dad. The sad part of the film is the fact that Lucky's mother had died in a horse accident years ago. The theme of death is unpleasant for children and upsetting. I also didn't like how Lucky put herself in so much danger because of her fascination with the horse Spirit when they moved to that new place to be with her dad. She was lucky she didn't die. She never listened to her aunt Cora to stay still on the train or her dad when they arrived at his house when he said not to go near the horses because of what happened to the mother. She didn't listen to any instructions given for her safety which was disappointing. I don't want children to think that disobedience is normal and exciting like the film portrays it to be. I cried at the part the herd of horses got captured by the wranglers. It was extremely emotional for me and brought me to tears to see the innocent wild animals being hurt, especially the young foal. It wasn't fair for the wild horses to be taken away from their freedom. It was violent images and very upsetting to watch. But what I loved most was the happy ending that was beautiful to watch. Those who captured the herd got defeated and the wild horses ran free in the breathtakingly beautiful countryside. It was wonderful to see how father and daughter had bonded by the end of the film. It was very sweet. The music was touching, uplifting and positive. The theme was about being fearless, having courage, bravery and trust which was a really good message. I think the film is targeted for girls as it's very girly.
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