
4 Reviews
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Edward II (1991)
23 March 2002
I think a couple of cinema school students have met to create this film, trying to make something "different". It makes a strange mixture of present and past, not 100% convincing. They seems to me more concentrated in the costumes, than in the film itself, it was like a mode parade. Symbology too pretentious.
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Just primitive
30 November 2001
This is one of the worst comedies I have ever encountered. It brings nothing new, it's like to take all bad Spanish humor films (just the bad ones) and to mix them together. The problem lays in the plot, interpretation and camera are OK. The film is full of clichés and easy jokes, it ridicules the typical fascist, nostalgic of Franco's era, but so in a way that I could even feel compassion and solidarity to him. The whole film is predictable. This is a film to avoid.
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Good film
28 November 2001
I disagree with most of the critics, I think it's an excellent film. Camera, music, colors, everything is an harmonic combination. The only possible critic might be, the film can be a little be pretentious, but I would never describe it as tedious. You like it or hate it, I am of the fortunate ones.
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Good film
28 November 2001
I disagree with most of the critics, I think it's an excellent film. Camera, music, colors, everything is an harmonic combination. The only possible critic might be, the film can be a little be pretentious, but I would never describe it as tedious. You like it or hate it, I am fortunate ones.
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