
2 Reviews
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Carnosaur 2 (1995)
Made-of-movie movie
11 December 2001
I admit I went into this movie expecting cheese (having been previously warned a few years before) but I never expected what I saw could both be good and bad.

The story doesn't really go anywhere, and the characters are almost strait from Aliens. A team of people (nobody I've talked to seem to know who or what they are) are sent into a government research facility to get the place back on line, though the government apparently forgot to ask why it was off-line to begin with. People die, choppers crash, and all kinds of things happen, but if you try to spot the scenes reminicent of Aliens, then it actually becomes kinda fun (be sure to add in the "get away from her, you B****" line near the end).

As far as acting goes, not too bad. It just would have helped to have something of a plot or dialog. A must-see for B-moviers, just for the laughs.
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Slipstream (1989)
Potential needing work
20 November 2001
As a fan of under-appreciated movies, this one caught my eye immediately, and I knew I had something worth having, if only for the possibility of being the only person who may own a copy.

Mark Hamill's part in it, while important, makes him seem more of a secondary character to the parts of Paxton and Peck. Paxton's character reminds one of his part in 'Aliens', though he develops more depth near the end, and you see he's not such a selfish person after all.

Bob Peck has the toughest job of portraying surprise at new-found emotions. The Byron character's story is intriguing, if also slow in being revealed.

The ending was in fact a surprise to myself and those with me, as we're used to seeing Mark Hamill come out on top of things in his parts. The obsession portrayed is convincing, particularly through the lengths taken to try to apprehend Byron.

Though not first rate(or even second or third) this film has it's merits in that it demonstrates the difficulty in producing a movie's plots, acting, scripting, and photography. It doesn't rate exceptional in any of these areas, which is why it lies in obscurity.
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