
33 Reviews
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Retro with Modern
20 July 2024
The first two seasons, I enjoyed I actually loved The anticipation and the beautiful error it had taken place. There was a lot of modern thrown into it.

I recently watched season three and thought it was way more modern and definitely rhetorical. After the first two seasons, the rest is just very drawn out. I was quite bored repetitive scenes. It was almost like there was no progress in the storyline. Lots of new characters and season three also so you have to keep up. Regardless, I would give it five stars for the work pin to the scenes how beautiful they re-created the era. Great actors from the first two seasons and great actors in the second you just have to keep up.
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Shuttle (2008)
Ok movie
11 June 2024
The acting was Great and that's what I'm giving credit to. The only reason I put three stars were because of the actors. Everyone did great with the role they played.

Unfortunately, there were some really stupid parts some not so realistic parts. I mean, there were many parts that was not realistic and you kind of roll your eyes into the movie. It was going good until they left Opportunities where was too obvious that The scenes were left, where the characters had many opportunities to do something different (without giving away or without spoiling the movie). Only if you don't care for too much realistic scenario then this movie would be OK to watch. The story was pretty good that's why I continue watching it and I didn't want to see where it'll end up so it wasn't that horrible that I had to stop watching it however it was one of those movies. I was like thinking I would not watch it again or It's for when you have nothing else to watch.
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Interesting story but mostly in spanish
23 January 2024
I've read and watched other documentary on this story which really caught my attention. This series was Mostly In Spanish and I couldn't understand a lot of the documentary but the parts understood was very interesting I have to say. I was so hoping to understand how the dad and his visit to Spain went with those supporters there and what they were saying. It was only available for me on Tubi and didn't have translation for the Spanish i only got to have English caption for the English parts I didn't even need. Either way I do recommend watching the story it's a popular case and most people probably have hear of it.
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Excellent thriller/ horror
13 September 2023
A well-deserved 8/10 I'm rating this movie. If you like a good thriller/horror, film filled with eerie scenes and lots of suspenseful parts, then you'll love this movie. Not easy to predict and that's why I enjoy that. Definitely thrilling and starts off with a great frightening settings, Kept me on my toes and surprisingly a scary movie with an excellent storyline scaring me out of my comfort zone.

I have to give credit to all the actors in the film. Excellent acting by the main characters and even the secondary characters are great. Interesting and great story for the villains. I would recommend the movie it's a great psychological terror.
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Lila & Eve (2015)
Viola Davis!
9 September 2023
Viola Davis is a great actress! I enjoy watching her in a movie. Charlize Theron was supposed to be casted as Eve if you read IMBD trivia. This movie is good with a great story. This is a very good story and a very realistic story. Some of the actresses I didn't care for but overall I'm giving it a rating based on Viola Davis add the plot. I love a good thriller drama where the struggles and revenge feelings share than this movie it's just the same as some people go through in real life that have the same life experience as in this movie.

A lot of money went into making this moving according to box office and very little return maybe it'll be watched more on television as I did. Watch it you will enjoy Viola Davis playing a great role fit for Eddie audience.
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Soft & Quiet (2022)
A lot of fast forwarding
22 August 2023
Interesting movie I wish I had a fast forward of the first 20 minutes. The first 20 minutes I was debating if I wanted to watch it was so long and drawn out. There are a lot of long and drawn out scenes. If you fast forward it you can really get through the movie and then appreciate the story. Great cast and excellent acting and all of them deserve great feedback.

It was a struggle to watch the entire movie because it gave me a bit of a layer, which kind of affect with the camera moving and making me nauseous. I continued watching because I was curious what the end result would be.. some of the scenes were realistic because given not the smartest group.
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Beautiful and educational
28 July 2023
What an inspiration to us all the accomplishment that can be made when everyone has one goal! The pictures are absolutely beautiful and the thought and visuals of what is really out there is amazing. Without us seeing behind the scenes and all the work that went into it we would just take it for granted. Thank goodness for this film for showing us all what we really don't know behind the scenes. We just get to see the pictures from online but this film was detailed in showing us the hardworking people and the nervousness that goes into everything before the rest of us gets to see it.

There was only one character/astrophysicist that was really. Too much gibberish for me I fast forward her parts. I want to know the educational and the story and people behind the scenes.
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Life as we know it, touching, inspiring, know your history
19 July 2023
This movies deserves higher stars than this!

This is such an inspiring movie filled with unknown history for some of us. Watching it and gaining a sense of respect for this beautiful way this story is being told as well and entertained with laughter. Taraji is amazing as always and gorgeous. She did an amazing job capturing Ann Atwater's personality including her strength. Sam Rockwell is never disappointing in his roles. He's a talented actor. Love his facial expressions and body languages when he's playing and owning those roles!

The movie is underrated and the story is not being told enough. I'm so happy the producers, directors, writes decided on doing this movie. Not sure who's idea it was at 1st but we'll done executing it. Loved that the screens captured was taking us to the era of the story.
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Red Lights (2012)
27 June 2023
Great actors! I highly recommend this movie if you enjoy suspenseful and mysterious. Just waiting to find out what's to come help me not wanting to take a break for watching this movie. Of course, Cillian Murphy it's extremely talented and to top it off to have Sigourney Weaver and Robert De Niro in this movie makes it all worthwhile to watch. In my opinion, everyone played different roles than what I'm used to seeing them play. Toby Jones has always been one of my favorite actors also. If you like movies that you cannot predict the ending of then you'll definitely like this movie. Almost everything was unpredicted for me watching it. I recommend you keep an open mind while watching the movie again it's just if you're into psychological, mystery, and suspenseful That's what we have a little of everything.
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Brimstone (2016)
Excellent movie
8 June 2023
Writing this movie and 8/10 because so well directed and written. The details in the movie if you pay attention, it's just amazing. The connection with the characters just brilliant. Great actors of chorus makes a great movie, but you have to have great directing to make this an excellent movie.. it's a combination of everything lots of thrills and anticipation for what's to come next. I will watch this movie again and this is after seeing it two times already I suppose when you first watch it and I haven't seen it in a while. You kind of forget what happens so you watch it again.

The timeframe in which this movie takes place just brilliant and the scenery is just beautiful.

I think the movie is underrated in my opinion.
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Missing (I) (2023)
Webcam/Computer Screen type of movie
26 May 2023
Wasted 40 mins of my time watching a moving as if it's a cellular FaceTime screen or a computer screen! This is screencast/webcam filming. LOTS of cellular text messages that's shown in the movie to tell the story and all through this WEBCAM/COMPUTER SCREEN look. ALL 40 mins of the movie I watched was like this and that's where I had to stop. I was unable to follow the story or pay attention because so much going on with switching between the FaceTime screen/ computer screen/webcam screen and I was just waiting for it to look like it wasn't a home made movie. So disappointing I wasted that entire time hoping the movie would get better. I'm sure there at lots of people that does not mind this webcam look and probably would enjoy it just wasn't me.
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Dr. Pimple Popper (2018– )
Disgusting/good luck getting image out of your mind
25 May 2023
No offense to the creator or characters in the show but this show is beyond gross. I've never in my life thought that stuff like this can be on TV as a show so forgive me for saying I can't even stand watching the commercials. I get so annoyed and upset if there was a way to remove shows or channels from your TV, I would do it to this particular show since I'm paying so much already for television I show not have to be this grossed out. I don't care what people want to watch out there or what comes on their TV. I just don't want it on mine.. the worst thing is when you're away from the television, and then you walked back and it's the most disturbing disgusting thing showing and it makes me hate it even more because you're trying to get the 2 seconds of image out of your mind. We all have stuff that's disgusting but I'm not putting it in anyone's face nor am I flashing it quickly without warning.
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Unnecessary interruptions from commentators during the roasts
16 May 2023
This is more like how to ruin a roast or how to ruin the top 100 comedy roast. Putting in all the commentators randomly in the middle of all the jokes just ruined the whole thing. I wanted to watch all these funny moments but without the unnecessary interruptions. No offense to the commentators. It was like running a punchline of a joke! I know my suggestion does not matter, but if anyone's reading next time do the playback without interruptions. I ended up not watching more than 10 minutes of it because of the interruptions and then some options were not funny, so it kind of threw you off from the actual roast that was interrupted.
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I still manage to give a 3
19 April 2023
I wanted to see what it was all about the title looked interesting and reading The description prior to watching I was really interested. The start is beyond slow and took me a while to stay focused to see where it was going.

Unfortunately, I feel the information was so scattered and the start was just all over the place I kept waiting to see some type of clarity or even persuasion continue watching, but couldn't until I fast forwarded halfway through and watched the part in the court. Of course I think the movement great, but I wished the documentary was more organized and flowing. I ended up reading the information online, hopefully others can enjoy it a lot more and be more interested in watching it.
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The Iceman (2012)
Great movie
16 March 2023
What a great movie I enjoyed all the action. Definitely a lot of unexpected and exciting scenes you had no idea what's going to happen next. The cast alone in the movie just great.! First of all Michael Shannon is an excellent actor watched a lot of his movies and still trying to keep up until I watch them all. His acting is so realistic and draws you in to the movie. I recommend the movie it's definitely give you a thrill. I think the movie is a bit underrated. The make up on the casts definitely help me looking up, who the casts were into my surprise a lot of the actors are quite popular leaving now or while watching because of makeup! It's brilliant and well done.
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Sick (2022)
Keep open mind and watch it I enjoyed it
4 February 2023
Well done the movie was better than I expected. Great acting from the young ladies especially Gideon. It was pretty realistic very much a movie with things from the last two years I can relate to! I definitely recommend keeping an open mind and watching this movie especially being the first movie I've seen that showed thanks we all experience the past two years and no movie/show captured at the swell! Great directories and writing! There were a few things that was so realistic that it was funny had me laughing and thinking OMG someone actually made a movie of the things I said and done 😂😂😂. Love the place the movie was filmed Great scenery. There was a house shown in the movie also that was really different and cool.
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Wolf (1994)
Great movie!
18 December 2022
I definitely recommend Wolf nice action, thriller movie. Great movie I watched it now three times because every time is on. I have to make sure to watch it. Wolf is well written and directed. For a 1994 movie it's well done. The storyline is also a great keeps you entertained and wanting to know what next is going to happen. The cast amazing three great main actors. Can't get any better than these Jack Nicholson, James, Spader, and Michelle Pfeiffer together all in one movie! Michelle Pfeiffer always look great and it's in the primer for acting here also. At least so I think because she's such a great actress anyways.
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Beast (I) (2022)
It was ok
16 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The plot Fl great but some parts so not realistic like waking into the water when some large than life alligators just moved slowly and then hearing a roar and continue to walk deeper into the water looking for what? The young lady panicking and running out to see what's happening knowing it's a lion just was not what I was expecting. The actors great regardless. Everyone have their own opinion of course so I'm sure someone else would not see this. The whole dramatic reaction from the girls and then walk right out the vehicle while dad pleading was too much. I watched it to see if maybe it gets better.
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Great thriller movie I recommend
7 December 2022
Great cast and acting. That adorable little actress was great also. She did a fantastic job, drawing me into that movie. Well done with the plot of this movie. It was also well written, and directed.! Great details went into the movie I don't think I've ever seen a movie with this cast because it was foreign language for me, but there was voice over and subtitles, and it was worth it. At first, I looked at the ratings and thought that I'll just start watching part of it and see if I like it. I ended up watching the whole thing because it kept me entertained and wanting to continue watching. I like a movie when I can't figure out what's to come.
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Coherence (2013)
Mostly dialogues
27 July 2022
I am surprised this movie even have the rating it does. It's mostly dialogues in the living room of her home 75% of the movie I fast forwarded and it's just the same conversation about the same stuff. Way too slow for me but maybe someone else will enjoy it.
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The Office (2005–2013)
Love it!
19 July 2022
Yep! It's a 9.0+ for a reason. It's a must watch and pay very close attention to every part absolutely hilarious! It's a movie I recommended to all my friends and for ever movie night someone has not seen it I'm always up for introducing this movie to them!
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Bridesmaids (I) (2011)
Funny and very easy to relate to!
19 July 2022
If you want a good laugh, I definitely recommend this movie! Honestly seen it many times and some parts will still make me laugh as though it's the 1st time watch it. Great acting, writers, and director. Kristen Wiig brilliant in this movie. I recommend Mark Twain Prize for this performance!
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Some good Actors
19 July 2022
Movie with a lot of really young people trying to save the world. The focus was on the kids trying to do a really big important task. Some parts too similar to the 1st movie.
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Incantation (2022)
Feels like homemade video that gave me motion sickness
13 July 2022
Anytime the camera moves like it's homemade video it makes me feel it's a low budget in movie where they can get someone to record it professionally. Make me nauseous watching home made movies. I unfortunately can watch an entire thing because it gave me motion sickness smh..
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Tried to give this move a chance
2 July 2022
I was ready to watch something else 15-20 mins into the movie. I was hopeful but way too much exaggerated acting from the main characters. It was theatrical with too much dramatic gestures.
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