21 Reviews
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
19 April 2024
There's some films I've appreciated, if not enjoyed, that are similar, Enigma, Beautiful Mind, Imitation Game, but this is a real endurance test. 3 hours long is an hour too long, in my view. The story is told well, but it's just too much. Less is definitely more at times in filmmaking.

As for the film itself, the music is horrifically intrusive, the back and forth story telling was arty for arty sake and didn't add anything much. It's certainly a story that needs telling, but this didn't honour the story, in my view. As for the film being best movie, often the best movie seems to be given to a film that professional critics like, but I wonder if ordinary film watchers are taken into consideration?

A director's cut is needed, to shorten it and lose the black and white political scenes and change the music. Then I'd give it a much better rating.
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28 March 2024
If this were given a new title it might be quite entertaining, but it really isn't.

The worst part is that British and English are being used as synonymous, what of the voices that are Welsh, Scots, Northern Irish? Or even from parts of England that aren't in the southern east area of England, focusing on London, Blenheim palace, and Cambridge.

The title could be archetypal English, as if we all go to Oxbridge, Saville Row for clothing, only watch Shakespeare and play cricket. I'm afraid it was a bit laughable. Anyone wanting to see any sort of insight into the country are going to be disappointed. The interviewees are mildly entertaining, but frankly it could have been so much better.
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Luther: Episode #3.1 (2013)
Season 3, Episode 1
Starts off rubbish and doesn't get better
10 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This series regularly pushes at the bounds of incredulity, but this episode just goes over the edge of credibility.....

Going into a crime scene and poking around without putting gloves or any protective gear on. An investigation which leaves itself open to accusations of brutality.... I guess I expect the more gritty tv crime drama to be more realistic, but this is midsomer murders without the nice villages in terms of believability.

A plot which is all over the place.... I've always found it intriguing but this is just mad, even the description of the plot reads like the people didn't really understand it.
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Luther (2010–2019)
21 March 2023
I admit I avoided watching this because I thought it was very violent, then I watched the first series......

It's violent but not as violent as I thought it might be, but it's not so much a mystery as a crime show, and I know I make a distinction, but I expect Death in Paradise to be a bit daft, it's what makes it, but when it comes to grittier tv I expect more realism.

There are so many plot holes, oddities, Luther break the rules on a regular basis....... and the cases he solves aren't always explained very well.....

For me if you want a gritty crime drama......Happy valley is a much better watch.
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Moonstruck (1987)
Really? Oscar winning?
5 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this, this was supposedly a great film? I found it tragic, and sad in many places, the psychology of why two people plan to marry when one doesn't love the other and the other really is reluctant to get married....the brothers have fallen out but one doesn't show any concern to the idea of his mother dying....

Yes there were a couple of smile moments, but I'd dispute the idea it's really a comedy.

I know, I know, a lot of people really loved this film, so definitely give it a go......but don't go in expecting that it's a great film, would be my advice, and how Cher received best actress Oscar over Glenn Close and Meryl Streep? I have no idea........
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The English (2022)
Not for me
23 January 2023
I persevered with this even though I would have said westerns aren't my thing, but with so many good reviews, and I'm getting older.... I thought I would try this, and watched it all. I wasn't really sure I understood it, might be my fault, but there you are.

I can certainly see it's well produced and scenic, and the cinematography is impressive. I ended up letting it flow over me, and be impressed by the scenes, although there's perhaps too many very dark scenes, where it's not easy to see what is going on.

If you like westerns, then I'd recommend it, if you aren't a fan, I don't think it will convince you....
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Beautifully made film
24 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film is so beautifully made, thoughtful and lovely, it compliments the book very well, it's the sort of immersive seemingly childlike film, which has profound things to say to anyone of every age.

I think this is one of those films, like the snowman, that could easily become part of a family tradition viewing each Christmas. It has moments of gentle humour, deep questioning, it's not got a complex story, but it allows each person to engage with the story. A stand out moment for me was when the mole spoke about listening less to fears, more to dreams.

If you love the book I don't think you'll be disappointed. If you don't know the book, it won't matter, just enjoy.
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Crossfire (2022)
I tried.....
27 September 2022
I watched all of this, but I found it very hard to engage with it. It's hard to say why, some good acting, but I found it underwhelming, and I just note that I found that at any point I could have just stopped watching and I don't feel I'd have felt I was missing out.

It's certainly possible that other people would have enjoyed this, indeed someone else found it interesting from the start. Give it a try, but it's curiously not connecting with me.

I think it might have been better if it hadn't jumped around so much, perhaps it would have been better as a two hour drama, rather than three hours of drama.
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The Newsreader (2021– )
It was okay
15 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why the low rating?

One of the main characters felt like a Jim Carrey tribute.

The suicide depiction was badly done, I felt.

The actual image of the shuttle exploding was used. I felt that using this image was insensitive of the moment of death and wasn't needed in a drama.

I was interested but I didn't warm to the characters, or especially enjoy it.
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20 May 2022
What I have read of Hardy novels, and seen other adaptations, I don't rate him as a storyteller. Stories are contrived, reliant on chance and coincidence.

This is a well made film, acting is good. Settings are lovely.

The plot, though, predictable, daft in places, ending was obvious from start, and for something that was supposed to be about the independent woman, fails singularly......

And the happy ever after ending leaves there were still loose ends.
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He tried
17 May 2022
He's engaging, and he tried his best.

It feels like he needs to do a much simplified version of this show before I even begin to understand what this was all about.

It's a fascinating subject but this program just made me feel very thick, jumping through a whole host of scientific ideas, it feels this is for those who already have a reasonable scientific knowledge.
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Green Book (2018)
I can see it's quite well done but
4 April 2022
The test for me is if I want to rewatch it, and the answer is no, no one is especially likeable, the plot line is pretty predictable, and although I saw it to the end if I hadn't seen it to the end I don't feel I'd have rushed to have finished it.
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Story should be better known
28 February 2022
I tried to enjoy this, but the film is too long, the idea of a city doesn't appear for ages, and it feels dull, much of the time. I think this should be a bit of history that should be better known, but this film just didn't do it for me.
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Chloe (2022)
Really not sure
21 February 2022
I watched every episode, unlike some reviewers but I genuinely wish I hadn't. It was six hours with zero likeable characters and personally I didn't really care about anyone. Ok it was intriguing enough to carry on, but if I were to suggest that there's more than an echo of Daphne Du Maurer's Rebecca, which is a much stronger story. It's not a duplicate, but it reminds me of it.
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5 January 2022
Alan Bennett said that he chose things on the back of whether he would want to spend time with the characters. I didn't enjoy my three hours in the company of this drama, it felt like two parts would have sufficed, or one longer episode. There are far more engaging stories to be told, I'd much prefer the Christie adaptation or perhaps Dorothy L Sayers or Margery Allingham, rather than this kind of drama.
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Anything Goes (2021)
31 December 2021
Music by Cole Porter, P G Wodehouse wrote the book, some of the best musical tunes, fabulous performances, if you can't get to the theatre then this is the next best thing and I cannot recommend it too highly.

By the end I felt uplifted! It is, for me, one of the real greats of the theatre, alongside Kiss Me Kate and Crazy for you, to send you away with tunes in your head and a smile on your face!
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Last Tango in Halifax (2012–2020)
8 November 2021
Series one was excellent, really good entertainment, loved it, series 2 plummeted in quality, became lazy, soap operaish, and so many pregnancies to fill the time, the story of the older couple seemed to become sidelined, and the unlikeable families became more prominent.
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Worzel Gummidge (2019– )
8 November 2021
Whisper it but I wasn't a great fan of the original series, even seeing Worzel at an event didn't work for me.

This series though I found charming, engaging, and beautifully made. Cast were all excellent, it's not an hilarious comedy but I don't think it sets out to be, it just makes you smile and feel good. I didn't come to this. I didn't know any of Mackenzie Crook's previous work but this feels like a project he really wanted to do, not just a job. He's to be commended.
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Vigil (2021– )
What the.....
24 September 2021
Is my response on each episode, it felt, to me, confused and confusing, with characters changing, plot lines that seem incomprehensible, others enjoyed it but....
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Silent Witness (1996– )
A selection of episodes
15 September 2021
I can't pretend I have seen them all, I'm watching the series broadcast in 2021 and tried the start of the series. I find, quite simply, it isn't to my taste, the plots seem convoluted, unnecessary complicated family aspects to the story, I enjoy a good drama and I have tried with this, just not for me.
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Amazing film
11 September 2021
This is my contender for the best mystery film ever made, there have been 3 other versions, with Molina, Suchet, Branagh, but this is the strongest film version. Why?

Cast is Hollywood's finest

The soundtrack is superb

The cinematography is amazing.

The plot is a classic one from the pen of Agatha Christie.
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