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Mulligan (2023– )
This show is..
12 June 2024
This show is undeservingly underrated here on imdb and it's such a shame. It's a good show. Sure, not on Bojack Horseman level, but still good. I thought it would get canceled after only one season because of the bad rating, but I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that they had released a second season.

The show is about Washington D. C after it and the whole USA (or world?) was severely attacked by aliens. The show follows the surviving citizens (and one stranded alien) on their quest to build up a decently functioning society again..

Give it a chance, despite the bad reviews.. Maybe you'll actually enjoy it?
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2 June 2024
Another upsetting case of vulnerable people getting swallowed by cults and religion. The exploitative, predatory leaders of course get away with everything because "religious freedom" *barf*..

Seriously, you can have your beliefs about an afterlife without ever joining any church or movement.. without following a bunch of rules that are made-up to benefit the predatory leaders (yuck!)

People are lonely and we urgently need plenty of affordable, non-religious meetup community spaces all around the world where people can go to when they crave community. A place where people can grab a coffee, talk to each other, play board games, etc.. I think that would benefit society WAY more than any "holy" building (They exist for power and profit).

When it comes to this documentary, I sincerely hope that Miranda and the other cult members wakes tf up and see what's really going on. And the ex-members who are trying to get Robert convicted; I cheer for you all the way from the other side of the atlantic ocean.. Take that mf DOWN!
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28 May 2024
Is this what we're doing now (trying to gain sympathy for cheaters)?? I will never feel sorry for someone who willingly signs up on a meetup place to cheat.. why would I!?

Have society really come so far as to normalizing cheating and excusing cheaters without ever thinking about the people who get cheated on?? Being cheated on deeply affects people mentally and can ruin someone's ability to trust others for a lifetime!

If you're in a monogamous relationship, you shouldn't cheat. If you can't be faithful, then you might as well just stay single or get involved in an open relationship. Monogamous relationships are for people who can be monogamous, period!

The people who exposed these cheaters are heroes in my eyes.
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Goodbye Earth (2024)
I was so..
30 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was so excited for this show because I love apocalyptic, dystopian shows and movies.. but this show fell short, unfortunately...

First of all, the story timeline is a mess. It's hard to know whether we're on the 199th day before the asteroid or the 300th. I find the show to be quite exhausting to watch due to all these time jumps, and also because of the characters themselves.

That brings me to the second reason why this show fell short in my opinion; Boredom. The characters story lines aren't exciting and not much that happens in the show makes sense.

I unfortunately can't bring myself to finish watching this show.
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The Confession Tapes: A Public Apology (2017)
Season 1, Episode 3
The detectives who did this...
21 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The detectives who did this to Wesley should have gotten fired and gotten their police license removed permanently. The absolute injustice Wesley received, the reputation that got ruined, and all the years he lost in prison.. There is not really anything that can compensate for all that, but at least the detectives should have gotten fired and gotten their police license taken away.

Watching this episode is really freaking upsetting.. It makes my blood boil. The fact that this man passed away without ever knowing who killed his beloved one.. it's so sad. So, so sad..

Rest in peace, Wesley.. I hope that your next life is better.
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28 February 2024
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Yet another k-drama from South Korea that has made me both laugh and cry. The show is both beautiful and frustrating at the same time. The frustrating part is of course to get reminded of how society treats people on the spectrum. People with other disorders also have to deal with quite a lot of hate and prejudices. Yes... still... in 2024 😒 .. it's tiring. But it's awesome and important that the topic gets highlighted by shows like this one.

The beauty of the show is the acceptance, laughter, love, and friendships. People who are accepting and liking Woo Young-woo for who she is. I certainly hope that her and Jun-ho stick together.

I heard that there will be a season 2.. I wonder when that one will come out?
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Extraordinary Attorney Woo: This Is Pengsoo (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Such a beautiful..
25 February 2024
Such a beautiful, infuriating, and important episode which highlights and educates about the different "severities" of autism. The episode also highlights the massive prejudice that still to this day exists about people with autism spectrum disorder and other disorders.

It's 2024 and many people still think that some are more worthy of love and success than others. And some people even use the term "autistic" as an insult. People need to do better and be better! Women, men, people with disorders and illnesses, people without disorders and illnesses... we all should have equal treatment and worth. Let's progress society, not regress!
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Ricky Gervais: Armageddon (2023 TV Special)
Good, but not his best
27 December 2023
Ricky was right about that joking about the horrible stuff in life makes it a bit more bearable to deal with. This is dark humor, so it's definitely not for the easily offended people.. not everyones cup of tea.

I love Ricky, and I thought that Armageddon was good.. but it was definitely not his best. It was quite underwhelming, to be completely honest.. I enjoyed Humanity, Supernature and After life way more than this one. I really wanted to love Armageddon just as much as I love the other netflix stand-up specials, but it didn't happen this time.. it's okay though. Everybody has different preferences and tastes when it comes to most things in life. I'll just keep my hopes up that there will be more netflix specials from Ricky in the future.
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8 November 2023
First "Tomorrow" and now this? The korean writers are showering us with shows about important topics. Daily dose of sunshine is all about something that is soooo damn stigmatized everywhere in the world, but yet so many people suffer with it... I'm talking about mental illness. So many people are suffering in silence, in fear of being judged, and shunned from society.

I don't have anything bad to say about this show... The story line is brilliant, the actors are amazing, the chemistry between the couples is good.

We really, really need more shows with the purpose of normalizing and accepting mental illness as real illnesses! Sadly there is still to this day sooo much misinformation and prejudices about mental illness. For me, who struggles with life myself, this show was very comforting. Now that I've watched all the episodes, I want more.. they can easily make a few more seasons of this show without destroying it.
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1 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was an interesting dive into a devil worshipping cult called "Sons of Sam", murders, sloppy police work, and one obsessed journalist (Rest in peace Maurice Terry). There are also some brief mentionings of the Manson family cult, and another cult called "The children". My goodness... when will people stop following cults and religions like blind sheep? 😩 I find it hard to grasp that people still do that in 2023. I know humans are pack-animals but are y'all really that desperate for a leader!?

Anyway... Nobody really took Maury seriously, which is sad because he had uncovered a lot about the cases. And it turns out that Maury also was right about who murdered poor Arlis.

Rest in peace to Maury and all the murder victims..
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It was okay
31 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It took me over half of the season to get invested in this show. In the beginning, KMY (Ko Mun-yeong) is just disturbingly manipulative and show many signs of antisocial personality disorder, but as the show goes on we get to learn that she's not antisocial.. just a product of growing up with a psychopathic mother. It warmed my heart to see KMY soften up, and her friendship with MST (Moon Sang-tae) is a mix of sweet and funny.

Speaking of MST... He's my favorite character of this whole show. He's the epitome of pure innocence. He's a bit too honest sometimes, but he has a big heart.. and it's obvious that he really cares about his loved ones. MST made me laugh multiple times throughout the show.
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A regular man or a monster?
28 October 2023
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This mini serie is about John Demjanjuk and his alleged link to the holocaust. John was suspected to be a former guard in polish concentration camps.

The documentary has many twists and turns.. One minute you think "Yeah, that was probably him" and the next minute you're like ".. but what if it's not?" There are no doubt that there was something very sus about John, whether he was Ivan the terrible or not. The fact that he was in that area around the same time, the lack of emotion in court, the blood type tattoo (and when they asked about it he got nervous), his mother's maiden name.. and some more things. Very sus. Do I think that he was Ivan the terrible? I don't know, but a lot of things point at that being true.

I'm not pro death penalty because I think there are better ways of punishing criminals, and I definitely don't think it should be done to someone who you don't have rock solid concrete evidence against. Don't be so quick to execute.

And oh... the dude who threw acid in the lawyers eyes got away WAY too easy. No matter how horrible someone has been towards you, you just don't walk around and throw acid in their faces.

Anyway... this was a very captivating mini serie. I didn't know about Ivan until I watched this, so I guess I've learned something new.
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Bodies (2023)
26 October 2023
I didn't really have any expectations when I first started to watch this show.. I just wanted something different to watch after finishing a very emotionally draining k-drama.

It took me a minute to realize what was going on in the show, but once I did, I absolutely loved it! The writing was brilliant, the cast absolutely slayed in their roles, and the show had just as many episodes as necessary without dragging out the story line too much.

If you're anything like me and enjoy scifiesque shows about time traveling, and true crime shows.. then I think you'll enjoy this show. I definitely recommend giving it a try!
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A beautiful k-drama...
16 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A beautiful k-drama that made me laugh and cry (both sad and happy tears).

After weeks of binge-watching k-dramas I've seen many awkward love scenes.. In this show there were some awkward love scenes as well, but not the worst thing I've seen. I could still see the impeccable chemistry between Sin-yu and Hong-jo. As a true romantic, I'm so jealous of these two fictional characters for having such a beautiful love.. lol.

Rowoon is not only handsome, but also an incredible actors who seem to excel in any acting role he gets. He was really good in "Tomorrow", and absolutely excellent in this show. The other actors and actresses did an excellent job as well. Ahn Sang-woo did a brilliant job of portraying an obsessed stalker.

I definitely recommend this show for everyone who are up for some romance and excitement! I'm truly going to miss it...
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15 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow... What a masterpiece of a documentary! Well done, Netflix!

Until I watched this, I had no clue about who HLL (Henry Lee Lucas) was and what he did, because I'm not american and I wasn't even born when it all happened. Now I know, and it's very fascinating.. Also frightening how easy it was for one simple man to lie his way into fame and have everybody blindly believing every word he said, even if his statements were contradictive and there was a lack of evidence.

The pure incompetence of that task force coordinator / texas ranger Bob Prince and his crew is jaw-dropping! Why are those kind of people allowed to work as policemen and rangers?! They prioritized getting a bunch of cases "solved" on paper instead of actually solving them for real. Reputation and praise was more important to them than actually catching the murderers and help the families to get closure.
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Glitch (2022– )
This show really highlights..
15 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show highlights the dangers of religions and cults. It shows us how easily manipulated many people are because they're desperate to believe in something (no matter how ridiculous it is), and desperate for a higher purpose. It also reminds us about how dangerous it can be when the power falls into the wrong hands... like the old man on the show. Heck, there was almost a Jonestown 2.0 (collective mass s*icide) because the power fell into his hands.

The show itself was good. I really liked to see Ji-hyo and Bo-ras friendship come back to life. Although, the ending of the show was a bit.. meh. I think they could have wrapped it up a bit nicer in a more interesting way.
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15 October 2023
We get to follow the three siblings Gi-Jeong, Chang-Hee, and Mi-Jeong as they're trying to fight the monotony of life and liberate themselves.

It's something that I constantly struggle with myself... The absolute monotony of everyday life.. and depression. So I felt the characters pain, frustration, and boredom on a deep level while watching this show. Human beings... We buy and eat food to be able to have the energy to go to work and earn money so we can buy and eat food.. Sometimes it all just feels pointless.

The show is a bit slow and eventless. Not much is happening during the majority of the show. I'm not a person who craves drama and stuff like that, but I at least want to be able to watch a show without it feeling like a chore. When it comes to this show I mostly kept on watching until the end because I thought "I might as well, since I've already started". So it gets a neutral, but still decent rating from me.
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Girl Meets World (2014–2017)
Could've been better..
1 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a continuation of the 90s success show "Boy meets world". In "Girl meets world" we get to follow the life of Riley, Cory and Topangas daughter. They also have a son called Auggie (August) but the show is mostly focused on Riley and her best friend Maya.

Riley is a mini girl-version of Cory, and Maya is more like Shawn from "Boy meets world". Shawn is also in this show.. not enough though. I wish there was more Shawn and Mr. Feeny. What makes this show worth watching after all, is the old "Boy meets world" cast.

The new cast.. I don't know. Farkle, Maya, and Lucas are ok. But that's about it. The rest of the new "Girl meets world" cast are kinda cringey. They're not showing a realistic depiction on what life is really like for middle- and high schoolers.. it's a bit too dramatic.

One thing that really left a really bad taste in my mouth was the episode about beliefs. They were preaching about that everybody have the right to believe in what they want, but at the same time they were trying really hard to convert Maya and Farkle to christianity. Maya and Farkle got shamed for their atheist beliefs... A bit hypocritical, don't ya think?

This show had potential to be great, but bad acting and bad writing happened. It was an ok show except from the religious brainwash... but it could've been sooo much better. The "Boy meets world" cast really carried this show.
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A Love So Beautiful (2020–2021)
20 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the heavy but beautiful K-drama Crash landing on you, I needed something more cheerful and lightweight to watch.. so I decided to give this show a try.

It's an okay high school show filled with friendships, crushes, love, dreams, etc... I have no idea what Sol-I saw in Heon though, besides from him being handsome. He seems like a very boring, stiff guy. I got a bit disappointed every time Sol-I turned down the insanely handsome Dae-Sung who treated her so well throughout the years.. even if he made a weird "look how rich I am" statement to Sol-I in the end when he asked her to be his girlfriend.

I found it super strange that Sol-I freaked out by the thought of being intimate with Heon, her boyfriend of many years that she had known since childhood. And how awkward they were with each other in general.. The stiff cheek kisses they gave each other for example.. like they were 13 years old or something. I had a hard time seeing chemistry between them, but still rooted for them in the end because I'm a sucker for love, and Heon finally started to make an effort.
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Crash Landing on You (2019–2020)
20 September 2023
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A beautifully written K-drama about a South Korean woman who accidentally crashes with her parachute on North Korean land because of bad weather. A North Korean soldier then hides her and tries to help her to get back safely to her own country.

A romance between the two of them develop. It doesn't feel forced at all.. maybe it's because they are a couple irl as well. You can really feel the chemistry and emotions between them both. The way Ri Jeong-Hyeok looks at Se-ri makes my heart melt. There's also some nice friendships being developed between Se-ri and 4 of the other soldiers. That's also beautiful to see.

The ending made me a little disappointed. I like happy endings. This ending was just.. bittersweet. They should've given us the ending that Jeong-Hyeok and Se-ri move in together permanently, and not just 2 weeks per year. That's the least that they deserve after the long rollercoaster ride they had to go on in North Korea. I also think that Seung-joon should've survived and gotten a happy ending with Dan in North Korea or anywhere else.

So yeah.. the bittersweet ending is what pulls my rating down with one star. Aside from that, it's a fantastic show!
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Solomon Islands...
20 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show but oh man, do I have a lot of thoughts surrounding this episode... Watching this episode makes me feel blessed to be born in a country where I, as a woman, get treated like an equal most of the time.

I know that inequality and violence towards women isn't a only a problem for the Solomon Islands.. it seems like a lot of countries have a hard time seeing women as people instead of maids and incubators.

I usually feel a bit sad for the incarcerated people on this show.. they've often had very tough lives. But in this episode I had a hard time sympathizing with anyone except from the female prisoners. The men act like unhinged, adult babies who excuses their wrongdoings by saying "I can't control myself" or blaming it on their culture. May all those bad seeds continue being locked up for a LONG time. And may child "discipline" abuse get eradicated.

I will finish this review by saying that I see a clear pattern... Where religion is wide-spread (especially the abrahamic ones), there's a lot of oppression and violence. Religion is not the solution, it only creates problems.
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The Uncanny Counter (2020–2023)
Watch out, evil spirits!
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Here we have an exciting show about four (soon to be five) demonhunters. Together they become an heroic team who protect the Korean city of Jungjin from evil spirits.

The plot line is great, and so are the actors.. Jo Byeong-Gyu who play the character So mun, is really freaking handsome (in both seasons)!!

Ok, back to talking about the actual show now... Season one is fantastic. Season two is very good so far. I do find the newest demonhunter Na Jeong Bong quite annoying, but maybe he will grow on me..? The female villain of season two gives me a headache and I can't wait until they capture her and remove the demon from her body.

This is a great show that I really recommend!
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2 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I've just started to get into K-dramas, so please don't judge me.

The show is about a veterinarian who all of a sudden gains special abilities that will help both her, her patients, and other people.

The environment gives off cozy small town vibes and a sense of community. Lonely as I am, I kind of want to move there.. even if the place doesn't exist lol. It looks like a happy and peaceful place to live in. Well... except from the mysterious happenings.

Brace yourself, there's a serial killer on the loose. What makes the show so great is that every time you think you know who the killer is, you're proven wrong. It's unpredictable and that makes it even more exciting to watch!

My first impression of this show was "Ok, this is a little bit weird", but after I had watched a couple of episodes I was fully invested.. it really gets better and better with every episode. Now I love this show, and find myself impatiently waiting for new episodes. I hate when streaming sites only drop 1-2 episodes per week like they're cable tv or something...
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Tomorrow (2022)
Just... wow!!
1 August 2023
This show is important (because it highlights mental illness and many other important societal issues), frustrating and sad (because it reminds you of the cruelty that exist on this earth), beautiful, and incredibly well made!

It brings sooo much emotions and empathy out of me. Almost every episode made me cry... both happy tears and sad tears.

I'm in absolute awe about this show!! They would be absolute fools if they canceled this.. so don't you dare! This show is important, and it needs to be seen by more people, in my humble opinion. I'm really recommending giving this a shot. Just be prepared of an emotional roller coaster. But feeling things is what makes us human, right?

And my oh my... Can we talk about how ridiculously handsome Lee Soo-hyuk and Yoon Ji-on are!?
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22 July 2023
This is definitely going to be worth your time if you love series that has to do with hospital workers, firefighters or the police force.

It's captivating and eventful. A bit funny sometimes. Also a tiny sprinkle of romance (Wish it was more of that though.)

Awesome serie with absolutely brilliant actors! The theme song is lovely as well. Can't wait until the new season comes out!! :D

(This part of the review is just a filler, because apparently we can't decide for ourselves anymore how short/long the reviews are going to be, and I don't really have anything more to write, sooo...+×,>^+,,.)
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