
4 Reviews
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Beyond: Two Souls (2013 Video Game)
Great story, but execution could be better
2 April 2023
Beyond: Two Souls follows the story of Jodie and her paranormal entity Aiden. When you start the game, you have the option to play Jodie's story chronologically or in the order originally intended by David Cage, which is what I would recommend. It can be confusing when certain events are taking place, but if you pay attention it will all make sense. Some of the chapters are shorter (requiring no more than 15 minutes), while other chapters are on the longer side (close to or over an hour). In the end, they balance themselves out, but there are times where it feels like those longer chapters are pushing it. Overall though, the story was a lot of fun to play and I was genuinely interested in Jodie and figuring out how Aiden is connected to her. My biggest complaint about the game is the mechanics (especially those QTES, which seemed much harder than they should have been), but I suppose it was good back in 2013. Even on the PS5, the graphics are still pretty good too. If you're considering playing this game, I'd recommend at least one playthrough. By the end, you might find yourself wishing it got the sequel it set up.
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A Plague Tale: Innocence (2019 Video Game)
Rats, rats, and more rats
24 March 2023
A Plague Tale: Innocence is a game that requires you to rely mostly on stealth to lead Amicia and her young brother Hugo through a plague-ridden 14th century France after an unforseeable event forces them to flee from their home. I really enjoyed this game, but there were a few things that had me swearing under my breath every time I played this game. First, Hugo is quite an annoying character and has no sense of self-preservation. You essentially have to do everything for him, like lifting him up over walls. And if you stray too far from him, he will get scared are reveal your position. Second, as Amicia, you are not that strong. There is no hope of winning in hand-to-hand combat, even as a last resort. You just have to start over and be stealthier. Third, there were some parts of the game (including the ending) that I found nearly impossible to beat because of the combat mechanics. By that point, it sucked the joy out of playing. Despite my gripes, this game looks beautiful and I really did enjoy the story. I found side characters compelling and I even cried a couple of times. If you weren't sold on the game, I would recommend giving it a shot for at least an hour or so.
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World War Z (2019 Video Game)
A good, but repetitive, zombie shooting game
24 March 2023
World War Z is a fun, zombie-filled, first person shooter game. Each chapter of the game takes the player to different parts of the world where you play as different characters. You're also accompanied by a group of NPCs who help you take down the zombies and the hordes. The game also offers a variety of weapons and mechanics to help with that goal. The biggest downside here though is that the mission mostly remains the same throughout each episode: kill zombies and take down hordes. If that's what you enjoy, then this game is for you. If that level of repetition isn't your cup of tea, then you're likely better off skipping this game.
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Detroit: Become Human (2018 Video Game)
A fun, beautiful game with a few flaws
24 March 2023
Detroit Become Human focuses on 3 androids (Connor, Markus and Kara), who struggle to find their place in the world. As a player, you have the ability to decide their fate through decisions that can alter the course of the story. The only downside to this is that there are so many different endings that it would take a long time get all of them.

I found the world building in this game to be done reasonably well. You have the ability to find magazines through which you can learn more about androids and how they are used throughout the US and the world and the potential ethical issues that go with that. The graphics and soundtrack are good and the storyline compelling. My major issue with the game play is the mechanics. It's similar to the Walking Dead Telltale games in that it's hard to move through the world and look around. Overall though, its worth at least one playthrough and I may revisit it in the future to get a "bad" ending.
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