
2 Reviews
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Sorry everyone, I liked it.
30 May 2009
Once again I feel like odd man out, i read all the comments and wonder at all the would-be movie critics, with all the harsh comments, I cant help but wonder why there are not more people before the cameras for all their seeming knowledge of the acting profession and directors abilities. For myself, once again I just enjoyed the movie for its entertainment factor, and Jane March is still one of my favorites, my only disappointment was her death near the end, but thats just me, all I can say is to those who had such harsh feelings toward s the movie, why did you watch it all the way thru, then waste your time vomiting your comments in these columns? If you don't like a movie don't watch it, May I always enjoy what I watch and watch what I enjoy, tincancpo.....
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Mermaids (2003 TV Movie)
luv Mermaids 2003
30 December 2006
I am an elderly man (who still likes cute romantic movies).My only complaint with "Mermaids 2003" is that it has NOT come out on DVD yet so that I can purchase a copy for my 9 yr old gr-dau who also likes mermaid movies. I would approve and promote this this movie to any parent. Its perfect for FAMILY viewing and entertainment. And I agree with a previous comment that it is too bad that this movie never made it to a series production, which only proves a lot of GARBAGE is acceptable over good family themes. OKEY, thats my soapbox of the day, except that I would truly enjoy a sequel!!!

If the movie "Memaids 2003" is going to be released on DVD, how can I be placed on a mailing list or notified of its availability? I really would like a copy because for anyone looking for good, clean, and very enjoyable entertainment to watch with their children, THIS IS IT!!!
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