
2 Reviews
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What a shameful apology for a film
21 October 2003
Well, I've been looking forward to this film since I heard it was being made over a year ago. I am a sucker for a war film, I'm a fan of the first film "Gettysburg" which gave me characterisation, motivation and great action scenes.

This film failed on all of those counts. In Gettysburg we were presented with well acted parts that shed light on the complex reasons why men went to war against their friends. All we got here was trite and overemotive yet bland characters.

Despite the time spent on Stonewall Jackson I was left with no sympathy for him which seemed to be the main focus of the film. You could also argue how accurate it was considering some historians seem to regard him more lucky, mad and hated by his troops rather than an eccentric strategic genius heroworshipped by his men.

Also I really took umbrage over the soft focus given to the Confederacy. Especially as it seemed about 3/4 of the film presented their perspective and the Northern viewpoint did seem sidelined. Despite the valiant portrayal of Jeff Daniels who like all the actors in this film who were betrayed by a script of the worst order.

This film stands condemned with the two black characters in the film, both Southern and both seemingly happy with their lot in their life. I only hope the next film in this series balances this with Lincoln's reception in Richmond after it fell!

The Civil War as this film would have us believe was about State rights and only State rights, which is nice as far as it goes but was the main in fact the only State right that had the Confederacy so ready to spill so much blood, that's right SLAVERY! No film about the Civil War can get away from this central issue but Gods and Generals really tries!

The battles were well done but with the exception of the Irish Brigade charge at Fredericksburg they were not anything that stirred the emotions. A good war film needs to bring the horror home (eg Gettysburg!) and this film gave glory to a venal cause.

I will see the final film in this trilogy out of sheer minded curiosity. The only way is up as far as I am concerned
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Dudes (1987)
A homage to a film that brought much joy to my life
16 September 2001
This is not a serious film. It tries to be in a couple of places but doesnt make it. Some of the dream sequences are just a tad laboured but only a tad. Apart from this small points it is full of good humour and I certainly enjoyed it. I do not watch films for messages, for me that just escapes the point. Film is escapism, that is why it exists, to take us out of ourselves, to make us laugh,cry and smile. This is what DUDES does. We follow 3 punks cross country and their encounters with different people. They are products of the multi-cultural mix that is New York, the scene of all three bored in the VW driving thru the desert is truly hilarious. The second half of this film is bit more bleaker with dream sequences et al but still this is remains a joy. I was left with a good feeling after the end of this film and do so every time I revisit it.
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