
3 Reviews
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A cute movie. Any Chipmunk fan should love it!
5 November 2001
Being a long time fan of Alvin and the Chipmunks, I knew I'd love this movie before I saw it. The animation is gorgeous, especially the scenes that show the Chipmunks and Chipettes flying around the world. The songs are great too - 'My Mother' and 'We're Off To See The World' are lovely. I think most kids would probably like this film, even if they aren't really into the Chipmunks.
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The worst Batman movie of the lot.
24 September 2001
The title line of this review says exactly what I think of this fourth movie in the Batman series. There are so many things wrong with this movie, and it would take up far too much space to list them all, but I'll list a few.

1)Batgirl's origin. What the heck were they doing by making her Alfred's niece? Surely the movie makers knew that this would just annoy the hell out of every Batfan out there. I also think casting Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl was a big mistake too. She was fine in Clueless but terrible here. Maybe that's because of the bad script but even so...I think they should've got an unknown to play her.

2)Too many villains. We had the Joker on his own in the first flick (which was great and worked really, really well), Catwoman and Penguin in the second (okay), and Riddler and Two Face for the third (again, okay). However in this one you get not one, not two, but THREE villains. Poison Ivy, Mr Freeze and Bane. Too many. The teaming up of Freeze and Ivy didn't work, at least not for me.

3)Too much neon. It seems the director of this movie is obessed with the stuff. It was bad enough in Batman Forever but was even worse here. Horrible.

4)The script. Almost every single line in the movie was lously. In the charity ball scene, Batman (under the influence of magic 'love dust') is bidding on Poison Ivy, trying to win a date with her. Batman whipping out a credit card (with the Batman logo on it, I might add) from his belt and saying "Never leave the cave without it" was too much. Batman using one liners may have worked in the sixties series but it didn't in the movie. Also every line that Mr Freeze said was dumb. "Freeze in Hell, Batman" has got to be one of the worst, silliest lines I have ever heard in ANY film. Urgh.

I could go on and on forever about how bad this movie is and how much I hate it but I won't. (I'm sure you're asleep now anyway after listening to my ramblings :). If you feel as though you *have* to see this film, then by all means rent it. But afterwards I'm sure you'll feel like you might as well have just chucked your cash down the toilet.
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Return to Oz (1985)
A beautiful film.
20 September 2001
Return To Oz is one of those rare gems that one could watch again and again and never get bored. I first saw this movie as a child when I was seven. It frightened me, but I couldn't help falling it love with it. It all seemed so magical and the characters were amazing. I remember how scared I was of the Wheelers, Mumbi and the Nome King. They gave me nightmares for weeks but for months every time I went to the video store with my mum, I always rented Return To Oz.

A few weeks ago I saw this movie for the first time since I was thirteen. I forgot just how wonderful it really was. While I love, and am a huge fan of MGM's The Wizard Of Oz musical, I have to say that this is the better movie out of the two. If you want to be really entertained, go and rent this. Do not listen to the idiot's that say it is too scary for children. If you have children who are easily frightened maybe you should watch it with them but don't deprive them of seeing this masterpiece.
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