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The Sandman: The Doll's House (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Running out of script
9 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It seems the show has some very strong episodes with brilliant look. Unfortunately it seems the story is kinda short and could not fill the playtime.

This is an episode which clearly shows these items. We have plenty scenes where technically nothing happens, simply a waste of time because there are no additional information. No world building, nothing.

And when this happens the only thing which is added that the scipt tells it is time to fill some woke things.

I like this show, but how come each time we have a point where the story stops we found out that the people are actually gay?

The Corinthian goes to find the Vortex and since she is not home he founds a guy. And all of a sudden they have sex without any reason. Then he just simply walks out, like that's the way to go. No additional value, no story telling, no event, no additional information. This all happens just for the sake of woke things I believe. Total nonsense. Same thing for how the serial killar big guy wants to spend some quality time with the waiter... just it happens that the guy gets killed by the other one...

Honestly I think half of the show's script should be dumped out into the trashbin since it is so meaningless and utterly bad.
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A mediocore Hungarian movie
8 October 2019
Slow and boring and not funny at all. If you want to see a good hungarian comedy from about the communism, I would suggest the "Tanu" than this...
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How much more money can be made from a title?
15 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I gave 5 from 10 since the feeling and the CGI was great. And probably that is everything which is a thumbs up. The whole story is a garbage. It is really hard to get one or more piece out of it because there is simply no sense at all. There are some logical decisions which doesn't make sense... well almost no decisions make any sense.


The small girl lets out the dinosaurs to rampage in the city. Great idea. How people will love this idea when hundreds or thousands will die and at the end when the military kills all the animals the whole chaos will end. What a nice idea from the child.

The whole story by the way is full of cliches. Honestly all the moments I remember from the old movies are somewhere in this one. No originality at all and no surprises...

Btw, can someone explain me why would anyone... ANYONE who has millions of dollars would spend money on an animal who is an uncontrollable killing machine? And what will the dino do against heavy arms? Come on... Only 6 years old kids would believe this whole plot. Omg...

And this could go on and on.

Seriously these guys with that much budget should get a normal story writer. Lazy writing all the way.
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Stargate SG-1: Ethon (2006)
Season 9, Episode 15
Totally no brainer episode
17 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I believe this is one of the point when the new guy, Mitchel ruined the whole story. Wrong decesion from the very beginning... again. In the previous seasons everybody was quesioning the SG-1 decesions. Now since we have this new guy as a replacement for Jack we are moving from one wrong decision to another... Honestly after this decision of, Mitchel should have been fired and sentenced to prison. But nothing happened. Half of the star fleet destroyed for an idiot decision to save two idiot nations from destroying each others. Pointless and dumb.
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Stargate SG-1: The Other Guys (2002)
Season 6, Episode 8
A disaster
4 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit I always hate these kind of episodes. SG-1 wanted to take itself at least somewhat serious or at least it made its best. Now after this waste of my time episode I feel terrible.

The whole story is without any reason. Even if the 2 idiots wouldn't come the whole episode would be without any sense. SPOILER! Why would they want to meet the Tokra guy? Why not just ask them? How the hell the first Jaffa found out something is not right and raised against his own god without any real reason? Why others didn't kill him right away?

The nerds were totally overplayed their character. I feel totally irritated by these kind of episodes. Not a single person would get into any scientific or army ranks with IQ like this and this episode wants to tell us that these guys didn't end up as a patient in a mental clinic, but sent to investiage a brand new technology and rely on their findings... Come on!

OMG, total waste of my time and I think its not funny at all, it is pathetic.
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The X-Files: The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat (2018)
Season 11, Episode 4
Another terrible episode
28 January 2018
TBH I really loved X-files but now I'm at the point where I wish it would just simply end and please forget it forever. This episode and the one from series 10 where we see a lizard man... omg. At the end I laughed on it with full of pain and agony. It could be a very good episode but there should be a side note to forget about everything of x-files, Mulder, Scully whatever. Just turn off your brain and watch something with characters you once loved and. I gave 1 star from 10 since we can't go below that.
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