
12 Reviews
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This does put a smile on my face
23 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Truth be told no film is really a perfect 10, but if there's ever a film thats come close to checking off every expectation I had for it, its no way home.

This is every spider-mans fans wet dream come true, bundled up in equal parts nostalgia, well-paced, surprising creative fight scenes, and emotional acting from Tom Holland (He really brings back that 'I don't feel so good' energy for this one).

Well done Marvel.
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Remothered: Tormented Fathers (2018 Video Game)
If you like Last minute exposition dumps
20 November 2021
Gameplay was clunky, I experienced getting stuck on terrain nearly every chase encounter, numerous bugs throughout. Imagine the worst part of Re games: running back and forth to find pieces to insert into other pieces, thats it, thats the gameplay.

Music was actually pretty good, and the atmosphere is great, but the storys payoff isn't worth the terrible gameplay.
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Q-Force (2021)
I Get it! Its kinda clever
1 November 2021
Its a series that uses stereotypes to tell and challenge story telling in a generic sense.

This is a short review, but honestly this is a seties that will probably blossom off its first season because it knows what it is, Id im honestly not that perfectionist to diagnost what it is yet.
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So boring
16 October 2021
Title says it all, a slasher were nothing happens for 40 mins till the very end. Acting is pretty okay except that dialogue has forced slang in basically all interactions.

The plot itself is moving at a snails pace and I really am not sure why they leaned on a series structure for this. Could've easily been a 1 hour 40 min movie.
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How to do a filler episode right
15 October 2021
Whats more to say? It adds more to the mugen train arc, shows more of the lovely Flame Hashira, and has no signs of half assed low budget filler animation. I hope they do this more in the future.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
What a meme
11 September 2021
Can't say it didn't keep me entertained for its whole run. Its over the top plot and dumb lines reminded me of the old elm street films in a way.

Don't go into this expecting some smart sophisticated murder solving horror flick, Its leans way more into the slasher genre if anything.

Id so most negative reviews are because the marketing poorly portrayed what the actual product was imo.
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Old (2021)
Well shot, dumb, and funny
25 July 2021
This might be M. Nights funniest work yet, The acting across the board was horrendous but gave off a certain charm I can't quiet pin down. The only actors I actually will praise are the children as they go through many stages of aging and they swap out the younger ones for older actress and actress, each did a good job acting like the base kids imo.

The movie is littered with some fun creative shots as well but other then that there's not much more to say about the film outside the acting which will definitely be a make or break it for you.
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Tell me you want to be John wick without understanding what made John wick good.
20 July 2021
Talented cast that has nothing to work on, jump cuts are frequent, bad lifeless dialogue is just a few issues I can name right off the bat. But the gravest sin is the action is bland. To many jump cuts and the weight of impact is non existent. The only thing I can credit this film is for picking a child actor who didn't grate on my nerves.
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A strange Italian film that wears its influence on its sleeve
18 July 2021
Not a bad watch by any means, but you can definitely see the director was a fan of midsommer...but maybe this film copying/showing its influence's was the point? Id give it a watch.
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Dumb fun, with some pretty visceral kills
16 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't expecting much considering the first part was just okay, but the corny acting and brutal kills actual worked well in this part. Acting is still hit or miss, but its not like its any worse then the 70s slashers this film is paying homage/parodying.

Im curious to see how part 3 will end considering they showcase it as a period piece with the cast from 1 & 2 making up the past. Sounds fun.
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Record of Ragnarok (2021– )
Read the manga instead
30 June 2021
A fighting anime with slideshow fights. So much screentime wasted with standstill images with dialogue, when they could've had fluid combat with said dialogue over it. Its bad.
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Dated and boring
25 June 2021
Nothing happens in this film, no clever camera tricks, no clever sound design. Ill give the actors credit, they were all pretty good, but good acting only goes so far.

I expected more out of a classic horror flick. I wasn't expecting there to be a useless side plot involving a priest (who accomplished nothing) a officer (who did nothing) a best friend and wife (who showed up to maguffin her way to the wall to hell) then dipped entirely from the film.

The scariest thing about this film is the 2 hour run time in which the scariest thing shown was a cat jumpscare.
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