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What the future holds
29 August 2024
Being the older brother of a Down's Syndrome mongloid, now passed his prime, I see what the future holds for the hearing impaired in this country. Understand, I'm not comparing the two disabilities, just the technology being used to eradicate the disability.

When my brother was born there was no genetics chromosomal testing and doctors couldn't determine if a child would be born with Down's until it came to full term. But at present these tests can be done with a fetus in the 1st trimester and parents can make a decision to abort the child or not. At least they could until Rowe vs Wade was overturned by the SCOTUS. I today's world the percentage of Down's baby's is near to none, except for the brave parents who decide to have the child regardless of its disability. The majority of Down's Syndrome population are senior and late middle aged.

The cochlear device technology is doing the same to the deaf population. More and more parents are electing their young children for the surgery. The deaf community is being chased out as the pre-cochlear population ages. Is this a good thing? Does making everyone the same make the world a better place? No, it doesn't and the consequences for it will be devastating on our society.
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Major Omissions.
28 August 2024
This was a lot of fun to watch. The miniseries speaks to the genocide of Native Americans truthfully. But it leaves out the descendants of captured Africans, freed by the 13th and 14th amendments, weren't permitted to join native born and newly arrived European immigrants in the land rush of western territories. The government sold the land to private railway companies and these companies would only sell to Whites. The consequences of these government sanctioned actions were devastating to Black families and it's repercussions are still felt to this day.

This is part of the history of the West and it has been excluded from textbooks, documentary films and classrooms across America for too long.
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Cry Wolf (1947)
26 April 2022
Good film. Nice to see Errol going against his heroic period piece swashbuckler typecasting. He seems happy about it too. A professional job all around.
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Not a cinematic tour de force.
28 September 2021
Fine acting by all involved. The film encompassed many genres: dramatic, educational and documentary. A must see for emergency 1st responders and should be discussed in an open forum.

This tragedy could have been avoided with proper training and egos kept in check.
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