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Worst (ice age) sequel EVER
29 January 2022
My god, this movie was so bad. I mean I knew it was going to be horrendous from the trailer alone from its animation, its focus on crash and Eddie, and its voice recasting, but I didn't think it was going to be this unwatchable. Not only is what was given in the trailer given to an extended runtime, its extremely awkward and degrading. First off, of all the stories they could've done, why on earth would the focus on the most unimportant characters in the series? I mean they had a few funny moments throughout the Franchise together and with buck, but did that really warrant a cars 2 like spin-off? I feel like if they really cared, it could've been done in a funny, innovative way. You can say what you want about the last two sequels of ice age before this, but at least they understood what the public or at least the ice age fandom liked about the franchise for both younger and older audiences. Disney has no idea what made ice age enjoyable nor does it show any care or respect for the property. It's like they got a bunch of their 2010s Disney channel sitcom writers to write a bunch of babyish dialogue and jokes that completely miss the mark but could've gotten a chuckle if told right. It just shows Disney was willing to put out and wreck anything with laziness and lowest common denominator pandering just to make a quick buck, no pun intended. The only silver linings in the story are buck's presence and the beginning painting sequence; but if this is the direction Disney wants to take ice age, unless they improve the animation and bring the remaining 4 to reunite with its roots and the Neanderthal baby, I say I'm finally done with this franchise if it doesn't die here from age, pun intended.
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The Fallout (2021)
An expertly crafted teen tragedy
27 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Jenna Ortega is on roll lately. Of course credit is due to everyone involved, but with this long awaited drama coming out just after the surprise hit scream 5, I'm looking even more forward to seeing these careers prosper and where they go. Let me just say this. There's a lot of ambiguity and subtlety in what the tragedy or trauma is in a lot of the synopsis and reviews, but I'll just say it; its a school shooting, and an all too surreal one at best. The way its played out actually makes it an empathetic and terrifying scene. I'm especially glad that Maddie Ziegler was able to find a couple of gems to be in including west side story after appearing in the horrendously horrible music playing a stereotypical autistic girl, which was by no means her fault but nevertheless left a bad mark on her acting career. I can't say she outshines Jenna Ortega or will be taken seriously a s a performer after this, but I can see her kind of recovering from the whole music controversy. I was quite disappointed that Shailene Woolley was in so little of this though. I would've like to see her in her therapist role more as she sinks into it well. Overall, the character chemistry is sweet yet realistic and the gen z representation is refreshing without being cringey. While the overall coming of age/ptsd arc isn't completely original with someone learning to navigate relationships and expressing their emotions, it's done well enough to at least view once for the casual viewer but delegitimization many of the fans of several cast members. I was quite confused on why this took so long to come out, but now that it's available, I'd say check it out and experience it yourself.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Better than it had any right to be
15 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't expecting it to be this successful. It had a January release date and it was the fifth movie in a timely extended franchise. However, upon seeing reviews, I decided to give it a shot, even if it meant seeing my baby Jenna Ortega for only a few minutes; but to my surprise, minor spoiler, she's in it for almost the whole movie, which made the experience better. Jenna aside, this movie is very self aware and it wants to beat you to the punchline, which may sound overdone in sort, but they do it really well. They make bids to old tropes as well as new ones when mentioning old and new horror movies of all kinds, which is great for all kinds of horror fans. It almost feels like a satire or parody but it makes its own story you care about seeing the characters' arcs in. Given that this is the fifth movie in a slasher franchise, you'll probably keep guessing who the killer is and won't trust anyone as the movie will simply put. It will most likely be your second or third guess as it was for me and a lot of film reviewers; and their endings are very satisfying. I also appreciate how it paints the problems with fandoms and fan service in this day in age as they explain the tropes even if they're into happening. I didn't give it a perfect score because of some of the flaws and plot holes most of the general public would ignore and the fact that it's still a big studio movie talking about other movies, because I'm cynical like that now; but if you want to start off your movie filled year with something thrilling yet funny with a dash of social commentary and nostalgia, then this is a great one.
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Annie Live! (2021 TV Movie)
A faithful yet modern adaptation
30 December 2021
When I saw this, I was quite worried it was going to squish it's welcome; but surprisingly, there is a lot to be seen in this presentation. I'm fact, I would say it's the second best screen version I've seen as someone whose favorites movie is the 1982 version but first saw the 1999 version when I was younger to find flaws later. The last adaptation took place right after the Broadway revival with color swapped characters. While the idea wasn't an unwelcome one, it seems to be the only thing they did that made sense while the story didn't work for the modern age. Aside from that, I was still hoping it wouldn't turn off other opportunities for the musical. And I have to say, despite a few character flips, it stands on its own to be pretty great, not perfect, but damn near close. I feel like this is the version we should've gotten in 2014. It doesn't top the original movie or Broadway versions, but I think it knows that but still succeeds in being something big and sweet by bribing elements of all the past entries. I would've like to see it live but it still felt special during the holiday season. If you're an Annie fan or have been skeptical of viewing because of the saccharine yet depressing setting, I'd say this is the version for you, especially during this hard time.
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A bittersweet tale of deserving satisfaction
30 December 2021
Well this was quite a load of sweetness. The character of humble perfection is played by the all too undercasted voice of Moana, who has a really cute nature as she plays the main saint. And for the noble person she is, she sure goes through quite a lot, and I mean a lot. I mean without spoilers, there is tragedy after circumstance. I was originally watching this for Taylor Richardson, who is in the film for about 5-10 minutes; and there's another treat for Annie fans as Carol Burnett, the lady with a bitter exterior but a sensitive soul. Without much detail, there is also plenty of characters representing those on the autism spectrum, who are paralyzed, and even English language learners who have a surprising impact I connected with. There isn't much to laugh at but even though there is a lot to take in with this, you'll feel like it was all earned and did it's best with the content it handled.!it may be too much packed into a small runtime, but I still feel it's worth at least one watch with a group of really good people to relate to.
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B movie spoof magic
28 December 2021
It took me a while but I finally watched it and I'm so glad I did. I wasn't expecting it to be much like this at all. It's been a while since a movie made me laugh as hard as it did. The writing was very clever yet it used its cliches to its advantage of making fun of them to maki by them work into its story. You would think it's a typical alien life form with children story, but there's a lot more mean spirited humor and twists it takes. There are moments where you think it's going to go one way and disappoint you but then it completely surprises you. I also appreciate how it used a combination of practical and basic computer effects instead of using the usual cgi. There were moments in this story that I would normally hate, particularly with he human killings and torture, but they just work so well in this story. I'm not going to act like it's flawless because there's a lot you can nitpick here, especially if you're not into the satire in the long haul, or you're a super snob. With the direction also comes the actors and I will say the daughter in this gives the performance of her lifetime, she really gives it her all and owns this movie with the alien. It's like she's been waiting to do this her entire life, like Linus in shark boy in lava girl. Don't be followed though, it's all all blood, gut and humor. There is a surprising amount of love in this movie that the characters learn to do. One would think it's off putting but it actually feels earned, even if the characters are still flawed. You can suspend your disbelief while seeing them as a normal family. I would say this amid for the family weirdos or the sci fi fanatics that want some itching underrated; but I truly believe everyone will get something out of this, even if they don't learn anything.
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Everything everybody says is good is amazing
26 December 2021
I swear the people behind this look at all of the videos praising the best parts and nitpicking the negative aspects of the past Spider-Man films and just creating something almost everyone can appreciate. Not only does this tie in every universe Spider-Man has been in, but it gives everyone a satisfying conclusion and hopeful needing they deserve. I saw this I'm IMAX with my family and a nearly packed theater even a week after opening, and it was an experience we never had together before. I sure there will Be nitpickers out there, but they don't need to be counted too much as this is the best you're going to get besides spiderverse. If you're one of the ten percent of the population who hasn't seen this get, get the heck to the theater already or ready your rentals, because this is for Spider-Man and mcu fans everywhere.
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Spielberg's Next masterpiece
26 December 2021
A Spielberg film is like a Christmas gift, you don't always know what you'll get but you know it was provided and/or made with love. I feel like if anyone is familiar with west side story or Romeo and Juliet, there's no point in spoiling. When I first heard Spielberg was doing this, I was questioning it, but after hearing about the diversity and representation problem in the first one and seeing the first teaser, I became really excited for this film. I only ever saw one Spielberg in theaters through opportunity and my journey to appreciating him in my young life, but I will say it's so worth it. Almost everything is spot on with its set, acting, choreography, singing, action, and talent. My only minor issues are the runtime and ansel elgorts casting. I think he's a good actor who's trying here, but he never comes off as a tough guy trying to be a good guy, but more like a good guy trying to be both a tough and good guy. Otherwise, I highly recommend watching This, even if it's comparing to the Natalie wood gem or just being a film loving Spielberg loyalist.
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Not enough to save it
26 December 2021
Here we have a classic case of Oscar bait from a proven good director. I'm sure she and the crew and cast had good intentions and wanted to create something traditional yet progressive, but the slow burn route was not the way to go here. I think it can work with some stories, but it's very wrong for a western with these characters and this boring story. Think the acting is fine for the characters the actors are given and some of the shots are beautiful, but I don't. Think it makes up for the runtime it could've used to make a faster journey to the end. It's really hard to get an audience into a film and I have a feeling critics are going to continue to outweigh the audience with this one. Depending on how you felt about the trailer, wherever you were intrigued, confused, open, or downright bored, I guarantee you'll get exactly what you think it's going to be.
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Christmas Again (2021 TV Movie)
Rough start but a nice turn-around
25 December 2021
I'm going to be playing major devils advocate here, so if you don't like that, you can back off and keep scrolling. My mom wanted to watch this because she heard about it from teachers and students since we both work in education. It was just the two of us and I wanted to make her happy. At first, I was thinking I was going to hate this, people are trying to make out the main character as bratty, but not only does her family practically suck, but she gets blamed just for expressing her frustration. When it started going on a loop I was like, dear lord, is this how it's going to go. The black Santa and everyone reviewing this say she needs to change for her family, but here's the problem with that theory, she's a frickin tween. Kids aren't supposed to change for their families especially not after divorce, family is supposed to help them with managing their lives, emotions, and puberty, but bad luck seems to be magnetized to her. However, I was pleasantly surprised to see that it took a twist for her to keep making her interactions better and for her to accomplish everything on her list, later, without spoiling everything, she starts to feel lonely. Thais stands out to me because I'm a huge introvert but I also occasionally want some family and fun Christmas time. Once the film took its time, we got to see different sides of the characters, and it became less frustrating. Also, the gay uncle thing wada welcome progression, but it didn't affect me or the plot in the slightest. It's hard to say if I would recommend or not because I'm not the best audience for it and even though I'm glad I saw it, I probably won't watch it again, with my lol agreeing with me. Overall, if you have a lot of patience and want to see a pleasant turn out, you'll get what you want; and I don't think it will do kids any harm. But everyone else I think needs to keep scrolling through the Disney holiday catalog.
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