
22 Reviews
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Don't bother
4 May 2024
This is the fakest DNA show I've ever seen. The clients seem like they could be real, I guess, but the staff are definitely not. I'm not sure what Tunde's job is even supposed to be. Envelope passer, maybe? The first episode has some dude bringing in his girlfriends dirty underwear to be tested, even though he claims he's really embarrassed about it and doesn't want anyone to know. Yeah, that's why you're doing it on tv, buddy. The inbetween scenes are just lame. Tunde trying to make everyone work out. The super fake lost dna sample. I am just fast forwarding through them now. All in all, not worth the time.
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Family: Letting Go (1980)
Season 5, Episode 13
And so it ends.
17 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The last episode is fairly unremarkable. Buddy picks up a guy at the hardware store by staring at him like a creep. Predictably, Doug acts like a jerk. The alternate storyline features Dana Plato as Annie's old friend Debbie. We're supposed to believe that the girls are a similar age, when in reality Plato was three years older and it shows. The biggest surprise is that she makes no moves on Willie and his dreadful beard. I don't know if this episode was meant to be the last of the series, or if they were cancelled between seasons, but it's a bit of a disappointment. More of a whimper than a bang.
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Family: Smarts (1980)
Season 5, Episode 12
Yeah Right
11 March 2022
As a former bullied kid, I was feeling this episode, until the completely unrealistic ending. Unlike the other reviewer, I don't agree with Kate's handling of the situation at all. It's not 'bubble wrapping' kids to acknowledge they have feelings. They are almost like human beings that way. (and yeah, we did have participation awards. I got plenty of them.)
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Family: Daylight Serenade (1980)
Season 5, Episode 8
Daylight Serenade
6 March 2022
Kate and Buddy fight over a nerd. Nancy is oblivious to other peoples feelings, as usual. Annie is suddenly on roller skates at all times, Tootie style. Not an especially interesting episode.
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Family: Play on Love (1980)
Season 5, Episode 7
Willie Is A Scumbag
5 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Rachel is back, after not being seen or spoken of in three months, and she and Willie are preparing to announce their engagement. She has nice hair, but she's about as spicy as an egg white. However, bland or no, she deserves better than a POS like Willie. Willie is finally getting one of his plays produced (which judging from the rehearsal is a total snoozefest). The director, Jo (played by soap opera veteran Judith Chapman) falls prey to Willie's dubious charms and dreadful beard. Willie, as per usual, becomes completely obsessed with a woman he barely knows, cheats on his almost-fiancee, and then breaks off their pending engagement. Every time I think I couldn't loathe this guy more...he proves me wrong.

Also, Buddy is a terrible driver and should probably just stay off the road entirely.
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Family: Whispers (1980)
Season 5, Episode 6
Hoo boy
4 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Where to even start with this episode? Buddy is once again googly eyed over an older man, this time her creepy English teacher. He invites her to his apartment to work on a fundraiser, and then dances with her until Linda, the student he is seeing on the sly, calls and Buddy answers the phone. Linda spreads a rumor that Alex and Buddy are sleeping together, which reaches the ears of Kate. Kate makes a flimsy attempt to stop Buddy from returning to his apartment, and Buddy angrily defends Alex and goes anyway. The truth is soon revealed when Linda tries to warn Buddy that Alex is not who she thinks he is, which of course Buddy doesn't believe because she is the worst judge of character ever. When confronted, Alex admits to the affair. Buddy is enraged, and vows never to speak to him again. Kate is oddly apathetic about the situation, and even lectures Buddy on not being so judgey when people make mistakes. Considering Kate is a teacher herself, this just makes zero sense. Buddy goes to see Alex the next day while he is packing up his classroom, and forgives him for everything and kisses him on the cheek, which as we've noted before, is basically third base for Buddy. I was only in fourth grade when this episode aired, but I'm pretty sure even I would have raised an eyebrow at the questionable lessons involved here.
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Family: When the Bough Breaks (1980)
Season 5, Episode 4
Miracles Do Happen
26 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is an episode that should have happened earlier in the series. Doug and Kate have already been established as being in their 50s, but now that there is a pregnancy storyline, they have mysteriously reverted to being 'over 40'. Quite predictably, Doug and Buddy act like total jerks about the whole thing. Doug gets mad that Kate didn't share the news with him the moment she found out, even though just a few episodes ago, he tried to hide that may have had a heart attack. But the real miracle of this episode, is that a young woman throws herself at Willie...and he turns her down. This is unprecedented territory for Willie, who usually becomes obsessed with any female who gives him the time of day. The enamoured girl, played by the tragic Dominique Dunne, even likes his dreadful beard. I'm not sure what happened to Rachel, the girlfriend he had over Christmas, but I'm guessing that like the rest of his women, she has gone into the witness protection program to get away from him.
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Family: Jack of Hearts (1980)
Season 5, Episode 3
Nancy, Nancy, Nancy
25 February 2022
In this episode, Annie dabbles in the Dark Arts, and Buddy can't seem to find a boyfriend that Nancy hasn't already slept with. Willie and his dreadful beard are still going strong.
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Family: 'Tis the Season (1979)
Season 5, Episode 2
Tis the Season
25 February 2022
It's Christmas time again, and the Lawrence tradition of holiday drama continues. This year, it's Doug's turn to visit the hospital after a meltdown over Willie and his dreadful beard going to Mexico gives him heart palpitations. Personally, I'd be more concerned about Buddy suddenly being BFF's with the school janitor, but maybe that's just me.
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Family: Thanksgiving (1979)
Season 5, Episode 1
A Legendary Guest Star
24 February 2022
This episode, directed by Joanne Woodward, features Henry Fonda doing a bang-up job as James Lawrence.

James in back in town, and showing signs of dementia. Or possibly, he's just confused because every time he visits, he's a different person. Doug responds by acting like a big old baby.

Also in this episode, the first appearance of Willie's dreadful beard.
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Family: From Russia with Love (1979)
Season 4, Episode 22
23 February 2022
The season 4 finale is so boring, I honestly skipped through half of it. Is that vixen Kate having a fling with a Russian composer? Who cares. Will Buddy or Annie win the Monopoly game that will decide who gets Willie's old room? I was hoping for Thunderdome. This whole episode feels like the writers were in a hurry for summer vacation.
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Family: Going Straight (1979)
Season 4, Episode 21
Guess who's back
22 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Hey, remember that prostitute Willie and Doug met on Willie's birthday? The one that crashed his tea party? Well, unlike most of the women he meets, she's back for another episode. Willie's boss, the uber slimy Gip Goddard tells him to hire a 'broad' to do his typing, and Bambi decides to go straight and take the job. Gip, in a smoking hot jumpsuit, behaves as you might expect, and Willie, predictably, jumps to conclusions. I thought we were actually going to make it through an entire episode without Willie jumping into bed with some woman, but...this wasn't it. Though at least this time he'll be out of town and Kate won't have to have moral panic about it.
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Family: Prelude (1979)
Season 4, Episode 20
A Headline
20 February 2022
This week, Buddy carries on the family tradition of falling madly in love with someone she barely knows when she is recruited for the swim team. She gives him the necklace her grandfather gave her, only weeks after tearing a strip off Annie for losing the ring that was also a gift from Grandpa. But she did kiss him on the cheek, which is pretty much third base for Buddy, being one of the few members of the family that doesn't give up the goods to everybody they meet. Meanwhile, Kate is feeling neglected and tries to bootycall her ex. Don't forget to check out an early appearance of Brent Spiner, aka Data from Star Trek TNG.
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Family: Diversions (1979)
Season 4, Episode 18
Oh, Nancy
18 February 2022
Nancy needs to prepare for the bar exam but decides to make out with her creepy neighbor that she just met instead. Because of course she does.

Also, in a very boring side story, Annie becomes paranoid about earthquakes.
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Family: Ballerina (1979)
Season 4, Episode 17
Here We Go Again
10 February 2022
If you were hoping for another episode where Willie gets obsessed over a woman he barely knows, look no further!

Also, the senior Lawrence's decide to get fit. Kate works out in a dress, while Doug apparently borrows a pair of Buddy's shorts.
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Family: Disco Queen (1979)
Season 4, Episode 14
Hooo boy
7 February 2022
If you're wondering why disco died, look no further than this episode.

Buddy is suddenly all about dancing, and we are meant to believe she is good enough to be in a movie. Her new friend takes her to a club where they perform the jaw dropping Dish Towel Dance, which enflames the passions of the creepy dude who can supposedly get her a part. It all goes downhill from there, but you'll have to watch it yourself for the thrilling conclusion.
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Family: Moment of Truth (1979)
Season 4, Episode 11
4 February 2022
Once again. Audrey has to be awful before finally doing the right thing. They should have used her as bait to catch the psycho criminal, who has similar personality problems. They would probably be great friends.
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Family: Sleeping Over (1979)
Season 4, Episode 13
Getting Old
4 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As always, Willie falls madly in love with any female that comes within ten feet of him.( Nancy has a similar problem, as she's been engaged about 27 times since the first episode.) Kate suddenly has a strong aversion to premarital sex, though both Willie and Nancy seem to fall into bed with everyone they meet and it's never bothered Kate before. But now it's such a big deal that she'd rather Willie move out than continue such an appalling lifestyle. In other news, Audrey continues to be the worst.
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Nice try tho
3 January 2022
Nice job with the completely unrealistic casting. Look up the real Narcy. Not exactly a 'sexy siren'. At least, not by the time of the murder. This actress looks about 25 lol.
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Love, Oran (2021)
Story Of a Family
12 December 2021
The story itself is interesting. Old letters found, connections made. However, I felt like it went on too long and spent too much time on things like the singalong, etc. It sometimes feels like being forced to watch someone else's home movies. A little more editing would make it more compelling.
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Hidden Potential (2017– )
30 November 2021
Another show featuring a designer that strips out every ounce of character and replaces it with exactly what everybody else has. How did we ever live without being able to see the entire house from the kitchen?
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77 Minutes (2016)
Definite Agenda
25 October 2021
I knew this wasn't going to be a feel good romp. But I wasn't prepared to see graphic footage of murdered children. The survivors stories are compelling and heartbreaking. The police officers and reporters are clearly still affected by the events of that day. However, the director clearly has an agenda in these interviews. He repeatedly tries to steer the survivors into blaming police for not doing a better job. In his interviews with the officers themselves, he makes no attempt to be unbiased, or let the viewers make their own conclusions. This could have been a much better documentary if it wasn't so horribly graphic and biased.
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