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Lost in Space: Follow the Leader (1966)
Season 1, Episode 29
Best Lost in Space Episode
26 July 2023
Watched this episode last night. First time seeing it since I was a kid in the 60s. I remember this episode, and especially the mask, scared the heck out of me back in the day. Still sets an eerie mood, which the black and white photography only enhances.

Great showcase for Guy Williams who was sadly underutilized in general. Gets to show his acting chops and fighting skills as a menacing version of Professor Robinson.

While I enjoyed seeing this again very much, it was a bittersweet experience knowing the show would rarely come close to such heights again.

Guy Williams ended up retiring in Argentina. I can understand how he could become disillusioned with Hollywood, watching Zorro get canceled over studio disputes and then being given a show with so much potential, only to be made second fiddle as LIS became the Will, Dr. Smith and Robot show.
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Interesting and entertaining documentary. Couldn't believe it was real.
15 July 2023
For some reason I decided to watch Spielberg's Catch Me if You Can again a few days ago. Then, just last night, I saw this doc on Hulu, with the subject saying the phrase in the trailer. Had to watch it. Glad I did.

Very well made doc about a career criminal and his escapades. The sheer audacity, patience and attention to detail this guy displayed while planning and executing his heists was unbelievable. Had to stop the film and check the internet to make sure this was a real doc and not fiction filmed documentary style.

This was also similar to Catch Me in that both protagonists enjoyed embellishing their own already over the top capers. Highly recommended.
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