
12 Reviews
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Not unique but scary
8 December 2022
"A Savannah Haunting" may be derivative but it's quite an enjoyable slow burn.

Yes the film is quite derivative; it takes tidbits from all the horror films we've seen before. There's some rough acting in parts too though overall it's decent.

One thing that's nice is the setting. The film is actually filmed where they say. A lot of times Hollywood says the actors are in one place and film 5 states away. The haunted house in Savannah is a good choice.

Where this film succeeded is it takes the suspense built in the first 3/4ths of the film and uses it to plunge into a terrifying ending that concludes with gusto.

Worth a watch for sure for any fans of the genre, and one of the scarier films I've seen in a while.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Superb use of suspense
4 October 2022
This film used suspense very well and is very very, scary.

The film is very well acted and wastes little time. It becomes creepy, very quickly with several disturbing scenes early on in the film. Where Smile succeeds over a the other horror films of today isn't just the cast though--its the directors ability to build tension and suspense. I haven't seen a film that built suspense this well since Hereditary.

This is a great film for this Halloween season and is best seen in theaters. Theres nothing particularly unique here; it's story isn't particularly unique. But the execution is wonderful and this will have you at the edge of your seat for the majority of the film.
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Sinister (I) (2012)
Best horror movie ever made
15 February 2021
This film recently won scariest film ever according to science on a movie blog. For once the bloggers are right.

Director Scott Derrickson (who also directed the masterpiece the Exorcism of Emily Rose) hit a home run here. This is arguably the scariest film I've ever seen, which is saying a lot. I've seen thousands of horror films and am a lifelong aficionado. This is in my opinion, the genre's high water mark and is absolutely terrifying.

The cast led by Ethan Hawke does an absolute powerhouse job on the acting front which prevents the film from ever seeming hokey or silly. The disturbing "found footage" films are about the creepiest thing I've ever seen in a horror film. Theres a plethora of extreme jump scares in here as well but theyre done tastefully without detracting from the overall mood or story. What makes this film so scary is the sense of dread builds throughout the duration of the film. You really feel scared for the actors in the film.

If you have an even mild interest in the horror genre this is essential viewing. Don't watch with small children as its highly disturbing and violent.
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The Empty Man (2020)
A well crafted philosophical horror drama
15 February 2021
The Empty Man may sound like another third rate Candyman ripoff like "Slender Man" but it is not. Its a somewhat off the rails psychological drama with a solid foreboding atmosphere of dread and well used horror elements.

The film doesn't rely heavily on jump scares but instead on unsettling atmosphere.

Without giving away any details this ultimately about the study of group think and cults using somewhat twisted ideas of nihilist philosophers and Buddhism. Its rather out there but has far more substance than your average straight to Redbox horror.
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Tenet (2020)
Why so many negative reviews?
31 December 2020
This is a really cool action film with some great action sequences with a cool sci-fi twist.

Dont listen to the negative reviews this is one of the best films of the year. And yes you can understand it on the first watch.
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Fun horror film, definitely watch it
22 December 2020
This is a really good take on the possession genre which these days is filled subpar films with old and rehashed ideas. If you like supernatural horror you'll love this.

The end twist is interesting as well and totally caught me off guard.
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Scary slow burner
8 November 2020
This is a great indie Horror, and will be strongly appreciated by fans of the genre. It builds suspense superbly and is easily the scariest film I've seen all year.
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Vivarium (2019)
5 August 2020
Vapid with no plot. Tbis is one of the worst films Ive ever seen.
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Mr. Jones (2019)
30 July 2020
This film is excellent. The cinematography, the acting, everything.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Excellent film
2 November 2019
I'm not even sure how this film only got a 7. It's a beautiful deep space drama with excellent acting and very poignant themes.
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Glass (2019)
Worst film of the decade
27 January 2019
As a fan of Split and unbreakable this sounded good. But the execution was awful. It was far too disjointed. It wasn't interesting, suspenseful or interesting. A ponderous piece of ****
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Interstellar (2014)
Best Sci Fi Film of all time
6 January 2019
I'll avoid spoilers but this is Christopher Nolan's finest work by a long shot and it's probably the high water mark of the genre (which is saying a lot).

The cinematography is astounding, the score is amazing. Nolan consulted with theoretical physicists making the "science" behind the "fiction" more believable than almost anything Hollywood has done. The in depth discussions on how gravity affected time was great for example.

The drama unfolds perfectly and Matthew McConaughey gives the performance of his career. Damn the guy has come a long way since his romantic comedy days.

This movie is flawless. See it.
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