
13 Reviews
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The Dragon Prince (2018– )
First 3 seasons great. After that, not worth watching
6 January 2024
Tl;dr 8/10 for the first 3 seasons. After that the show nosedives.

Full review.

"The Dragon Prince" started with great promise in its initial three seasons. These early episodes showcased a rich, engaging world filled with intriguing characters and a compelling plot. The animation style was unique, blending traditional 2D character design with 3D environments, creating a visually stunning experience. The story, centered around two human princes and an elf assassin, was both engaging and emotionally resonant, dealing with themes of war, peace, and understanding. There was humor and flashes of great writing.

However, the show's quality took a noticeable downturn starting from Season 4. The writing, once sharp and nuanced, became increasingly lackluster. Plotlines that were carefully built in the first three seasons seemed to unravel, losing the depth and complexity that initially made the show appealing. Characters, once richly developed, started to feel one-dimensional, and their decisions and growth no longer felt organic.

Season 5 continued this disappointing trend. The narrative, which had been tightly woven in the earlier seasons, felt disjointed and rushed. Key story arcs were resolved in unsatisfying ways, and new plotlines introduced felt superficial and unengaging. It seemed as if the show had lost sight of what made it special in the first place.

In summary, while the first three seasons of "The Dragon Prince" are definitely worth watching for their storytelling, character development, and unique animation style, the subsequent seasons fail to live up to the high standards set by their predecessors. Seasons 4 and 5 suffer from poor writing and storytelling, making them less enjoyable and, unfortunately, not worth the time for fans who cherished the show's initial excellence.
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Complete waste of the source material
25 October 2023
If you like the book, don't watch the movie. If you like movies, don't like the movie. If you like special effects and visuals and don't care about a good story, good writing, good directing, or anything else, feel free to watch the movie.

I rated 2/10 because of the visuals. That's overly harsh (the reality is it's probably a 4/10), but with such excellent material (the book) to work from, I'm not sure how this disaster happened. It's truly awful, which is sad because the director, the actors, and the whole crew could do so much better. Translating a book to the screen isn't easy but that doesn't excuse this poor excuse for a movie. I feed bad about being so overly critical but this was simply a bad movie.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
One of the better live action remakes but weaknesses
15 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Disney did a great job with this. The acting is great, the story is true to the animated version, and some of the new music is fine. The CGI is amazing, other than a few scenes (like the large Ursula near the end).

There are some weaknesses. It's a little long. Some of the new songs are not good - Scuttlebutt in particular is bad. It doesn't fit in the show and is not a good song.

The big question is if I'd ever watch this again. While I enjoyed it, I would not watch it again. It doesn't offer enough over the excellent animated version.

I'm not opposed to the live action remake of any of the Disney films. I've enjoyed most and this is one of the better ones. It's just missing some of the magic of the original.
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The Idol (2023)
Worse than you've heard
12 June 2023
The opening scene is a solid start but after that everything is downhill. This exploits the actors and viewers. There's nothing interesting in this show, unless you like watching terribly scripted car crashes. It's an absolute disaster of a show. The writing is awful, the acting is well below average, the story is about as good as random text.

When James Madison wrote the Bill of Rights to the U. S. Constitution, he would have left out freedom of speech and expression if he had seen this. The best thing I can write about this show is it makes great fodder for parody.

My final comment. This show has to be a result of the writer's strike, right? Whoever is writing it must get paid by the word with higher compensation the worse the writing is. Simply dreadful. It's one of the worst things I've ever experienced in my life. Maybe first world problems but it is bad.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Uneven writing
15 May 2023
This review is only about season 1. I had no desire to watch any more after finishing the season.

"The White Lotus" presents a satirical take on privilege, power dynamics, and human nature. While the show has garnered praise for its performances, it suffers from uneven writing and the portrayal of distasteful characters, ultimately detracting from its overall impact.

The writing is a mixed bag. At times, it showcases sharp and incisive dialogue that effectively exposes the flaws of its affluent characters. However, the quality of the writing fluctuates, resulting in inconsistent pacing and uneven character development. Some episodes feel meandering and fail to build upon the initial intrigue, leaving viewers questioning the direction of the narrative.

Moreover, the characters often veer into distasteful territory. While this is partially intentional, meant to highlight their privilege and entitlement, it feels excessive and lacks nuance. The show struggles to strike a balance between making its characters compellingly flawed and simply unlikable, making it challenging for audiences to fully invest in their stories.

Furthermore, the characters lack growth or experience redemption. Without meaningful arcs or resolutions, the series leaves viewers with a sense of dissatisfaction and a feeling that the narrative did not fully capitalize on its potential.

Again, at times it was almost brilliant but then the combination of farce and mixed writing was too much.
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Powerful movie based on a powerful book but what's up with the bad soundtrack?
31 March 2023
I've seen many of the adaptations of the book. This isn't nearly as good as the 1930 film version but is still a well-done movie if you don't understand the source material. It's an improvement in some ways but overall doesn't really add much to what's already been done before. In fact, it misses the whole point and context of the title of the book. The movie's main character is also quite different from the book's main character. There are passing similarities but the writers missed key elements of his character.

One of the largest problems with this movie is the soundtrack. I'm not sure who thought the score was appropriate. It was distracting. Maybe it was meant to be a Zimmer-like soundscape (e.g., Dune) but whatever it was, it was terrible. I almost gave up on the movie because of the score. Other aspects of the sound design were also questionable. With a good score, the movie could have been excellent. Even if it was mostly bland like many modern movies, it would have been acceptable. Instead we ended up with jarring broken chords and snare hits.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Could have been great
6 March 2023
Despite the impressive production value and high-quality performances from its cast, the show's lackluster writing and pacing fall short of expectations.

The character development is good but the dialogue is often clichéd and predictable. The main characters are not particularly likable. Some of the side characters are much more interesting (for example, episode 3).

The show's pacing is also a major issue, as it struggles to maintain momentum and suspense. This works sometimes to provide a break but the breaks are sometimes jarring. They can suddenly end and we're back in action as if the break didn't happen. The show would work better with more transition between the character and plot development.

Episode 4 really started going off the rails and the episodes were uneven after that.

The show's reliance on graphic violence and gore also feels gratuitous and excessive, lacking any real purpose or impact.

Overall, "The Last of Us" fails to provide a compelling and engaging narrative.
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Enjoyable but head scratching throughout
2 March 2023
This reminded me of the disaster flicks of the 1990s. It's fun but mindless. Although the film boasts an impressive cast and some impressive special effects, it suffers from a number of significant plot holes that detract from its overall quality.

It has some good moments and even some good dialogue. The characters are generally likable as well. However, the plot holes are bafflingly bad. Sometimes the writer tries to fill them but it's like throwing a handful of dirt into a grave. It's not enough dirt.

The movie's ending feels rushed and unsatisfying. The resolution of the conflict comes out of nowhere and feels arbitrary. I normally can enjoy mindless movies and I did enjoy this one but the story was terrible.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Weak point in the season
20 February 2023
This episode is clearly a side quest but it is weak filler. The break from much of the "action" is good but it included too much fluff and was way too long. It would have been better closer to 40 minutes. On the other hand it's also too short because there's too little time to really develop these other characters. Or, there is time but the writing and pacing is inefficient so there are too many plot holes.

Side-quests work in games but in a show it just comes across as too disconnected from the rest of the season. It seems like the writers ran out of ideas and decided to put in a short story that ties into the overall story arc but does little to keep the season going. Again, it's a side quest in a game but doesn't work in the show.

Overall, the acting was fine but the writing wasn't great. It really sticks out as a weak point in season 1, which is too bad because the characters are interesting.
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Willow (2022–2023)
A major disappointment for fans of the original film
13 January 2023
The Disney+ series Willow, a continuation of the 1988 fantasy film of the same name, is a disappointing and underwhelming addition to the franchise. Despite having a talented cast and a built-in fanbase, the show fails to live up to its potential and ultimately falls short in delivering an engaging and satisfying story.

The series follows the titular character, Willow, as he navigates a new adventure with a group of unlikely companions. The plot itself is shallow and formulaic, with a predictable and uninspired narrative that fails to capture the magic and wonder of the original film. The characters are also one-dimensional and lack the depth and complexity that made the original film's characters so memorable.

The special effects and production design are also underwhelming, with many of the landscapes and creatures looking cheap and unconvincing. This is particularly disappointing given the high production values of other fantasy shows and movies.

The show also lacks the heart and emotional depth of the original film, which was able to balance its fantastical elements with relatable and genuine emotions. The show tries to replicate this but falls short, often resorting to cheap and forced emotional moments that lack the impact they were intended to have.

The performances from the cast are also underwhelming, with many of the actors failing to capture the spirit and energy of their characters. Despite having a talented cast, the show fails to give them much room to showcase their abilities.

Overall, Willow is a major disappointment for fans of the original film and for anyone looking for a fantasy series. The show lacks the heart and imagination of the original and fails to deliver anything compelling. It's a show that is best to be skipped.
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His Dark Materials (2019–2022)
Uneven adaptation but good overall
13 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
HBO's His Dark Materials is a visually stunning and emotionally powerful adaptation of Philip Pullman's beloved fantasy series of the same name. The show does a fantastic job of bringing the complex world and characters of the books to life, with strong performances from the cast and impressive special effects.

The story follows Lyra Belacqua, a young girl living in a parallel universe where people's souls exist outside of their bodies in the form of animals called daemons. Lyra is thrust into a dangerous adventure when she learns of a mysterious substance called "dust" that is said to be the source of all sin and corruption. Along the way, she meets a number of other characters, including Will Parry, a boy from our own world who becomes her unlikely ally, and the armored bear Iorek Byrnison, who becomes her unlikely friend.

The show's young lead Dafne Keen does an excellent job of capturing Lyra's fierce spirit and determination. She is surrounded by a strong supporting cast, including James McAvoy as Lord Asriel and Lin-Manuel Miranda as Lee Scoresby. The performances are all top-notch, and the actors have a great chemistry together.

The visual effects used to bring the world of His Dark Materials to life are also impressive. The daemons, in particular, are brought to life in a way that is both believable and emotionally resonant. The show also does a great job of creating a sense of scale and grandeur, with scenes set in the Arctic and other vast landscapes looking particularly striking.

One of the most striking elements of the show is its exploration of big ideas and themes, such as the nature of consciousness, the relationship between power and corruption, and the question of what it means to be human. These ideas are woven seamlessly into the story, and the show does an excellent job of making them accessible to a wide audience.

Overall, HBO's His Dark Materials is a fantastic adaptation of Philip Pullman's series. It is beautifully shot and acted, with strong performances from the cast and impressive special effects. It also does an excellent job of bringing the complex world and characters of the books to life, and of exploring big ideas and themes in a way that is both accessible and emotionally resonant.

It must be noted that the series is not a direct adaptation of the books, it takes some liberties and deviates from the source material in certain aspects, but it still able to maintain the essence and the heart of the story. It's also a more mature and darker than the book, but it still appeals to a wide range of audience.

All in all, His Dark Materials is a must-watch for fans of the books and anyone looking for a thought-provoking and emotionally powerful fantasy series. It's a great show that is definitely worth your time.

One final note about the final episode. It's a major weakness. The episodes before it were almost magnificent but the final episode was not good. It's rushed, preachy, full of holes, full of tropes, and lacks the emotional impact of other episodes. It was like the writers ran out of good ideas and couldn't do one more good episode. After watching the whole series with great enjoyment and interest, I almost stopped the final episode about halfway through.

At least most of the series was excellent.
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Bad characters, bad writing, bad pacing, good acting
22 February 2022
The acting is about the only positive for the show. The rest is an absolute mess. It's filled with every trope and mostly remains tripe. Almost every character is one-dimensional and highly stereotyped. This can work if the show is meant to be a spoof but it's clear the writer(s) and director(s) took it too seriously.

The acting is solid though. The source material is poor but the actors do the best they can with such weak scripts. Hopefully this show doesn't ruin too many actor careers.

Also, most of the shots are blurry in the periphery. This is highly distracting cinematography. Maybe it's trying to mirror the focus of an eye but it doesn't work, unless you watch the show on an enormous screen and never look at the periphery.
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Almost good
31 January 2022
Kristen Bell saves the show but it's not quite good enough to recommend. It's described as deadpan, absurd, and offbeat but isn't written well enough to be enjoyable overall. The writers just needed to make it completely over the top but at its core it still too serious.

Not a spoiler but there is a highly unrealistic fight in the series. I know that's supposed to be part of the absurdity but it was ridiculously bad.
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