
2 Reviews
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story plot is good, bad acting and direction
3 April 2023
I felt the actors were not playing the characters smoothly. But rather forcing out an obvious output.

It was missing homogenius character filling by almost all actors.

The filming was actually nice and so was sound. To an extent VFX was ok.

Introduction of characters is something that is missed in this movie with some depth. I would have liked to see an intro like indiana jones or may be the Mummy movie. How ever it misses on some aspects like why is a character behaving like it is doing in a later part of life. There was no balance of reasoning. Also kids were overacting in some scenes which director could have reviwed and retook at the same spot.

I had to force through the movie for most part to understand the story plot. The dynamics were there but bad execution and transitions.
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Story, Plot good, execution terrible
17 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There were 2 stories years apart which had a conjunction running through it.

To begin- I would have expected director and senior actor Ramesh to watch the movie before releasing. The beginning tempo just fails in the end.

Bad cuts, it wasnt linear or non linear ... the transition was too bad between story scenes.. The characters lacked the emotion in them. Just using props , lightings and sounds you cant bring in the feel this story actually needed.

A strong protagonist with successful cases behind him, with the intro confidence or should i say overconfidence shown in the initial part of the film just withers away without justification. Characters go missing and th eunrelaistc shot s make it a bit dumb.

Ex scene: When the minisiter son comes to get a room, he is walked thourgh an estate to his room with all fog, forest feel etc, but while investigation happens his room is shown as if inside a building with corridors. This is plain miss or lack of imagination of location.

Honestly I expected a bit more from Ramesh to add in the narrative. I wish he had seen the full movie before release to.

I am not sure if it was budget or timing, lot of loose ends and medicre acting and rush to finish the product just lost a real good franchise in kannada industry.

If at all a second attempt, then apart from story , please give all consideration to location, screenplay, cuts or editing and tone of the movie.

Story: 9 out of 10 Plot: 8 out of 10 Acting: 4 out of 10 editing: 1 out of 10 direction: 4 out of 10 Tone of movie: 3 out of 10.

Good luck.
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