
2 Reviews
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If you give a mouse a DSLR camera
11 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie so you don't have to. This movie feels like if my friends and I got our hands on a RED camera. There's so many amateur mistakes on a level of cinematography, editing, sound mixing, and writing. For one half of the movie, the footage was way underexposed. Then for the second half, it was overexposed. I haven't even talked about the plot. Characters are never given adequate development to make you invested in them. Then in the second half of the movie the mom has cancer? And they want you to sympathize with a character we barely know?

If you want a good horse movie, go watch war horse.

If you want a good movie with sean young, go watch blade runner.
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Just barely watchable
11 April 2021
I have watched plenty of bad horse movies. This by far the *least* bad of the bunch. There isn't much too the plot or the characters. At least I was able to watch the credits knowing there was *some* development in the characters. If you do watch this movie, I warn you: the pacing of this movie is so slow. The 90 minutes this movie goes for feels like hours. The movie is primarily carried by Whitfield's performance. Surprisingly, he played a likeable, down-to-earth character.

Overall, a slow and below average film. There's heart and at least it shows.
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