
11 Reviews
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A lot of fun and reignites old school feel
29 March 2024
This movie was FUN - It had likable characters, fan service, good plot, lot of action, didn't rush plot elements, good buildup and climax and most of all - It feels like you're watching an expansive of the much loved Ghostbusters we grew up with.

Let's face it - There are a lot of BAD reboots nowadays. Ghostbusters Afterlife was a great breath of fresh air and while this isn't "as good" - from the opening scene you get the feeling you're back in the good old 90s with how it's paced, how the characters act with minimal fillers and everything expanding an established universe in a fun way.

I really liked the extra elements they added and how they tied little things together.

If you remember how to have fun and enjoy the movie for what it is being a Ghostbusters fan AND/OR just enjoying a movie that doesn't try to be overly fancy and add a bunch of filler material and stays true to what it's designed for, they you will enjoy this movie as much as I did.
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Godzilla sells out to be more commercially viable
29 March 2024
This movie has a real problem - It tries to cater to a wider audience by adding more 'Marvel type' action and storytelling rather than focus on doing what it could do really well and appeal to a more niche audience.

The "doing what it could do well" part I am referring to is the BIGNESS of the Kaiju's / monsters. Not just their actions but their presence and size.. a bit of slowness in how they walk and move, to feel that "thud" when they take a step and the sheer overwhelming presence that they represent - Like in Pacific Rim or in Godzilla King of the Monsters. You FEEL the bigness and the size.

A splash in the ocean can causes huge tide-waves due to the size.

A resounding BOOM that is felt when two Kaiju's collide.

Where is that?

There is no respect paid to the bigness.

It's just they took some superhero action sequences and applied them to giants and made them move like they were the same size as humans.

There is no FEEL or BIGNESS - It's simply a 6 out of 10 movie because it caters "enough" to enough people because it goes for what's popular and throws a lot of it while giving away the depth and the "feel" of a big monster movie that is what godzilla is meant to be.
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I really wanted to enjoy this but its very average
22 February 2024
As I booked the movie spontaneously, I told myself that I'd try my best to just lose myself in someone's creation and watch it with a open mind with no expectations.

Multiple times I lost interest and found myself trying to come back and try to lose myself in the movie. I just couldn't. I mean the acting and the entire thing, not just one aspect, doesn't draw you in. I wasn't engaged in the movie, it was just something I was watching. I did make note of a couple of quotes that landed but that was it, a few quotes but nothing that really made me reflect on anything or anything of depth / meaning happening. It was a movie. Songs were decent and were a nice touch how we see them being introduced.

Overall, I left the cinema and I just didn't think about it at all. Didn't leave a feeling in me. Just a movie I watched.

Bit disappointing in that aspect, you really want to "feel" a one love movie. But I just didn't.
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Don't even read reviews, go in blind, go watch it already!!
18 December 2023
Alright. I knew nothing about this movie before I went into it. I'm a Godzilla fan but haven't really enjoyed the Western version of Godzilla movies beyond watching them as eye candy/cheap-thrill/forget-as-you-leave-cinema/switch-off-brain type movies.

Very rarely do we see GOOD movies that actually have a good plot and a storyline that sticks to quality script writing, screenplay and keeps you engaged for all the right reasons Vs Throwing a bunch of explosions, music and constant "something happening" to make up for lack of quality filmmaking.

Godzilla minus one... Is just a good movie. Japanese cinema slows things down and focuses on the quality of what's happening in the moment, in every moment. I was drawn to every part of the film and the story was about the humans with Godzilla in it, not about Godzilla.

I don't even know what to say. I don't want to say much. Don't go into it thinking "this is Godzilla a highly rated film".

Just go in, sit down and enjoy the ride.

I often watch low budget movies because the focus is on the story and not having a lot of pointless fillers to flesh out the movie.

This film does exactly that in a way that stays with you and leaves you thinking about the movie for days after you've watched it.

Highly recommended :)
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Blue Beetle (2023)
Boring, predictable and uninspiring
14 September 2023
I'm a big fan of superhero movies and especially DC. I really loved the style of Man of steel. I love that DC takes the time to make action and movies more intense in their fight sequences and also does a great job at setting up characters and making you care about them.

Well this movie literally just had me bored and I don't know what else to say. The only good part was the family dynamic in the movie which was nice to see but I really found myself caring very little about the characters and the villain is extremely average and uninspired.

The fight scenes I just very bland and it seems like there's a lot that happens but they were just boring and very average even though they try not to be. This movie really made me contemplate why I even watch movies anymore and how predictable cinema has become instead of being something that should ignite the senses and the imagination and this was the complete opposite of that and has made me not go and watch random superhero movies anymore.

I've never given any marble or DC movie of 4 out of 10 and this is the first because it just felt like a waste of my time and at no point was I excited and in fact I actually walked out in the middle of a fight scene with 25 minutes left to go in the movie.
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Jawan (2023)
Yea this deserved a 1
13 September 2023
I looked at reviews on here and this movie in my opinion deserves a 1/10.

The plot leaves ... everything to be desired.

The cgi and action is just outdated and downright hilarious.

The only reason this movie gets hyped is because of SRK where people have a bias for liking the movie and look to praise it because of the actor.

Thanks for 2 hours of my life I'll never get back.

Really wanted to like it and I tried my best to give it a go but.. man what a let down.

There was a real opportunity to add some nice plot pieces but the whole thing was a disjointed all over the place mess. Definitely not recommended.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
A total dissapointment
26 July 2023
There's no sugar coating or talking about a different narrative here. We all know what really happened and this movie tries to glorify and make a message out of something that is a disgrace to humanity. I went in and really wanted to give it a fair go but the whole idea of the movie is ridiculous and I just couldn't get past it. Millions of people died for no reason despite surrending. There is no sugar coating it. The cast did a good job. Story was well paced. Directing was well done as expected. You have to focus and pay attention to really get lost in the movie and while it does those things moderately well.. but I still found this movie just a totally disrespectful for the human experience.
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Nostalgia, great action + storytelling
24 July 2023
I watched this the first time and really complained about the maximals not having enough screen time. Then I couldn't stop thinking about how great everything. I started watching clips on YouTube repeatedly. I then went back and watched the movie on the cinemas again.

I have just finished watching another clip from the movie and then I came here to write this review. That should say something!

If you grew up watching beast wars, you will adore this. If you haven't, I still think it's well done enough, good action, pacing, story comes together. Really enjoyable. Brought be back to Transformers.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Made it worth the wait
14 June 2023
This movie does a few things incredibly well:

Tells an origin story after a character has already been established, introduces and develops characters effectively, making real the gravity of a very serious situation while also hitting on your heart strings all while keeping up a really nice pace.

The action is really well done and not over the top. The story shines.

Buckle up for a fun ride. Such a great movie. I had high expectations going in and they were definitely met.

If you've read the comics or kept up with the flash movies or series you'll definitely recognize some of the storyline used in the movie. If you've never seen it, you'll enjoy it just as much.

Great movie.
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Waited decades for He man..
4 August 2021
We've all been waiting for decades for He-Man & the MOTU to be revived.

This isn't it.

He man is a cameo and I'm only on episode 3 but I'm already disappointed.

As soon as I saw it was a Netflix show, my hopes were crushed but.. they really know how to bring them down even further.

Really disappointed . Mediocre plot, really bad casting choice to revolve the show around.. Baited into watching and now I feel betrayed.

I'm sure I'm not alone!
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Rising Wolf (2021)
Mediocre film not fit for cinema
9 April 2021
Honestly - Just boring.

Not enough happens, even when it does it takes too long to get there.

Not enough character building for the viewer to really care what happens.

A great concept ruined by a terribly boring and uninteresting movie.

I love sci-fi movies, I love "stuff like this" but when you have an interesting concept let down by bad acting, no character buildup, pacing that makes the movie uninteresting, weak twists - The list goes on.

Just not a well put together movie.
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