
11 Reviews
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The Date Whisperer (2023 TV Movie)
An insensible heel gets his way
15 December 2023
First, I thought that this could possibly turn into something, and initially, Sam (Sam Mason) gets the opportunity to give Matt (John Ryan McLaughlin) a good match with words. But then the movie loses its way, and Matt comes across as completely insensitive and rather unsympathetic. If Matt had been forced to eat some humble pie, or at least showed some understanding, perhaps this film could have amounted to something but as it stands it's just irritatingly annoying. How Sam can find Matt the least attractive when he acts like he does is a mystery. The romance, therefore, is quite unexplainable and the movie goes down with it. Even if the original plot could have turned out well.
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Love in Whitbrooke (2021 TV Movie)
What century is this?
16 September 2023
Maybe the movie could have been good but when Amber is first mocked for being "from the city" when she has no cash and then abandons the life that she was so happy about, it went down the drain for me.

Corey Sevier often comes across as a either insensitive or just plain stupid. He seldom shows any charisma. It's true in this movie too. It's hard to understand how Amber can abandon her dreams for Jason.

I realize that I'm probably not the target audience for this film even though I really love romantic movies. But what's really stopping these movies to move with the times? It's released in 2021 for heavens sake.
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Christmas CEO (2021 TV Movie)
The 1950's called and wanted their film back.
7 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The plot is so awkward it's embarrassing. The notion that Chris should forget everything about her dreams and ambitions to adjust her life to the idiot Joe to be happy is a true recipe for failure. It's a marvel that anyone sits down and write a script like this in 2020. Haven't we learned more in this day and age?

The production quality is okey and there's nothing really wrong with the actors performances it's just the plot that stinks. A stale smell of the chauvinistic 1950's reeks through the plot and you can't but wonder how the divorce will look like. Maybe they should do a movie about that?
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A Cape Cod Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
One of the best
30 July 2022
I've now watched more than 800 romantic movies and this one is one of the best. The story line is not so uncommon but the execution is excellent. The acting by, specially, Katie Leclerc and Brent Baily shines and they develop the romance in a believable way, not in a hurry but you feel that there's a connection from their childhood. The conflict between the siblings are also well done without being too dramatic or brushed aside. As a romantic move this one is well worth your time.
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Good road movie
5 March 2022
It's liberating to find a romantic film that's not following the standard script. The actors are doing a good job in a film with low key but very funny humour (even if it also have a few scenes with some cheap tricks). I enjoyed this one.
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A Christmas Kiss II (2014 TV Movie)
This is a crap movie
27 November 2021
Cooper comes through as a hopeless playboy with a serious attitude problem. It's very unbelievable that Jenna should fall for him. The only way they could have saved this movie would have been to have Cooper miserably fail and eat humble pie. Only when he'd really changed his ways would this have been salvageable but that doesn't happen.
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Married by Christmas (2016 TV Movie)
19 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To me it's incomprehensible that her family shows so little understanding towards Carrie when she gets her life shattered. The "why do you take this so hard" attitude is an insult upon insults.

The ending where her sister wins and Carrie appear to be satisfied with the less than adequate result just leaves you frustrated. The solution (even if it is supposed to be "happy") is an injustice and a slap in the face if you ask me.
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Taking the Reins (2021 TV Movie)
19 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For me the big question in this film is: Why would Samantha take back her ex-husband Luke?

If she loves this inconsiderate slob so much that she takes him back even though he makes no changes, why did she divorce him in the first place? She would have done so much better in finding a new love with some attractive features like not being a bully.
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Journey of My Heart (2021 TV Movie)
Not impressed
18 October 2021
If they, at any point, had treated the equipment (such as life wests, tents, backpacks, ropes etc.) as something else than accessories in a fashion show I would have been more impressed.

Abby is presented as a daft young girl and Eric as a patronizing know it all. Not a serious ornithologist and as a modern man as one would expect of a film published in 2021.
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Love in Store (2020 TV Movie)
2 June 2021
I was blown away by the setting of this movie! The lead characters are hosts on a shopping channel and they seem to think that their job is some sort of therapeutic work where they make people happy by selling them things they don't need. And not only that, they seem to achieve some sort of stardom for doing it. Where I come from the shopping channels are seen as some kind of bad joke that does not last long.

This movie is worth seeing to get an insight of a sick part of the world.
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Strange reviews...
7 April 2021
This movie has no redeeming qualities.

  • The storyline is unbelievable (as in: does not ring true at any point)
  • The directing (if there was any) is really bad
  • The acting is mediocre
  • They must have had a bad day at the cutting board (they could impossibly spent more than a day)
  • The lightning is terrible (in one scene they even frequently switch between one camera with a dark filter and one without)

The film feels like it's a bad film from the 1970's even though it's supposedly made in 2019.

My big question is to those that have given this film 10/10: What have you been smoking? It must be some really heavy stuff.
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