
6 Reviews
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The Owl House: Watching and Dreaming (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
11 April 2023
An excellent final episode to The Owl House that wraps everything up very nicely. I wasn't here for the entire ride, but I was here long enough to become invested in these characters and storylines, and this finale was so so captivating and satisfying. The Owl House is easily one of the best things to happen to Disney Channel in recent years, and it's great to see it get the no-holds-barred, firing-off-on-all-cylinders ending that it rightfully deserves. Thank you, Dana Terrace, and everyone else who played a part in the creation of this wonderful show. Now it's time to go back and watch the series over again from the very beginning so this can have all the more impact.
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ONE (2020–2022)
8 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A meta object show was bound to happen at some point, and this certainly doesn't sell the idea short. From a purely critical standpoint, I think that this is the best that object shows have to offer. It is kind of hard to take seriously when the protagonist is literally just a backpack, and like many others I do feel like it ended with far too many loose ends, but nonetheless it's refreshing to see something so subversive within the object show community. Airy is genuinely such an interesting antagonist. While it isn't perfect, it's still a refreshingly creative and more mature spin on a done-to-death concept.
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Murder Drones (2021– )
i respect it
6 April 2023
It's kinda funny to see that this is where Liam Vickers is now. I remember watching Cliffside as a kid many moons ago, and it's cool to see him heading a larger project now. I don't think that it's incredible, but I do think it's interesting. It does feel a little too edgy and self-aware for its own good at times, and this is just nitpicking but I don't like how 95% of the time the characters look like they're talking out of the side of their mouth, but nonetheless the animation is really high-quality for a web series, the plot is interesting enough, and the aesthetic is really sleek and well-defined. It's just refreshing to see something completely original for once, it's what we need more of.
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The Walten Files: BunnyFarm (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
5 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It only took seven years, but someone finally managed to make the concept of animatronic horror actually scary! Nice job, Martin Walls! But also, screw you, Martin Walls! I lost a lot of sleep because of this! Walls has flirted with the idea of something more original before, but he's never explored the deep, dark recesses of his creation quite like this. This is something in a class all its own. This is straight-up evil, a violent vivisection of an innocence you've desperately held onto in vain for so long. It admittedly has a weak start, but once this thing gets going, it rips you open like a blood eagle, leaving you to slowly bleed out and die as Sophie uncovers a string of brutal murders. I don't know how he does that effect where everything looks like it's been left to rot in a dark, dank basement for years on end, but it gets under my skin in the worst ways and I hate it. Don't even get me started on the faces. They're all human enough to be recognizable but inhumane and uncanny enough that I desperately want to get away from them the moment they appear on my screen. It really is a remarkable talent that Walls is able to evoke such intense fear with such simple visuals. The scene which really made this episode for me is the whole car crash scene. Everything about it is so perfectly awful, just like any good horror scene should be. The sickening dramatic irony of the buildup. The climax, in which Felix's screams of agony and terror upon the realization that his irresponsibility has just caused the deaths of two children are overlaid over the distorted faces of the crash victims. With the way that Felix's face is drawn, it's almost like the game itself is mocking his grief. The aftermath in which the souls of the dead children rise from their makeshift graves to possess the doll. The desperate voicemail from Jack which follows the scene is just the final nail in the coffin. This is the scene that has firmly solidified TWF as not just another cheap knockoff of an already cheap property, but a series of its own with its own unique story to tell. I genuinely believe that this video is a masterstroke of modern horror. The oppressively sinister atmosphere it creates is almost suffocating, and the bitter feeling of dread it filled me with lingered long after I had watched it. It truly is a blessing that in 2023 I can still find stuff on the Internet that can scare the living daylights out of me and keep me up at night. Martin Walls is totally on to something here, and I'm excited to see where the series gets taken next.
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holds a special place in my heart
23 March 2023
An Internet cornerstone in my eyes, this is the one that started it all. I love it not so much for what it is as I do for what it represents, both for me and for a lot of other people. Season 1 was literally made by 12-year-olds and the latter half of Season 4 is pretty lacking in comparison to the first, but nonetheless it'll always hold a very special place in my heart. The unbridled whimsy and wonder and creativity emanating from this is just undeniable. The way that this silly little series about the funny talking objects has inspired so many people to create is inspiring in itself. Season 5 is pretty fantastic and probably the best reincarnation of the show yet; fun characters, tight writing, great animation, it has it all.
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27 February 2022
There is absolutely nothing else like this. In 17 minutes, joel guerra takes you on a colorful journey through a surreal digital wonderland full of charming characters and striking landscapes, with mystery lurking at every corner. Seemingly random aesthetics and niches taken from all across internet history clash with each other to create something entirely unique. It knows exactly what it wants to be, yet at the same time it doesn't. And that's exactly what makes it so fun. A milestone in internet entertainment whose influence will be evident for years to come. Happy anniversary to this absolute gem of a series.
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