
1 Review
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Don't waste your time...
21 July 2010
"People die at a Halloween party." That is essentially all that remains of the screenplay on which "On a Dark and Stormy Night" is based on. Thirty-three pages of dialogue was removed from the script, along with character development, plot-points, and the triple-twist surprise ending. In their place; five minutes of a woman dancing in slow motion, a four-minute Dominatrix dance (by the female lead, who, for reasons I cannot comprehend, is constantly snapping a whip and gyrating against other characters in pseudo-sexual positions), and a four minute "Moonwalking" scene (no, this was never intended as a Dance Movie).

I wrote this film, and I am currently doing everything I can to prevent its release, as I believe it to be one of the worst films ever made. The killer's motivation is no longer explained, but he does manage to discusses his "next" victim after already killing him. Characters are constantly referring to situations that are no longer in the film, several of the murders are so poorly executed, even I, the writer, couldn't tell what was going on, and forty minutes of screen time has been stretched to ninety minutes, via the magic of slow-motion.

In my opinion, "On a Dark and Stormy Night" is an embarrassing mess that will hopefully never see the light of day. But in the unlikely event you ever see it, I am not responsible. My screenplay was thoroughly butchered -- nonsensical scenes added, less than nine pages of unaltered dialogue remaining -- and I've since removed my name from the film.

Emerson Bixby

Falling Sky Entertainment
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