
17 Reviews
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Silicon Valley (2014–2019)
Great Start that peters out by the end
9 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Finally got a chance to binge watch Silicon Valley. Silicon Valley was a very fun show with a great insight into all these tech companies and how ridiculous they operate with venture capitals.

The first 3.5 seasons are top notch. The plots were great and you are really pulling for Richard to succeed. The comedy is a great mix of subtle to overt mostly from tj miller. The acting overall is excellent particularly the main cast of Richard, Gilfoyle, Dinesh, and Erlick. Thats not to insult the supporting cast which is also great.

Two things happen in season 4 that slow down the ascent of the show. Erlich is put on the back burner until he is written off at the end of the season. Additionally the frenetic plot lines which had served the show up til now start to get repetitive. Season 4 is still very good even with those flaws.

Season 5 is solid but definitely a step down. The overt humor is gone due to TJ Miller being canned. This can not be overstated, his loss really affects the comedy. They try to amp up Dinesh and Gilfoyle's comedy and from other areas with varying levels of success. It does not make up for the loss. The plots continue to get repetitive. One other thing that starts this season is it seems like the writers start to hate the main character Richard. They treat him like an evil idiot. I dont know if new writers were brought in or the times we were in, instigated this change of view but it was obvious. There's one episode where a woman initiates an affair with Richard and sleeps with him. The next day she ruthlessly mocks him the next day because he wasn't good. This is one of many instances like this where the main character is mocked. However, Season 5 is still worth the watch even with these flaws.

Season 6 is just bad and can be skipped. The storylines are pretty dumb and the flaws injected in the last two seasons continue to grow. The final storyline and episode is just highly disappointing. Really AI and the service doesn't work after all these seasons. Don't know why they couldn't have had a better ending. Documentary ending was also unneeded and way overused.

Overall: Season 1-3 is a 9 Season 4 is a 8 Season 5 is a 6.5 Season 6 is a 4.
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Its worst crime- It murdered the classic original
23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the original Night Watch immediately prior to watching this sequel. I had not seen the original for many years so it was a good refresher.

However, it was bad for the sequel as it is nowhere near as good. At best, its a mediocre serial killer movie. And as i said, its worst crime was murdering the original.

Lets go back to the end of the original, we have Lotte and Jens getting married. Martin and Kalinka were the best man and maid of honor with their relationship being stronger after their near murder. A well earned happy ending to a great horror movie. Well within 5 minutes of this sequel starting, we find out Martin is a pill popping wrecked loser. Kalinka hung herself 15 years ago and was a bad mother. Jens left Lotte and ran to Thailand to take drugs and sleep around. Lotte fares the best as she is still a Vicar but I guess she lost her husband. Wow, i can never look at the original again and think that was a happy ending as all the characters will have horrible lives. There were member berries but at what cost. I realize their would be some trauma but come on and 30 years later.

Back to the movie itself. I guessed the main killer in their first scene due to some ridiculous dialogue that made no sense unless they were a bad person. Characters do all sorts of stupid things that real people wouldnt do. To boot, Lotte and Jens die in this one to further murder the original. There were ways to do a sequel without crapping all over the original.

Finally, Movie was sort of a slog to get through and was not very memorable. It also lacked the scariness and creepiness of the original. I do not recommend anyways but I definitely would not if you want to keep your good memories of the original.
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Fallout (2024– )
Dumb and Meh
20 April 2024
Overall, up until.the 7th episode I was willing to ignore the flaws and holes and felt it was a decent 7 star show. Then the last episode and a half happens and I couldnt handle the stupidity of the writing and flaws.

First the positives: Aesthetic is great, really feels like an apocalyptic world.

Walton Goggims is amazing. As the cowboy and the ghoul, he does an amazing job. His is also the best storyline and I wanted mote.

Ella Purnell also put in a solid performance as Sarah especially when she was playing the innocent woman from the shelter. However the horrible writing in the last 2 episodes even wastes her.

Now for the Bad:

Maximus is a terrible character and the actor who plays him is terrible. Hated him and his storyline.

Cringe Writing. If you can shut your brain off and not think about the plot, it can be quite enjoyable. I was able to do thus for 6 episodes but it was too much. Once you get to the end (last episode is by far the worst) and think about the rest of the series, it is a clown show. None of what happens makes any sense, their plans are stupid. Way too many coincidences and writing conveniences. Its a cast world yet characters continually run into each other. Certain storylines go nowhere.

This show was not horrible but not good wither. A total mixed bag. The Horrific writing ultimately makes it unrecommendable by me. The shame is with a tighter plot and better writing, this could have been great. By the way, I have never played the games.
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Baghead (2023)
Half of a decent horror movie
9 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'll save my editorial commentary for the end but this was a less than mediocre horror movie.

It actually starts off very strong, the first half of this movie I kept thinking how is this movie so low rated. It had a great concept, a good setup, and was pretty scary. Then the middle of the movie hits and it all becomes clear.

The movie bogs down and moves off its interesting premise. It becomes highly predictable and boring. You can see it coming a mile away. The acting throughout is subpar even the lead actress who i have seen in other shows. It even ceases to be scary. As others have mentioned, talk to me is a way better movie, avoid this lackluster movie.

Now for mu editorial rant. Do we really need another horror movie where all the men are evil, loathsome, and incompetent (mostly all three). And vice versa, all the women are brave, strong, and misunderstood. If you just understood this, you can figure out the ending in the first 20 mins. There an evil female demon killing and manipulating everyone but its not her fault, men are to blame. They misused her powers and turned her this way. Theres even some poppycock society called the brotherhood (how original) who cause this to happen twice in history (just to drive the idea home). I know moviemakers think this story line and female only leads in horror movies is new and different. However in reality, this has become the tired norm in the last 5 or so years. Can we go back to just telling good scary stories?
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Road House (2024)
Save time, Watch the original
26 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was highly disappointed in this remake of the Classic Road House with Patrick Swayze. There was really no reason to remake it but if in the right hands it could be fun. However the results were dumb and not much fun. It was not horrible bit had very lottle of the charm of the original and goes off the rails by the end.

First, the good. Jake Gylenhall puts hia all into the role and does his best. The first half of the movie is pretty fun when it stays grounded in the world of a bar bouncer. The fighting scenes were good and it was a good setting.

The bad. The writing is terrible and ham fisted. Scenes that you think ate important are never revisited and go nowhere. For example, Dalton attempts suicide in the.beginning of the movie but it then moves on and we never grapple with it again. Most of the rest of the actung is sub par including Connor Mac gregor who I love but he is overused as an actor in this movie because his acting is highly limited.

The movie goes to the absurd in the last half of the movie with over the top boat chases, bombs, and fights. How dud a story about a bouncer turn into Mission Impossible. The CG is sort of crap also which doesnt help.

I give this movie a generous 5 because the first half is enjoyable and some of the early fight scenes. Just meh.
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Disappointing and Confusing
31 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First, i thought the acting was good although Morgan definitely overacts at a couple of points.

The problem is the writing, the story is so confusing. I am not even sure how they figured out half the stuff in the movie, it wasnt properly explained.

There was also some cringey moments. In the middle of the movie, they try to make you think this strange European couple are the killers. It is like 20 minutes of overdone story pointing to this couple which was completely artificial and just filler. Even worse, the cops figure out who the killer couple is right after the european couple is murdered, meaning it was just a cheesy delaying tactic. There is another cringe moment at the end that the main character laments that no one should have died because the brother/sister were actually secretly adopted and they could have just married instead of hiding their love thinking they were siblings. Really? How about they just have a relationship and not slaughter 10 people.

Ultimately the movie was pretty boring and poorly written.
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21 October 2023
They should have stopped at the last key. This one was silly and poorly written. The characters are completely unlikeable even the parents who i have always liked as characters and actors. The main character, Dalton was a complete tool, I didn't mind him getting haunted.

The movie was not very scary except for a couple of forced jump scares. Dialogue bordered on cringe throughout. The meeting of Dalton and the girl was cringe - really a housing snafu. Then they act like a married couple the rest of the movie even though they just met. Were the writers even trying?

Also what was the deal with the character Nick. He was totally superfluous to the story and seemed to be there only to mock a segment of men again. It made no sense and stuck out like a sore thumb.

I liked most of the insidious saga up to now. Even the lesser ones were at least decent This is not and I recommend all avoid this wreck. This is the worst horror movie I have seen in the last few years and I have seen a lot.
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V/H/S/85 (2023)
Has some issues but overall fum
6 October 2023
I am giving this a generous 6 (probably more like a 5.5) because ultimately it was a fun decent horror anthology. My problem is outside of two of the stories with ome being the wrapper story) the shorts do not feel finished satisfactorily as a complete story..

The first atory with the kids at the lake is a great idea but it never comes to anything and is incomplete and nothing is explained. It connects to another story about a crazy family which is the worst of the shorts. It is too predictable and still gives no closure to the koda im the lake story. It feels like that is artificially tacked together.

The story set in Mexico is my favorite. It is a complete atory with lota of scares particularly the claustrophobic kind. It was well done.

I have mixed feelings about the dream short bit i think it is the second best due to the gore. However it was very formulaic and predictable. It had some real stupid characters but overall was decent.

Finally the wrapper story about the alien found in the desert. It was unrealistic situation where an organism like this would end up at a lightly guarded college campus but i will ignore that. I thought the segments were interesting and the final act was cool. However it was kind of ruined by the joke scene at the end with the aerobics.

I almost forgot the technogod segment which is in the middle, It is understandable since this segment is very forgettable. The only good partofnit was the last 5 minutes of body horror. I could have also done without this one and wish they had found a better short

In summary the movie had flaws all over but did enough to keep me entertained. I wouldnt spend money to watch but if you can see for free it is worth a watch if you are into horror or the vhs movies.

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Creepshow (2019– )
Keeps Getting Worse - now with season 4 update
8 May 2023
Season 1 was fun. Episodes were well written and acted and were a good example of horror series. I rate this season a 7 and couldnt wait to see where this series would go.

Season 2 was a srep down and uneven. I would still recommenf most of the shorts.d Overall i would rate this season as a 5.

Season 3 is a total collapse of in quality and pretty much everything. Episodes arent real scary and most episodes are silly. The writing is just awful. I am not sure what the hell happened between season 1 and 3, its like a totally different show. Additionally politics creeped into season 3. I don't remember much lecturing in the first 2 but season 3 hits you over the head with it. It adds to the silliness as real world issues are shoe horned into these shorts. I don't think i will stick around to watch more as this series continues to circle the drain.

I went ahead and watched season 4. It came out in October so I had the halloween spirit and wanted to give this show another chance.

Season 4 is a little worse than season 2 bit far better than season 3z. I'd rate this season as a to 4.5. Episodes are pretty uneven but the problem is there aren't really any standouts which season 2 had. Thankfully the politics was toned down but not quite eliminated. There was one episode about the border again and another about white men bad and intolerant. In fact this season continued the heneral trend where for the most part white males are creeps, incompetent, and evil or in most casrs all 3. Again they didnt hit tou over the head with it like season 3 so it was tolerable but still there.

The moralw are messed up in this season too. Human life is treated so badly. In some cases the bad people win and in others family members and friends just die with no one caring about it. I understand its a half hour show but when a kids mom gets turned into a zombie,it should not be played for laughs. The protagonists are often morally wrong yet it is treated well.

Finally, most of the episodes were more comedy than horror. The series has always had some mix of them but there is too much comedy in this season in my opinion. Its better than season 3 but still not good.
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Shoddy writing and ending
15 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow who was this written for. First 2/3 was like an R rated kids movie which kind of worked (i would rate that at a 6). Then the movie turns into a dark horror movie for the final third which doesn't match the rest of movie.

Overall, story makes no sense. Do authorities not exist in this town? A party full of teens get attacked with some survivors yet noone calls police or sees it and reports it. The ending is entirely unsatisfying with more questions then answers. II can usually look around holes if a movie is good enough but this one is not.

Acting was actually decent and there were some decent parts in first half and the run time was thankfully short (barely over hour). One last issue I had was the main boy teen. He was literally written as.the son of satan. What the hell, even the worst of kids would join others to survive especially after being attacked by aliems and watching some of friends melted. Totally unbelievable character.

The ending alone is where this truly goes insane. First, why have such a confusing ending for a short straightforward movie. I was pissed , nothing is explained. The ending is also extremely dark which also doesnt match the most of the rest of the movie. One of the main characters even dies.

I recommend passing this frustrating mess, find something else for your time.
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Bad, Even if you liked the first one
5 January 2023
Wow, this was bad. First, I liked the first Scare Package. It wasn't perfect but overall was very fun and had some good horror elements. The shorts were inconsistent but pretty fun.

Well thet must have used all their A, B, C, and D material on the first movie. This installment is neither fun nor witty. I had to take a break after the first two shorts because it was so bad.

First, the humor is non existent. The jokes and gags were not funny, I didnt laugh once. The shorts were poorly written, none of them would not even make the first movie. The wrapper story dowsn't go anywhere either.

Finally, it was dusted with wokeness. Not sure if this was supposed to be a dig at how wokeness has come into horror movies (unlikely) or if it was just done because they wanted to send that message (probably). Either way it pulled down the movie further. The first short which is the best (not good, just the best) literally ends in a lecture. Wow just what I'm looking for in a horror parody. There is more sprinkled in after that, including a speech on white privilige in the overarching story. Wow what fun.

In summary, avoid this movie even if you liked the first one like myself. It has none of the fun or charm of the first one and seems like a rushed sequel with no reason to exist.
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Snack vs. Chef (2022– )
Good concept, Bad execution
10 December 2022
The concept of the show is good. I like the idea of recreating snack foods and the way it was set up was good.

However the execution of this concept is terrible, Show just feels cheap overall. The hosts ate absolutely horrendous. The man is useless and the woman has the personality of a piece of wood. Why have two hosts this bad?, it would have worked with just the woman She is bad but would have been passable.

The judges are the beat part of the show, they know their stuff and present well. AGAIN WHY DO WE HAVE ANY HOSTS?, the judges could have done it better.

My final critique is the contestants. Most of them seem no better than home chefs and don't even come close to producing something close to the snack or something that would be desirable to eat. Knowing Netflix, they were probably more worried about diversity then finding people who could cook.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Don'tget the hype
4 September 2022
Decided to watch this show after hearing how great it was. I like good comedies and had beeen a huge Office fan so i thought I would love it.

Well, let me say I don't understand all the love this show is getting after getting through season 1. The Office is exponentially better than this.

First, the premise and characters are unbelievable. Even in this situation, a football coach would never be hired to be in the premier league. The titular character does not come actoss as a football coach at all. I am pretty good at suspending belief buy this is a tough hurdle to get over.

As got the show, it is not much of a comedy. If I smile twice in an episode, its a miracle. Whats worse, as the season progresses, the jokes get stale. We get it theres differences between America and Britain.

The show is not a total disaster. Some of the characters are interesting and you wish them well. The story is sort of interesting for a bit but gets boring by end of season. It is a decent light hearted drama but it is no Great show. 20 years ago, this show would have been cancelled and not made it to a season. Speaks for thw lavk of good shows around now.

One more nit, the overall story is a ripoff of Slap Shot and Major League. They were all about an owner who was sabotaging their team but the coaches and pkauers rally to defeat them. The only difference is those other movies were actually funny and way better.
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Snake Eyes (2021)
way to ruin a awesome franchise
1 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is near criminal how badly hollywood has mangled the GI Joe franchise. The movies were giant dumpster fires but Snake Eyes takes the cake.

First i was a huge fan of GI Joe growing up. The comics and cartoons were extremelly well written with storylines well betomd what you would expect from kids tous. I always thought that in the right hands, they would make awesome movies or series. Well i should dream on. This to me ia not Snake Eyes, its some other story.

Getting back to this pile of garbage. First of all, it is ovviois that this story existed and they tacked on thw gi joe label. They totally nuked Snake Eyes back story and not fir the better. In fact themovie has huge plot issues and makes no sense. Why jot just make minor tweaks to the existing story that is a million times bettee? Its like theyre trying to offend fans. The tacked on Scarlet is annoying and unnecessary. The mid credit scene is unnecessary and offensive. It was quite obvious that it was. Storm Shadiw and he would joim Cobra. We did not need it spelled out.

The movie itself, even ignoring the gi joe aspect, is overly long and boring. Even the fight scenes seemed to drag on. The only positive i could see was the casting director dis a great job. I thought Scarlet, Baroness, and Storm Shadow were what i waoild expect in q movie of GI Joe.

Movie is trash, hard avoid.
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Come True (2020)
had potential but crash lands
18 April 2022
This movie started out great. If you had asked me to rate it half way though, i would have rated it in the 8 range. Second half of the movie gets boring and in a few points kind of silly. Its one of those movies too where the ending negates what happened in the movie and makes it frustrating. And as others have said, nothing overtly scary happens (some scary images but it goes no where) so i wouldnt even consider it horror, it is definitely more sci fi.

It is not horrible but barely worth the watch.
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Don't waste your time
2 July 2021
Completely unenjoyable trash. I loved the first Wonder Woman but this was an utter disaster. About the only good parts are the first 10 min where WW is a child and the Lynda Carter cameo. None of the rest made sense, villains were awful, action scenes were subpar and infrequent. The movie gets downright silly over the last hour, could barely ride this train wreck out. I don't know how this was the final product, felt like they were trying to flip off their viewers.
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Good if you ignore plot
2 July 2021
Acting and action was great. Plot has some serious holes that you could drive semis through. But if you can set aside plot issues, it is a fun action movie.
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