7 Reviews
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Mayans M.C.: The House of Death Floats By (2021)
Season 3, Episode 9
What an Episode
8 May 2021
Credit to the writer on this one. It was a deep and sad story for this episode. Best episode done yet. Can not wait for the final! There is going to be blood.
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Fear the Walking Dead: The Holding (2021)
Season 6, Episode 11
Some people can't review
8 May 2021
How people give this episode a 1 or 2 star rating is beyond me. Some people can't review. If you didn't like the writing that's fine. The actors did great and screenplay was great. Give a fair review of a 6 or something.

Anyways one of the best episode so far. Good to see Alicia back. Good to see how these new villains operate.
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The Walking Dead: Splinter (2021)
Season 10, Episode 20
People forget these are COVID episodes
20 March 2021
I don't understand the hate on this episode. These are bonus episodes and are restricted. We found out a bit about princess and her back story. Although it's not action packed they are getting these stories out of the way for season 11. Yea it was weird and didn't make much difference to the story but it's better then nothing.
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Monster Hunter or Hunted by Monsters
5 March 2021
First off I will start by saying I have never played the game.

The film does not represent what the title says. They were in survival mode and being hunted 90% of the film. So I was personally mislead by the title. Maybe I should have played the video game first.

The acting was good. The screen play was good. I did like the action scenes but was very choppy. I just wish for once a character realised that there guns are no good and didn't keep shooting for 10 minutes wondering why it isn't working.

Please ignore the 1 and 2 star ratings as these people have no idea how to rate a film. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it's deserving of 1 star. A lot of work has been put into the film and the actors deserve more credit.

The film is in the 5 to 7 range. A good enough entertaining film. They set it up for a second instalment but I feel we won't get it. It's not an amazing film and the cost will outweigh to justify.
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Fear of Rain (2021)
Good writing or Bad Writing?
5 March 2021
Fear of rain left me confused about the writing. It was both good and bad at the same time. In parts of the film it left you unsure and guessing which is great writing but overall the film went on way to long.

The film which was almost 2 hrs long told more of a story about Rain the what the plot suggested. It was extremely dragged out. The film had no suspense.

There is not much more to say apart from it was a boring film. The acting was good and Madison (Rain) did a good job. So credit where credit is due.
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Snowpiercer: Many Miles from Snowpiercer (2021)
Season 2, Episode 6
Best Episode Yet
3 March 2021
So far season 2 is a lot better then the first. This episode was a much needed episode to explain how Wilford was left behind. The writing for this episode was brilliant and the end leads up to what looks to be an action packed last few episodes.
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Wrong Turn (2021)
I will try not have spoilers.
1 March 2021
First off I am a sucker for these films. For me they never get to old. Even so for this remake. But I was some what disappointed but only because I love the Wrong Turn franchise. It is nothing the the previous films.

There are hillbillies but not as you would think if you have seen the original. The acting is not the best at times but good for a B grade film. The writing was very frustrating.

Overall for a B grade film I gave it a 7. The acting I can deal with but not the bad writing.
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