
5 Reviews
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Terrible show. Keeps repeating itself
17 November 2023
This documentary was terrible, it constantly repeats itself. It was two episodes and really could have been 20 minutes long.

You feel like giving up continually.

It's not until the very end that it starts to shed new light.

Now I'm going to do what it has done and repeat myself continually.

This documentary was terrible, it constantly repeats itself. It was two episodes and really could have been 20 minutes long.

You feel like giving up continually.

It's not until the very end that it starts to shed new light.

This documentary was terrible, it constantly repeats itself. It was two episodes and really could have been 20 minutes long.

You feel like giving up continually.

It's not until the very end that it starts to shed new light.

This documentary was terrible, it constantly repeats itself. It was two episodes and really could have been 20 minutes long.

You feel like giving up continually.

It's not until the very end that it starts to shed new light.
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A pile of rubbish
18 September 2022
The zombies are kinda cool and well animated.

The acting from the humans is terrible ! Some of these actors better have other jobs. Especially the helicopter pilot. Tig Navro, who did she pay to get in this movie? She really should get a refund on any acting classes she may have taken and her one liners are pure cringe.

It's a pity really as the screenplay in parts is very good, it's just that the film is so disjointed. I was rooting for the alpha zombie most of the way through this film.

Also it's a very long film, if they cut out a-lot of the chaff and some of the actors, focussed just on a storyline about the zombies, it could have been worth the watch.

My advice, don't waist your time. Go to bed early or have a nap instead!!
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1883 (2021–2022)
Love life of a young blonde meandering the American plains
16 February 2022
The love life of a young blonde as she meanders across the great American plains dating everyone in site.

This series had potential and is very watchable for the cinematography, but is very poorly executed.

Instead of focusing on the hard and harsh realities of crossing the American plains during the late 1800's it focuses on a young teens love life.

The series is narrated by this same teen and frankly it laughable at times.
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Liam Neeson ruins it
9 October 2021
Liam Neeson and his portrayal of McArthur turn what could have been a great movie into a decent movie.
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Greenland (2020)
Don't expect too much!
9 June 2021
Don't expect too much from this movie and you'll enjoy this movie just fine. Ignore the ridiculous!
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