
10 Reviews
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Mixtape (II) (2021)
Awful in every sense of the word
17 December 2021
I had a very long day and just wanted to watch a nice movie that I didn't have to think too hard about. It's not hard to think about but that is the only redeeming thing i can say about this movie. I hated the acting (I know they're children but it felt so unbelievably forced). All of the dialogue was written like a "motivational" Pinterest post. The main girls entire personality resided it the fact that she was an orphan and wanted to know EVERYTHING about her dead parents. I get it, being an orphan is not easy but it got to the point where I was rolling my eyes whenever she said it solely because she talked about it way too much. The main character is a jerk to her friends and for some reason they still want to be friends with her. Overall, I would say skip this movie because it got really frustrating really fast.
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Decent movie but way too long
24 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start off with saying that I am someone who hasn't read the book or seen the original so my review is solely based off of the movie itself. Take it with a grain of salt. Overall, my favorite part of this movie has got to be the costume design! I really enjoyed every costume and thought everything fit the setting and scenes perfectly. However I am a little upset that the trailers made it seem like Zendaya would be a lot more of an involved character. Through the entire movie the MC Paul only has visions of her (exact same clips seen in the trailer) that really don't contribute to the story. I am struggling to see why this movie needed to be so long because I found myself asking at the end what actually happened. The only significant events were showing up, visions, and dad and duncan dying. I wished that the prophecy was better explained because as someone who has not read the book i found it confusing (especially towards the end) as to what exactly the prophet should or shouldn't be doing. AND THE WORST THING IS THAT THIS MOVIE IS A PART 1. I was so angry when the movie started playing and I realized that this movie was so long and that we would have no resolution at the end. (On to things I enjoyed) I thoroughly enjoyed the settings and the CGI. It was easy to feel like you were there living the action with everyone else. The villain scenes were super creepy and I hate them so job well done with that. The music was absolutely perfect the entire movie and I particularly loved the drums that played when Paul and his mom were walking down that long hallway to the spacecraft. In conclusion, you should go see this movie and it is worth the price of admission. While there are some things that I have issues with I am glad I saw it and am excited to see part 2 hopefully very soon.
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A Harvest Wedding (2017 TV Movie)
10 October 2021
I had ice cream, I was lonely, it was good enough.
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South Beach Love (2021 TV Movie)
Average Hallmark But Not a Favorite
10 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Was really excited to watch this movie because I had been seeing the trailers for weeks. I usually love Taylor and Cole and was excited to see a new male lead. Unfortunately, this movie fell a little flat for me. I didn't see a lot of chemistry between Cole and Levy and thought the scenes felt a little forced. Their restaurant idea was in my opinion a little stupid because Miami's population of Irish people is only 1% so their restaurant was a fusion that no one asked for, and it just doesn't sound appetizing. The quince plot line was semi interesting but the drama didn't last long nor hold my attention. Overall, a alright movie but not worth a saturday night watch.
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Raise a Glass to Love (2021 TV Movie)
Pretty good!
21 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love anything Hallmark and was excited to record and watch this movie. I think that they did a good job casting the male lead and he was able to deliver his lines a lot more naturally than other male actors. Laura Osnes hasn't been in a bunch of Hallmark movies but I enjoyed her acting in this one. The only thing I would criticize is the boyfriend (just a jerk but when is the boyfriend not), and parts of the storyline. I think that the two leads had good chemistry but there wasn't enough moments between them to make you want them to live together and own a business. Overall though, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and if you like Hallmarks it is definitely worth a watch.
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A bad installment in a bad trilogy
17 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched all of the movies in this trilogy and i can say with 100% certainty that this movie was the worst. The first was bad, the second was ok, but this one was completely atrocious. The first half was flat out boring and could've been summed up in 20 min. All of the characters from the first movie were so unlikeable so it's hard to be happy for them when I've hated them this whole time. I understood the "plot twist" the writers were trying to do but I really didn't want Nick to be the villain. The villain was more likable than the main character in all honesty. The second movie really plays no part in the curse, which almost renders it pointless, but it was the best of all three. Overall, these movies are very confused about the story they are trying to get to/ convey and don't know what the strengths and weaknesses are. If you are going to watch this trilogy- don't. Just watch the second one and ignore the first and third movie. You'll be happier that way.
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Better than the first but still not great
10 July 2021
This movie was SO much better than the first. The first felt very confused about what story it was trying to tell, the weird "nostalgia", and awful characters. This movie had much better acting and characters that you could root for . I did like the characters and thought they were written much better, and I really did feel sad at some characters deaths (which is more than I can say for the first movie). However, one issue I had with this movie was how confusing it was to be told in reverse. I felt a bit underwhelmed at some of the scenes because I knew what was going to happen. I also am dissatisfied that the first movies plot is being dragged in with this one. Although, I am too deep into watching these movies and am excited to see 1666.
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Insult to the 90s
4 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was bad for many reasons but mainly the "90s vibe" they failed at creating, awful music, and very unlikeable leads. The entire time my friend and I were basically screaming at the screen that we didn't care about the plot they were trying so hard to make us like. The leads were almost unbearable to watch because none of them had any redeemable qualities and were flat out annoying. The only ones mildly likable were Simon and Josh (sometimes Kate) but they spent the whole time trying to save Sam and died in the process. Overall bad movie, only watch if you plan to watch the whole trilogy.
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Getting teeth pulled is more enjoyable that this movie
21 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
SOO many obvious issues with this movie. "Actual footage" scenes were an joke and completely and utterly awful. I can't believe that there are ANY positive reviews for this. The lighting and cinematography is unprofessional and laughable. It kinda feels like watching a SNL "Ghost Adventures" skit. The narration was atrocious, done by the main "investigator," who tries way too hard to be like Zak Bagans. The ending made no sense and I'm over the "investigators" kindly asking the ghost to leave. It obviously isn't going to work and has never worked in the history of documentaries but at the end they act like it worked. If the family really only had to say "Hey man, can you leave us alone" what was the need for the investigators- thats essentially all they contributed. This documentary was a complete embarrassment to all of the entertainment industry.
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Flip That Romance (2019 TV Movie)
It was ok..
19 May 2021
It was fairly average for a hallmark but definitely not one of my favorites. The main female lead (Jules) got annoying after a little bit. It really bothered me that she got so upset about him paying for the painting when she paid for the flooring. I didn't really like any of their final designs either. If you like hallmarks then it's not a bad movie, just wasn't one of my personal favorites.
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